Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 955 The ultimate creature created by the world prop holder, many holy beasts

"The holy beast Hydra is indeed powerful, and its ability to be immortal is unbelievable, but compared with the holy beast of the magic saint Gu Beicheng's colorful magic butterfly, it is nothing."

Another netizen jumped out. He felt that the sacred beast, the colorful butterfly, was the strongest spiritual pet and had the potential to win the championship. The other sacred beasts were nothing more than that, and they were not worth mentioning at all.

"Sacred Beast Seven-colored Illusory Butterfly? It is said that the Seven-colored Illusory Butterfly has mastered the ability to manipulate illusions, and can diffuse bursts of fragrance from its body, instantly turning an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers, or even millions of kilometers into an illusion world, and its body The creatures in the illusion world cannot distinguish between reality and virtuality at all.""

Someone was suddenly taken aback: "It is said that the magic saint Gu Beicheng once used the power of the sacred beast, the colorful magic butterfly, to instantly kill hundreds of saints and successfully capture a sixth-level world. 39

He clearly remembered the power of the sacred beast, the seven-colored phantom butterfly, and once made a great contribution.

"Haha, it seems that you also know something about Colorful Illusion Butterfly."

The netizen laughed: "That's right, the sacred beast Seven-colored Illusionary Butterfly has the ability to control illusions, no matter how powerful you are, it is still not worth mentioning in the face of illusions.

Those holy beasts such as aurora birds and hydras, in front of the colorful phantom butterfly, I am afraid that they will be recruited in an instant, and they will completely fall into the illusion world, and 783 can't extricate themselves.

Even the colorful phantom butterflies do not need to take action, standing directly on the spot, can make these holy beasts surrender, or even commit suicide, illusion is the eternal magic skill. "

His face was filled with a frenzied look, and he felt that the Seven-Colored Illusionary Butterfly was the strongest holy beast.

"Hehe, it is undeniable that the ability of the sacred beast Seven-Colored Illusionary Butterfly is indeed tyrannical, but the sacred beast Yin-Yang Pufferfish is the most terrifying existence, it can manipulate hundreds of millions of toxins in the world, and any toxin can cause all beings to die.

Once upon a time, a drop of toxin on its body fell into a large lake, and as a result, all living beings in a radius of thousands of miles were poisoned to death, leaving no armor.

No matter how powerful the illusion is, if it encounters the poison of the Yin-Yang Pufferfish, it is afraid that it will be poisoned to death in a single encounter, and it is impossible to approach the side of the divine beast Yin-Yang Pufferfish.

"Stupid, the holy beast, the death crow, is the strongest spiritual pet. It masters the power of death, and with a little scream, the souls of creatures in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles will be swallowed up, and all the breath of life will disappear.

Wherever the death crow of the holy beast arrives, it is a purgatory in the world, with countless casualties. Because the lethality of the death crow is too terrifying and harms the sky, it is rarely dispatched.

But if you encounter a stubborn world, the death crow of the holy beast will kill any enemy, and the death crow is the pinnacle of our Tang world. "

"In terms of lethality, who can compare to the holy beast black hole worm, this is a magical creature that lives in a black hole, and can easily create a black hole.

Even with the power of the child and mother river water, it is still an extremely difficult thing to breed a large number of black hole worms, because their growth cycle is very long.

The holy beast black hole bug can manipulate the black hole at will. Once the power of the black hole is used, I am afraid that even a world may be swallowed up by the power of the black hole. This is the real power to destroy the world. "

"These sacred beasts are indeed powerful, but if you encounter the causal sea turtle, which is the protector of the country in our Datang world, it is still not worth mentioning. It is said that this is a variant of the sea turtle that protects the country. Power.

Any attack that hits the Karma Turtle will be bounced back, and it will be returned to him in a human way, no matter what force can't hurt it.

The power of death, the power of virulence, the power of black holes, and what counts in front of the causal barrier, all of them will suffer the consequences of their own. 99

"Nima, I admit that our country-protecting beast of the Tang Dynasty, the Karma Turtle, is invincible in defense, but after we learned about its ability, we have been on guard for a long time, and who would attack it if it's okay.

As long as we use it as a mascot, it is enough, and the causal turtle is also prohibited from participating, because there is such a spirit pet participating, basically it is a draw, and there is no ornamental at all.

"In terms of destructive power, the holy beast, the sun bee, is even more powerful. It can give birth to hundreds of millions of sun bees. Each sun bee contains a planet-level power and can charge the enemy suicidal.

Each sun bee is a death squad, rushing directly to the enemy and detonating itself. The power of the explosion is comparable to the power of an asteroid explosion. The power is enough to destroy the sky and the earth. Who can resist the explosion of hundreds of millions of sun bees Blow up.

Many netizens are talking about it, they all have their own holy beasts, and they all think that these holy beasts have the possibility of reaching the top, and other holy beasts are not worth mentioning at all.

"There are so many magical animals?"

Xia Chuan was also a little surprised to see what these people were talking about. He didn't expect so many magical animals to appear in the world of the Tang Dynasty. It was simply incredible.

It is no wonder that the Book of Wisdom is surprised by the development of the Tang world. With the power of these magical animals, coupled with the many human beings in the Tang world, it can completely sweep through many worlds.

As long as there are no gods in that world, then these worlds are not worth mentioning at all.

"In fact, most of these magical animals exist in the Tang Dynasty itself.

The Book of Wisdom explained: "Of course, these magical animals are not naturally bred, but created by the owners of the world's props through their own abilities.

They originally lived in the islands of the Tang Dynasty, and most of them lived in the North Sea. Originally, they were only legendary creatures.

But since the unification of the Tang Dynasty, with the continuous expansion of human power, these magical animals have been exposed, and even wars have occurred with human beings.

Of course, these magical animals are naturally not the opponents of the Tang army, especially the Tang army can summon the projection of the gods, so these extraordinary creatures have been defeated and finally surrendered by humans.

Immediately afterwards, these special magical animals drank the water of the Zimu River and gave birth to a large number of offspring. After thousands of years of development, they have formed a huge ethnic group, coexisting with human beings. "

It briefly explained the origin of these magical animals, indicating that they are basically species from the Tang Dynasty, and they are the ultimate creatures created by those world prop holders.

"I didn't expect that there are so many terrifying creatures hidden in the world of Tang Dynasty. It is estimated that if it hadn't been suppressed by the kingdom of time, there would have been no human existence in this world. 99

Xia Chuan was very emotional.

It is no wonder that after so many years, before they appeared, the human beings in the Datang world were so miserable, their enemies were not only the holders of world props, but also those terrifying ultimate creatures.

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