Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 958 The greed of the Black Flame Alliance, the god-level formation covering this star field

At this moment, the star field near Datang World.

Whoosh whoosh!!!!

A huge teleportation formation appeared in an instant, followed by gods walking out of the void, each god exuding a powerful breath, shocking the surrounding void.

It seems that the void of hundreds of millions of kilometers is shaking and humming, as if this piece of time and space has stopped.

Obviously, this group of gods came from the existence of the Black Flame God Alliance.

"Wait, is that the Tang Dynasty world? How can it be so huge?"

"It's a huge world, at least ten light-years in length.""

"Is this still an ordinary world? What a joke.

Immediately, the gods saw the Datang world in front of them. It was an unbelievably huge world with a diameter of ten light-years.

To be honest, for the entire universe, a world with a diameter of ten light-years is extremely rare. It cannot be said that there are only a handful of them, but it is absolutely impossible to be seen everywhere.

Even in the territory ruled by the Black Flame Alliance, there is absolutely no world with a diameter of ten light years.

The moment the gods saw the world of the Tang Dynasty, they instantly understood why God King Hechen wanted to come to this world of the Tang Dynasty in person. There is no doubt that this world contains amazing secrets.

You must know that the larger the area of ​​the world, the more resources the world can nurture, the more people it can nurture, and the more gods can be born.

In fact, many gods are born in giant worlds, because this world has more resources, which means that the probability of birth of gods is higher, and it is definitely not comparable to small worlds.

"To be honest, I did receive some information, which showed that the Great Tang world is unusual, but I didn't expect the area of ​​the Great Tang world to be so huge, it's incredible.

God King Hechen was also taken aback.

Because in the information it got, it didn't say how big the Tang World was. The intelligence personnel showed that the Datang World was huge and boundless.

But as a mortal, you don't know anything, no matter what the world is boundless, so it doesn't take this kind of information seriously.

But now, the world that was ten light years away appeared in front of it, even if it was the king of gods, it was immediately startled.

Generally speaking, the controller of such a huge world must be the pinnacle god king, maybe even the god emperor.

"Haha, I posted it. I really posted it this time. Even if the gods behind this world don't have any treasures, just being able to control this world can bring us huge benefits."5

"Isn't it? And in such a huge world, there are no special treasures that have been bred, and few people will believe it. There must be treasures that make us all drool."

"Such a huge world can't be controlled by a new god at all. Now that it has been found by our Black Flame God Alliance, it's time for our Black Flame Gods to make a fortune."

"That's right, once the world is occupied, the power of our Black Flame Alliance will be greatly improved. The gods behind this Tang Dynasty must die."

"It's better to be careful. The gods who can control such a huge world are very powerful. We don't want to capsize. 33

"I'm afraid, now hundreds of our gods have come to this place, and even the deputy sect master Hechen God King, no matter how powerful the gods in this Tang world are, they can't escape our palms. 35

"That's right, and if the situation is really bad, we can immediately summon the gods of the entire Black Flame God Alliance to come over, and to kill 100,000 gods, I don't believe that the gods of the Great Tang world can resist.

The eyes of many gods showed fanatical expressions, and they were extremely excited. They seemed to have seen a huge gold mine, and could not wait to rush in to dig it immediately.

A super-giant world like this is indeed a huge gold mine in the entire universe.

Not to mention the various resources that may be contained in it, just the living creatures living in it can search for a large number of believers and beliefs.

"Let's do it, first set up a big formation, completely block this starry sky, I want to make it difficult for the gods of this Tang world to fly." God King Hechen was murderous.


In an instant, a large formation was set up in an instant, covering an area hundreds of light-years in radius, and endless cosmic energy surged in, as if it had turned into an energy storm.

God-level Great Array - Tianhe Chaos Array!

This is a god-level formation created by God King Hechen. Once it is arranged, it will mobilize the huge water system law, mobilize the endless water system energy, and form a terrifying void turbulence.

All living beings who stay in the great formation will be strangled by the endless stream of water, and there will be no bones left.

It can be said that it is as if a doomsday flood has occurred, submerging the entire world.

In an instant, the hairs of the many saints who stayed in the Tang Dynasty stood on end, and they also suddenly sensed a fatal crisis, and the situation outside was passed on in an instant.

In fact, around the world of Tang Dynasty, there have been long-awaited miss worms, and these miss worms can pass back all the images in the area where they are located.

Every missing worm is a super monitor, which can monitor the images of every place, and can also completely save such images.

"Enemies, there are enemies coming to attack the Tang Dynasty world."

In an instant, a saint who respected the Tang Dynasty immediately got the news, and all kinds of 783 alerts were sent back in an instant.

"What's the matter? What kind of enemy dares to attack my Tang World?"

"Don't you know how powerful I am in the Tang Dynasty? There are still enemies who dare to come to court for death?

"No no no, it's not an ordinary enemy, it's a god, a god-level powerhouse is attacking."

"How is it possible? How could there be gods attacking our Datang World? How did they find out where our Datang World is?"

"That's right, it's really weird. Obviously, in the world we entered before, there were no gods, and there were no traces of gods spreading beliefs. How did they provoke these gods?

"It's really weird, where did these gods come from? Why did they come to deal with us?

Many saints were simply unbelievable, and were instantly shocked by this news.

After all, for the Datang world, which has been peaceful for many years, the invasion of the enemy is already a legendary thing. After so many years, no enemy has ever invaded the Datang world.

Under normal circumstances, they invaded other worlds and occupied other worlds. It was the first time they encountered something like this, so everyone was extremely shocked.

There is no doubt that the current situation is definitely the most dangerous situation in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

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