Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 948 The evolution of the Chaos Kingdom, swallowing the endless energy of faith

But it's different now.

Due to the power of Xia Chuan, the pinnacle race of the human race, the Xuanhuang, was created, and the bloodline of chaos was created. The power of this bloodline stands above countless bloodlines.

It can be said that the bloodline of chaos can assimilate all bloodlines, and it can be called the supreme bloodline.

Once the creatures of other races are contaminated with the Xuanhuang bloodline, they will be assimilated immediately, forcibly transformed into human form, and transformed into subhuman races.

In this way, as the strength and power of the Xuanhuang people continue to increase, the number of demi-human races will also increase.

At that time, maybe in the entire universe, countless races will be proud of their transformation into a human form, and only by transforming into a human form can they have the strongest power.

Perhaps he has completely changed the life form of the entire universe with his own power.

"It can only be said that it is the chaotic bloodline created by the master. Even the top bloodline in the universe is not comparable to the chaotic bloodline. This chaotic bloodline can assimilate all living beings, because it includes all the laws of the universe. The origin of the bloodline is only the assimilation of the chaotic bloodline with other bloodlines, and it is absolutely impossible for other bloodlines to assimilate the chaotic bloodline."

The Book of Wisdom said with great emotion.

It can be said that from the moment the chaotic bloodline was born, it was destined that this bloodline must be the supreme bloodline, the ultimate bloodline that would stand above countless bloodlines.

"This is a good thing, continue to promote it, it is best to transform the races of the entire universe into human races.

Xia Chuan touched her chin, feeling very excited.

If this thing is really successful, then all the creatures in the universe will be descendants of their own blood.

"Yes Master."

The Book of Wisdom nodded, even if Xia Chuan didn't say anything about it, the Xuanhuang clan would continue to do it like this. After all, they are not of our race, their hearts must be different, and alien races may rebel at any time.

But if the aliens are transformed into human races, then there is not much possibility of betrayal.

Undoubtedly, whenever the Xuanhuang Clan occupied a world, they would transform all the alien creatures in this world into demihumans, and completely assimilate the alien creatures in the entire universe.

This is the unique assimilation power of the Xuanhuang people.

At the beginning, maybe these alien races will resist, but as time goes by, these alien race creatures will accept their own bloodline changes sooner or later.

"I didn't expect to increase so many believers. It seems that getting so much faith energy can definitely make the chaotic divine power in my body go further.

Xia Chuan was very excited.

rumbling ∼∼

In an instant, the belief energy that was originally stored in the depths of the book of wisdom suddenly poured out, which was like an ocean of belief energy.

There is no end to such a golden ocean, and no one knows how huge this belief energy is, it has reached an unimaginable level.

You must know that this is a total of three gigabytes of Xuanhuang human beings, as well as countless ordinary human beings, as well as the belief energy contributed by demi-human races, which has accumulated for more than 4,000 years.

I am afraid that even the top gods have accumulated tens of millions of years of belief energy, not as much as they are now.

After all, the speed of Xia Chuan's transformation into believers is too fast.

If they were ordinary gods, they would not be able to find countless worlds to conquer like Xia Chuan.

Because there is no space-time ball of cosmic wonders, just to span the endless space-time, it will take a lot of time for the gods, no gods are so stupid and waste time in the process of searching for lower worlds.

Under normal circumstances, these gods are comprehending the law and improving their understanding of the law. Where would they be like Xia Chuan, looking for the world to conquer everywhere.

Therefore, the speed of the increase of believers, Xia Chuan is definitely the top among many gods, even the existence of the main god level cannot compare to Xia Chuan.

With the help of the power of the space-time ball of the cosmic wonder, Xia Chuan saves a lot of time to find the world, and with the help of the power of the world's props, the Temple of Incense, he can quickly transform the believers.

In any case, magic weapons like the Incense Fire Temple that can easily transform believers are extremely rare in the entire universe, almost unique.

Many gods rely on their own believers to preach, but this will lead to low missionary efficiency, and I don't know how much time it takes to cultivate a large number of devout believers.

Under the superposition of various favorable factors, Xia Chuan has accumulated a huge amount of belief energy in just a few thousand years, even if it is a top god.


In the next second, Xia Chuan's heart moved, and the huge golden belief energy was like a flood, quickly submerging into the kingdom of God within his body, and was swallowed by his kingdom of chaos.

I saw that the Kingdom of Chaos was like a black hole. No matter how much energy poured in, it was all accepted. It seemed that no matter how much energy, it couldn't satisfy its appetite.

He perceives that every cell in his body is like a greedy gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttony, devours wisps of golden belief energy, this also makes the cell energy in his body further evolve.


In an instant, he sensed that the Chaos Divine Kingdom in his body had evolved, and the entire Chaos space was expanding wildly, expanding, and constantly expanding.

In fact, he was already mentally prepared for such a thing.

Previously, Xia Chuan devoured a large amount of divine crystals, thus making the chaotic divine power in his body promoted from the second-order god to the fourth-order god.

To know 767, at the beginning, the diameter of the Chaos Divine Kingdom in his body reached 100,000 light-years, but this is only the area at the beginning, not the final area of ​​the Divine Kingdom in his body.

When the divine power in his body was promoted to the level of a fourth-order god, the diameter of the Chaos Divine Kingdom had expanded to a diameter of ten million light-years, a full hundredfold increase.

And now, it has swallowed up a huge amount of faith energy, and it has also fully evolved his Chaos Kingdom.

"Sure enough, the Chaos God Kingdom at the beginning was just the initial state. With the continuous growth of the Chaos God Power in my body, the Chaos God Kingdom is also growing at an alarming rate."

Xia Chuan was very excited.

He was surprised to find that after the huge golden faith energy was integrated into the Chaos Kingdom, it was not just as simple as expanding the inner space of the Chaos Kingdom.

More importantly, these energies were integrated into the Chaos Divine Kingdom, and were actually transformed into the most basic substances, and began to condense planets, or pieces of land floating in a vacuum.

Or a piece of huge meteorite and so on.

In short, the originally extremely empty world of the Chaos Kingdom of God, due to the filling of belief energy, has resulted in the birth of a large number of life planets in this space.

This also allows the interior of the Chaos Kingdom to accommodate more life.

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