Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 963 The wrath of the Black Flame God King must catch the murderer

At this moment, within the Black Flame Divine Alliance.

At the moment when God King Hechen and other gods died, the statues they left in the Black Flame God Alliance also shattered instantly, and almost all the gods felt this situation.

"What? God King Hechen and their idols are shattered, and they have already died violently?"

Many gods were shocked and couldn't believe the news they heard. Although the Black Flame Alliance had a hundred thousand gods, most of them were lower gods.

And God King Hechen is a seventh-order god, and can be regarded as an extremely powerful existence. Even in the entire Black Flame God Alliance, seventh-order gods are still a handful of existences.

Now that a seventh-order god has fallen, it is absolutely earth-shattering.

Not to mention, in addition to the God King Hechen, there are hundreds of gods who have fallen. For the Black Flame Alliance, this is definitely an incredible event and an unbearable loss.

"That's right, didn't they take on a task before, saying that they were going to deal with a new god? It seems that the god behind the Tang Dynasty, the incomparable labor and teacher, is now dead? 35

Many gods were instantly stunned, not knowing what was going on.

After all, the previous 10 gods such as the God King Hechen worked hard to move the crowd, and they dispatched hundreds of gods. This kind of action is relatively large in the Black Flame God Alliance, and it has attracted the attention of many gods.

Even many gods are still watching secretly, wondering why God King Hechen is so hard-working, and whether there are some amazing secrets hidden in the Great Tang world.

But they have not waited for them to investigate and understand the news. It is incredible that these gods who went to the Tang Dynasty actually sent back the news of their fall.

"That's right, I also know about this matter. At that time, God King Hechen personally took action, saying that he wanted the newly promoted god to have no power to fight back, saying that a lion would do his best to fight a rabbit, but he never did. Thinking that God King Hechen and other gods were so cautious, but they still fell, what happened?"

"I don't know, but there is no doubt that the gods behind this Tang world must be extremely terrifying. They are definitely god-king-level existences, and they can't be new gods. Otherwise, how could gods like Hechen and other gods fall."

"I'm absolutely sure that this so-called Tang World might be a trap. I deliberately spread some news to attract God King Hechen and other gods to go there, but they were caught in one go."

"Indeed, this kind of thing is not impossible. It is said that similar things have happened in the universe. Some evil gods deliberately created an ancient ruin, and put many treasures in it, attracting countless gods to go.

But this ancient ruin is actually just a trap. Those gods who went to the ruins were all strangled by the evil gods, leaving no armor and dying in a tragic state. 99

"Damn, could it be said that this Great Tang world was also a trap deliberately set up by the evil gods? Is the purpose just to kill the gods of our Black Flame Alliance?

"This matter is already clear at a glance, even the God King Hechen has fallen into the Great Tang world, saying that the Great Tang world is not a trap, but where is the trap.

"It's really abominable, which evil gods are so bold and dare to conspire against the gods of our Black Flame God Alliance, are you tired of living?"

Many gods were discussing and were extremely angry. They felt that this act of setting traps was clearly intended to be an enemy of the Black Flame Alliance, and to start a war with them.

But there are also gods who are very fortunate. Fortunately, they were not too greedy before, otherwise, if they follow along, they will definitely follow in the footsteps of God King Hechen.

At that time, they will also fall with them.

"Check, we must find out who is planning to plot against our Black Flame God Alliance. Once we find out who is the murderer, this king will definitely not forgive them. Even if we pay all the costs, they will be smashed into pieces."

At this moment, an angry shout spread to the entire palace, making many gods hear it clearly, filled with unparalleled divine might.

Immediately, a huge divine shadow appeared in front of the gods. It seemed that the moment the other party appeared, this piece of void was wrapped in endless black flames, burning nine heavens and ten places.

All gods can perceive the horror of these black flames, as if they are stained with a trace, they will burn their bodies and souls to ashes.

And the god who speaks is the leader of the Black Flame God Alliance, and he is also the lord of the Black Flame Kingdom. He is an eighth-order god, and his strength is terrifying.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Black Flame God King that the Black Flame God Alliance has expanded to the level it is today.

If even the Black Flame God King can't solve the problem, then the entire Divine Alliance can't solve it either.

"The leader, the leader of the alliance."

"I didn't expect this incident to alarm Lord Black Flame God King. 35

"Isn't this a matter of course? Even the deputy leader of the alliance, God King He Chen, died, it is impossible for the leader of the alliance to not take action.

"But since the gods who dare to take action against our Black Flame God Alliance, I'm afraid they may not be afraid of the leader of the alliance."

"Stupid, if the enemy is really that terrifying, just come to the headquarters of the Black Flame Alliance and start a killing spree, there is no need to resort to such conspiracies.

"That's right, it is precisely because of our lack of strength that we set up traps, hoping to weaken the power of our Black Flame Alliance. This action alone has proved that the enemy is weak, and it is definitely not as strong as imagined. .

"To be honest, which force in 783 is laying a trap, specifically targeting our Black Flame Alliance, do you have any suspects? Who the hell is so bold?"

"The forces that are enemies with our Black Flame God Alliance are not too many, but they are not too few, such as Chilei Kingdom, Sword Ice Kingdom, Baishui Kingdom, etc., they have all had hatred with our Black Flame God League, and they may be at any time. Fall into the hole."

"If there are so many enemies, which one is better to seek revenge?"

Many gods have expressed their opinions.

They have all been promoted to the realm of gods, and their wisdom is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. Even if it is just some clues, they can see a lot of things from it.

"To shut up.""

The Black Flame God King swept the crowd: "Don't make such fearless guesses, let's go to the Great Tang World first to see what's so great about this world, and even the God King Hechen is attracted to them.

Since the whole world is used as a trap, and the conspiracy is against my Black Flame Alliance, there is no doubt that there will be more clues left in this place, and the other party will have nothing to hide.

"Yes, Lord Black Flame God King.

Hearing this, many gods nodded in unison, obviously God King Heiyan wanted to send troops to the Tang Dynasty, completely occupy this place, and find the traces of the mastermind behind the scenes.

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