Chapter 846 Infuriating the ancient gods, the strongest nuclear bomb in human history

Xuanhuangxing, Fengcheng Lihai Peninsula villa area.

At this moment, Xia Chuan is silently comprehending various messages from the Book of Wisdom, and he suddenly understands what has happened in the miniature world in the past few decades.

In short, the development of the micro world is still extremely smooth, and the overall strength has risen to a new level.


Suddenly, Xia Chuan’s hair stood up, and he felt a mysterious force attacking him in the depths of the distant time and space. The speed was unbelievable, and it was full of destructive power.


At this moment, the ancient bronze gate on his body suddenly appeared, blocking him in an instant, and a huge portal was erected in the depths of the void.

Immediately, this force was blocked in an instant, unable to hurt him at all.

“Who is attacking me?”

Xia Chuan’s eyes showed a hint of coldness. He never imagined that he had reached this level. He had never revealed his true body in front of many people, and not many people knew his true identity.

But all his enemies were basically killed by him, but there are still enemies who intend to deal with him, and even find his position precisely, it is really unbelievable.

“Master, this attack is from the miniature world. If I guess correctly, this power comes from the wishing pool of the world item. Someone is using the power of this world item to attack the master.”

The Book of Wisdom immediately said, it sensed the residual information in the depths of time and space, and at the same time, through the line of cause and effect, it instantly traced the true identity of the person who shot it.

“World Item Wishing Pool? Who is holding this world item?”

Xia Chuan asked.

“The country of time, the target’s location is in the country of time. It is estimated that the country of time at this moment also knows our existence, so it began to try to attack us. The attack just now may be a temptation for the master.

The Book of Wisdom already knew what the enemy was.

“Is it a person from the Land of Time? Before, I didn’t have time to pay attention to these lingering fellows, but now I dare to take the initiative to deal with me, I’m just asking for my own death, since these people want to die, then let them be fulfilled.”

Xia Chuan was filled with murderous aura.

For this kind of enemy who dares to take the initiative to attack his own, he can’t be merciful. This is to challenge the majesty of the gods and violate the taboos of gods, which cannot be tolerated.

Originally, he wanted to slowly deal with the people from the Kingdom of Time. If the people from the Kingdom of Time were knowledgeable, he would hand over the world items on his body, so that he could still survive.

But looking at it now, there is no need for it at all, let’s not say whether this group of people is willing to surrender, now even if this group of people is willing to surrender, it is too late.

Since this group of people launched the beginning of the war, it is not up to them to decide when it will end.

“Does the master want to kill them personally? After all, ordinary power can’t do anything to them. According to the information, these people are old antiques of hundreds of millions of years ago. The realm of awakening is completely different from the previous enemies.”

The Book of Wisdom.

There is no doubt that this group of old antiques of the kingdom of time is the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator in the miniature world. Without Xia Chuan’s presence, the rest of the world would have no hope of overthrowing the rule of the kingdom of time.

A random world prop holder appears, and it can overturn the entire world, making life utterly devastated, leaving ten rooms and nine empty.

Moreover, these old antiques are not creatures that ordinary weapons can kill. Like the various methods used by Xia Chuan in the miniature world before, they can’t help them at all.

“Normal weapons can’t kill them naturally, but if it is Xuan Huangxing’s most tyrannical technological weapon nuclear bomb, even if one nuclear bomb is not enough, ten nuclear bombs, a hundred nuclear bombs, can definitely send them to the west.”

Xia Chuan’s eyes showed a hint of coldness.

He had never used the power of nuclear bombs before, because the damage caused by nuclear bombs in the miniature world was too great. A single nuclear bomb could destroy a continent and cause countless casualties.

But it’s different now.

Since the Land of Time is located in the deepest part of the North Sea, this sea area, apart from the Land of Time, has no other countries and continents, and belongs to an isolated overseas enclave.

Even if a nuclear bomb explodes in this place, it will not harm innocent people.

More importantly, the group of people in the Land of Time is indeed quite powerful. Except for the nuclear bomb that can kill them, it is almost impossible for other military weapons to kill them.

Of course, if nuclear bombs couldn’t kill them, it wouldn’t be too late for him to do it himself.

ask for flowers…

“Master actually wants to use a nuclear bomb?”

The Book of Wisdom was stunned for a while when it heard these words, but it also knew that although the nuclear bomb could not deal with the legendary powerhouse in Xuanhuangxing, if it was a human being in the miniature world, it would be completely different.

Due to the fact that the size is too small, even if it is a saint-level existence, facing a terrifying bomb such as a nuclear bomb, it is still unstoppable and will be destroyed in an instant.

No way, that’s the difference between destructive power.

If you really drop several nuclear bombs, you can absolutely flatten the entire country of time. Even if the opponent can really resist, even if they don’t die, it is estimated that they will be completely damaged.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no need for the master to do it himself.


After all, as an ancient god, naturally, he could not appear in front of the world casually, so as to ensure the sense of mystery in front of believers, and to generate faith and awe.

However, if even a nuclear bomb can’t deal with them, it’s not too late for the master to take action.

“That’s right, it happens that there are a lot of nuclear bombs left in the North Bear Country, so it’s just a waste to use it.”

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Although the North Bear Country perished due to the invasion of otherworldly creatures, and there were no human beings in the entire North Bear Country’s territory, the various military weapons left by them still exist and were obtained by him.

You must know that the North Bear Country was once one of the most powerful nuclear powers in the Xuanhuang Star, possessing tens of thousands of nuclear bombs, of which the most powerful nuclear bomb was hidden in the North Bear Country’s military base.

This nuke is what they call the Tsar Bomb!

The Tsar Bomb is also the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated in human history. Its explosive yield was originally equivalent to 100 million tons of TNT explosives. However, the authorities of the North Bear Country are worried that the nuclear dust after the test will have a serious impact on the environment and will lead to internal affairs. Difficulties and diplomatic turmoil, so the nuclear bomb was halved to 50 million tons of explosive power.

Despite being cut in half, the Tsar Bomb is still 3,800 times more powerful than the Little Boy atomic bomb and 2,300 times more powerful than the Fat Man atomic bomb dropped on Sakura at the end of World War II.

Although the North Bear Country successfully completed the test explosion, the Tsar Bomb has never been listed as a weapon in active service. sentence,

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