Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 973 Ninety thousand years of practice, the chaotic power of the eighth-order gods

Cultivation has no time.

In the blink of an eye, 90,000 years have passed by Xuan Huang Xing, and now it has been a hundred thousand years since the aura recovered.


Immediately, Xia Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, and rays of divine light burst out from the depths of his pupils, piercing through endless time and space, and seemed to have insight into the mysteries of many laws of the universe.

It seems that in the entire universe, not many things can hide from his eyes.

An unimaginable chaotic aura permeated from him, as if this space-time had turned into a chaotic space-time, and any laws had lost their effect in this space.

It can be said that when a wisp of chaotic aura descends, even if a high-ranking god approaches this place, they will be crushed by these chaotic auras, and even shattered to pieces.

Basically, the villa where he is located has formed an independent space, an absolute domain, and no force can invade this void.

The place where he is has turned into the Chaos God Realm.

This is the horror of the gods, even if it is an ordinary place, but if the gods stay for a long time, this place will also be contaminated with the breath of gods.

The original soil will be turned into divine soil, the original stone will be transformed into divine stone 10, the original water will also be transformed into divine water, etc. In short, all substances will be eroded by the power of the gods, completely changing the original material structure.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for mortals to combine with gods, and they are not the same species for a long time.

"How long has it been."

Xia Chuan asked,

His voice contained bursts of chaotic Dao sounds, as if three thousand laws were colliding with each other. If a certain god heard such chaotic Dao sounds, he might be touched, and he would immediately have an epiphany and realize many laws and messages.

It can be said that at this moment, his every move contains the power of the law of chaos, which is unfathomable, as if he himself is the embodiment of the law of the universe, the embodiment of Tao.

But now he has forgotten the passage of time, if it is not for the book of wisdom to help record the time, he has no idea how long it has passed.

In fact, this is the characteristic of the gods. Due to the lifespan of billions of years, the ordinary passage of time is completely unable to make him feel much.

Unless hundreds of millions of years of life have passed, he will feel more or less.

It seems that ordinary people have no sense of the passage of time every second, but it is just a tick. For the gods, tens of thousands of years may be just a tick of the second hand.

"Master, this time in retreat for a full 90,000 years, according to the time recorded by Xuan Huangxing, it is already 100,000 years after the recovery of spiritual energy.

The Book of Wisdom explains.

"What? This retreat took so long?"

Xia Chuan was suddenly taken aback. He didn't expect that this retreat would take so long. He had to know that it was 90,000 years. For such a long time, he didn't know how many dynasties had changed.

If it was the Earth in the previous life, the history of human beings recorded in writing is only thousands of years, and compared with the time of 100,000 years, it is simply not worth mentioning.

There is no doubt that now he is truly an antique.

"That's right, after all, after reaching the realm of the gods, the time of cultivation has become longer and longer. It is only a mere 90,000 years. It is estimated that it is similar to the several months of retreat and cultivation for ordinary saints.

The Book of Wisdom felt that this was a normal thing. It devoured the memories of many gods and knew the cultivation of many gods. What was a mere 90,000 years.

In order to comprehend the laws of the universe, many gods have been in seclusion for millions of years, or even tens of millions of years.

This is also the reason why there are so many gods in the micro-universe, but ordinary people still rarely see gods. After all, most gods are in a closed state and rarely come out to walk.

"However, it is worthwhile to retreat for so long. Now my chaotic power has been raised to the level of an eighth-order god. Xia Chuan squeezed his fist and was very excited.

He sensed that during this period of time, a large amount of cosmic spar from the miniature universe, as well as a huge amount of belief energy, made his chaotic supernatural power rise steadily.

Up to now, his cultivation has been upgraded to the level of an eighth-order god.

It should be known that before the retreat, his cultivation was only the level of a sixth-order god, but after 90,000 years of retreat, his cultivation had risen to the level of an eighth-order god.

To be honest, this is already an extremely astonishing speed of cultivation. There is no god in the universe whose cultivation speed is so fast. To reach this state in just tens of thousands of years is simply appalling.

However, this is all thanks to the harvest from the Black Flame Divine Alliance, which has swallowed ten medium-sized spar veins and consumed countless resources to improve his cultivation so quickly.

Without the support of these resources, it would probably take tens of millions of years to improve to such a state.

After all, the later stage of the God Realm, the greater the strength gap between them, the more energy they need, and the more resources they consume.

"The Chaos Kingdom in the body has also grown rapidly."

Xia Chuan's heart moved, and as the chaotic divine power in his body was raised to the level of an eighth-order god, the chaotic kingdom of gods in his body naturally increased accordingly.

Originally, the diameter of the Divine Kingdom in his body reached one billion light-years, but now, the space of the Chaos Divine Kingdom has grown rapidly, and it has expanded to a diameter of 10 billion light-years.


Compared with before, the diameter has increased by at least ten times.

To be honest, this is a divine kingdom in the body with a diameter of 10 billion light-years. From ancient times to the present, no divine kingdom in the body of any god can reach such an amazing size.

Even if it is the existence of the main god level, the kingdom of God in their bodies is not so huge.

To a certain extent, this is no longer as simple as the ordinary Divine Kingdom within the body. It should be called a small universe, with an area so huge that it scares people to death.

"Too huge.

Xia Chuan was very shocked. With a thought, his divine consciousness instantly swept the Chaos Kingdom in his body, and everything inside and outside the entire Chaos Kingdom was presented in detail.

He sensed that the kingdom of God in his body gave birth to countless life planets, and each planet was suspended in the void, and countless lives were born on it.

It can be said that at this moment, his Chaos Divine Kingdom is full of vitality and contains infinite life energy.

There is no doubt that the scope of his current divine consciousness is even more astonishing. With a slight movement, the star field with a radius of 10 billion light-years is within the scope of his perception.

No matter what happens within this range, he can clearly perceive it, as if the mind reflects the entire universe.

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