Chapter 830 The Lost Ba Snake Clan Is A Trap Of The Human Race Gods

“Although I don’t want to speculate like this, it’s probably a fact, a fact is a fact, it doesn’t mean we don’t want to believe it, it means it didn’t happen.”

The legendary Ba Snake said helplessly.

Hearing this, the rest of the snakes were silent, and they were all very smart creatures, so they naturally understood this truth, even if they didn’t want to believe it, the fact had already happened.

Then the most important thing next is actually how to solve the next problem.

“To be honest, in fact, I have had an ominous premonition for a long time. Try to imagine that this planet has a god’s existence. If such a existence wants to block the news, will our methods still be useful?”

Another snake said in a deep voice, it swept across many of its companions.

“What do you mean by that?”

Numerous Ba Snakes were stunned, they seemed to have thought of something, but they still couldn’t believe it.

“It means literally.”

The legendary Ba Snake continued: “I believe you also understand that the gods of this planet don’t care whether we pass the news or not, no, or the other party deliberately let us pass the news, or even deliberately let us. The gods in the clan came here, and the purpose was to hunt down the gods who went to Xuanhuangxing.”


As soon as these words came out, the hairs of many legendary Ba snakes stood up, and they felt that Xuan Huang Xing was no longer a treasure, but a huge trap, a trap designed to hunt gods.

The thought of this place made them shudder and tremble.

“No way, it’s just the gods of the human race. How can they come to hunt and kill the gods of the heavens and the world? Why do they have such courage, and why do they have such skills?”

These legendary snakes simply can’t believe such a ridiculous thing, they feel that the weak human race does not have the courage, nor the strength.

“Stupid, whoever told you that the human race must be weak.

The legendary Ba Snake sneered: “The reason why we think the human race is weak is because many of the humans we have seen are extremely weak and are not our opponents at all.

The question is, are the human beings we have seen really all human beings? Isn’t there some human beings that are quite powerful and not weaker than our mythical beast race?

And even if it was very weak at the beginning, but then it rose rapidly and finally became a powerful race, is it impossible for the Human Race to be one of them?”


Many legendary Bashes are speechless, and they are also speechless. After all, what the other party said is too correct, no one can judge that this race is weak, and it will definitely become weaker in the future.

Among the heavens and the world, there used to be many weak races, and then the salted fish turned around and suddenly became a powerful race in the universe, occupying a huge territory.

Even the former Ba Snake clan actually had weak times.

“In short, the fall of three gods from my Ba Snake clan this time is enough to prove the horror of the human race. It is definitely not the weak race we imagined. The other party may be an extremely terrifying beast that will devour the enemy at any time.

The legendary Ba Snake’s face was very serious.

“If that’s the case, should we remind people of other races not to send their gods over, lest they follow in our footsteps?”

A legendary snake couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

“Stupid, tell this matter, are you trying to kill the Ba Snake family?”

Another legendary Ba She scolded: “Our Ba Snake family has lost three gods, and there is a higher god, if this news spreads, what will other races think of us.

Don’t look at the fact that our Ba Snake clan seems to have many alliances, but once they find out that our Ba Snake clan has declined, they will never show mercy, and they will definitely fall into the trap and annex our Ba Snake clan by the way.

The alliance alone will think so, if it is the enemy of our Ba Snake clan, then what will they think? Maybe they will immediately launch an attack on our Ba Snake clan.

To tell you the truth, this news must not be passed on. Except for the high-level Ba Snake clan, no one else can know this news, otherwise it will be a disaster for our Ba Snake clan. ”


Many legendary Ba Snakes clenched their fists and their hairs stood up. They had no idea that it was just an action of the vanguard, and it actually caused the crisis of the demise of the Ba Snake family.

If they had known this earlier, they would never have dared to send the vanguard to the Xuanhuang Star, but it had already happened, and it was too late to say anything.

But it will be so.

Now that the Ba Snake has lost all three gods, it is an irreparable loss for the Ba Snake family, and they don’t know how many years it will take to make up for it.

“And our Ba Snake clan only found out about the horror of Xuanhuangxing after three gods died. Other races want to get news from us without paying any price. Isn’t this nonsense?”

The legendary Ba Snake continued: “To be honest, now we’d better not do anything, wait and see what happens, and let other races send gods over to compete with the human gods of Xuanhuangxing.

It is really unfair that the gods of our Ba Snake family have fallen, and let other races also die some gods, in order to maintain the balance between each other.

Its tone exudes a sinister aura, murderous.


The other legendary Ba Snakes couldn’t help but nod their heads. Their Ba Snake clan couldn’t restore their original gods’ combat power within a short period of time, so the way to maintain the balance of power was naturally to let the gods of other races also fall.

In this way, everyone’s strength is weakened, and naturally other races will not be themselves, this is also a safe method to protect the Ba Snake family.

“By the way, the elders in the clan should also know about this matter, what are their orders now?

You Ba Snake asked.

After all, they can’t invade Xuanhuang Star in a short period of time now, and there will be no reinforcements arriving in a short period of time, so they feel extremely diffuse for a while, and they don’t know what to do.

“The elder has already passed the order back, the Ba Snake family will not send any reinforcements in a short period of time, so we need to continue to lurk in the Xuanhuang Star, constantly search for the information of the Xuanhuang Star, and find out the true strength of the Xuanhuang Star Human Race, so as to facilitate the Ba Snake. The family’s countermeasures against Xuanhuangxing in the future.

The legendary Ba Snake said in a deep voice, saying that they would still be lurking in the Xuanhuang Star and continue to collect information.

“Yes, chief.

Many legendary snakes couldn’t help but nod their heads. They also knew that their only role now was to stay in Xuanhuangxing to collect information about this world and this race.

Of course, they also know that this planet is becoming more and more terrifying. If they are noticed by the gods of the human race, they will surely die, but they are also ready to sacrifice for the Ba Snake family.

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