Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 989 The Eight Kings of the Food Continent, God-level Extraordinary Creatures

"But isn't the Xuanhuang clan very powerful? Haven't they conquered the entire food continent so far?"

Chen Daoxuan asked curiously.

Although he has only just stepped into the Xuanhuang Star, he has already felt the terrifying strength of the Xuanhuang Clan, which is definitely a god-level race in the universe.

It can be said that the Xuanhuang people do not know how many worlds they have conquered, and there is no reason why they cannot conquer a continent within the Xuanhuang Star. This is very unreasonable.

"Do you know how big the food continent is?"

Robot housekeeper Hong Shen said: "You must know that the entire food continent occupies 20% of the land area of ​​Xuanhuang Star, and it is the second largest continent of Xuanhuang Star, and the diameter of Xuanhuang Star reaches a distance of 100,000 light-years.

It is conceivable how huge the food continent is. Ordinary people entering the food continent are like a drop of water entering the sea, and there is no way to make any waves.


Hearing this, Chen Daoxuan's pupils shrank. Before, he had no idea about the size of the food continent, but now, when he heard it, it was actually the second continent of Xuanhuangxing, with a boundless area.

To tell the truth, without the assistance of the portal, it is almost impossible to cross the entire food continent, even if the saint spends his whole life, he may not be able to do it.

It is precisely because the area of ​​the food continent is too large that it has been difficult for the food continent to be completely conquered by the Xuanhuang people.

"Of course, the reason why the Xuanhuang Clan has not completely conquered the Food Continent is not just because the Food Continent is too huge.

Robot housekeeper Hong continued: "There is also a very important reason, that is, there are many tyrannical extraordinary creatures growing in the food continent. Among these extraordinary creatures, there are a bunch of legendary rank and saint rank. According to rumors, eight kings were born in the food continent, and each king may have reached the realm of gods.


As soon as these words came out, Chen Daoxuan was instantly stunned, but he knew that the Xuanhuang family had basically no gods other than Daozu so far.

But in the food continent, at least eight gods were born, what a terrifying thing.

If there are gods guarding the food continent, then it is naturally difficult for the Xuanhuang people to conquer this continent.

"These extraordinary beings in the Food Continent are actually evolving so fast? In just 100,000 years, gods have been born?" Chen Daoxuan was very surprised.

"There's no way, don't underestimate these extraordinary creatures from the Food Continent. It is said that they are all magical creatures collected by Taoist ancestors from all over the universe. Each of them contains infinite potential. It is still the top life form in the universe.

Robot housekeeper Hong Shen said: "I believe you also know that the time flow of our Xuanhuang Star is many times faster than that of other worlds. Basically, the past year of our Xuanhuang Star is only one day in the past.

As for the saints of our Xuanhuang clan, after they were promoted to the ninth rank of saints, their cultivation was basically unable to improve in a short period of time. In order to slow down the consumption of their own lives, they chose to go to other different worlds. One of the reasons why the masters would not stay in Xuanhuangxing.

But the extraordinary life of the food continent is different. They can't leave the food continent, and they can't go to other worlds, so they can only stay in the food continent.

After a full 100,000 years of development, coupled with the evolution of many saint-level extraordinary beings one after another, it is actually quite normal to give birth to eight gods.

To be honest, if our Xuanhuang people in the sacred realm had such determination, maybe a new god would have been born long ago, so it is normal for the creatures in the Food Continent to evolve faster than us. "

"But even if there is a god-level existence in the food continent, but with the technological development of the Xuanhuang clan so far, it is not a problem to deal with ordinary gods. 35

Chen Daoxuan knew the horror of the mechanical race, all kinds of special weapons, such as planetary cracking bombs, anti-matter bombs, etc. If these bombs exploded, they would have the opportunity to kill the lower gods.

"Indeed, according to the current technology of our Xuanhuang clan, if it takes a lot of effort, it should not be a problem to kill a few lower gods, but it is not necessary at all."

Robot housekeeper Hong Shen said: "After all, Food Continent is a natural gourmet hunting ground. If we use these weapons to destroy Food Continent, wouldn't we be destroying our gourmet hunting ground? This is simply not worth the loss.

On the contrary, if the original ecology of the Food Continent is preserved, then we can obtain a steady stream of delicious food in the Food Continent, and there is absolutely no need to exhaust the fish.

Of course, more importantly, the Taoist ancestors also prevented us from doing such things, because the Food Continent itself is a gourmet table created by the Taoist ancestors, and it does not allow us to destroy the ecological environment of the Food Continent.

".`So it is."

Hearing this, Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but nod his head. It seems that there are many reasons why the Food Continent has not been controlled by the Xuanhuang Clan until now.

In short, the situation is very complicated, and it is not something he can understand as a newcomer.

"However, even though our Xuanhuang clan did not completely control the food continent, in fact, due to the development of 100,000 years, we have also built the tops of the food cities on the food continent.

The robot steward said: "These gourmet cities gather ingredients from the entire gourmet continent and can be called a paradise for extraordinary ingredients. Every year, a large number of legendary warriors go to the gourmet continent and become gourmet hunters, entering the gourmet continent to hunt all kinds of food. Extraordinary creatures.

Of course, because the food continent is very dangerous, there are not a few people who die in the food continent every year. In short, this is an extremely dangerous place (with good money), which should not be underestimated.

It shows that after 100,000 years of development, the food continent has been perfected, and countless food hunters live in the food continent, hunting extraordinary creatures everywhere.

After all, the many ingredients in the Food Continent are very valuable, and it is simply a paradise for these gourmet hunters. If people without background want to obtain a lot of resources, they can only venture to dangerous places such as the Food Continent.

Otherwise, staying in a safe city, it is estimated that even in the past thousands of years, his cultivation will not make much progress.

It is because of this that food hunters have become one of the mainstream professions in Xuanhuangxing.

Of course, since the Food Continent is an illegal zone and the death rate is also high, if you are not confident in your own strength, you should not go to the Food Continent.

Otherwise, it will just end up being hunted by the enemy.

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