Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 996 Left a spiritual imprint in the virtual universe, the inheritance of martial arts passed

"Great, really great."

Chen Daoxuan was very excited and felt that his blood was boiling. He saw countless magic and secret methods on the exchange list, each of which pointed directly to the gods.

As expected, it is the top race in the universe, the Xuanhuang race. Its foundation is not comparable to other races. It can be seen from the secrets of these exercises.

No adventure can compare to becoming a member of the Xuanhuang clan. As long as one can become a member of the Xuanhuang clan, then endless knowledge will be open to him, and he will not know how much easier it will be to embark on the road to the highest.

He remembered that he had to fight to death in order to obtain an ordinary cheat book, which was almost a near-death situation, but now, many magical and secret methods are freely opened for him to watch.

If you think about it, the difference is really huge.

There is a world of difference between being covered and not being covered.

"How is it? Have you thought about which exercises to learn?"

The robot housekeeper Hong asked curiously. After all, each of the above exercises is a peerless exercise suitable for Chen Daoxuan. This is automatically recommended by the system of the virtual universe, and it definitely matches Chen Daoxuan's physique.

It can be said that each of the exercises is not much different, but which one to learn depends on personal preference.

"Well, I've already selected it, it's the book "Da Dongxuan Immortal - Disaster Elimination Qigong".

Chen Daoxuan said solemnly.

"No way, you actually learned this technique?"

Hearing this, the robot housekeeper Hong was completely stunned. He didn't expect Chen Daoxuan to choose this practice.

Of course, this is not to say that this practice is not powerful enough. In fact, this is definitely one of the top practices of the Xuanhuang Clan. Once this practice is successfully cultivated, it can be condensed into a protector to eliminate disasters and death, and eliminate the gods. All disasters, die instead of themselves.

It can be said that this is a powerful life-saving exercise. If the cultivation is successful, even if the cultivation base is several times stronger than the enemy, it is impossible to kill himself.

The problem is that what Chen Daoxuan possesses is the Desolate Holy Body, which is a powerful fighting physique. It was originally suitable for that kind of cultivation technique that becomes stronger in battle, but now he has learned a life-saving cultivation technique, which is really incredible.

"Grandpa Steward, the reason why I chose this practice is to save my life."

Chen Daoxuan squeezed his fist: "I have lived in Linlang World for more than ten years, so I know that everything in this world is fake, and only my own life is true.

No matter whether you are talented or talented, before you have absolute strength, you are actually just an illusion. Once you encounter danger, you are dead and meaningless.

Therefore, there is nothing more precious than means of life-saving. Only if you have a strong life-saving ability, you can survive for a long time and have the opportunity to climb to a higher realm.

After so many years of chasing and killing, no one is more aware of the importance of life-saving ability than him.

Once faced with a siege, it's damned or have to die.

But if he is proficient in all kinds of life-saving means, even in the face of heavy siege, he can save his life and survive under the pursuit of countless enemies.

"Well, since this is your choice, then I have nothing to say, after all, this cheat book is also one of the most powerful cheats of our Xuanhuang clan, and it is also very suitable for you.

Robot housekeeper Hong nodded, since this was Chen Daoxuan's decision, it had nothing to say, and it couldn't force everyone's choice to be the same.

"It seems that I can only exchange the secrets of the first layer."

Thinking of this, Chen Daoxuan immediately exchanged this magic book.

"It's also a normal thing.

The robot housekeeper Hong smiled slightly: "All martial arts cheats and the first tier of martial arts are exchanged for free, this is for the convenience of every Xuanhuang people to learn martial arts.

But if you want to learn more peerless martial arts, then you need contribution points to exchange, as long as you have enough contribution points, you can exchange for the next few layers of exercises.

But you don't need to worry about anything, even if it's just one layer of exercises, it's enough for you to practice for a long time, and it's not too late to exchange for the next exercises.

"I see."

Chen Daoxuan took a deep breath. He also knew that it was still relatively difficult to exchange the entire secret book, but he did not expect that the so-called contribution degree would still be required.

However, the first-level cultivation technique alone was enough to get him started.

"Since the young master has exchanged the martial arts secret book, he can now enter the virtual universe to learn. At that time, the young master can possess a high-level saint who is good at Dadongxuan Immortality and Disaster Elimination Qigong and experience the process of his cultivation.

·0 for flowers ·.....

Robot housekeeper Hong said solemnly.

"Possessing a high-level saint? What does this mean? 39

Chen Daoxuan was stunned and didn't know what this sentence meant.

"It literally means.

The robot housekeeper Hong smiled slightly: "The power of the virtual universe is more powerful than you think. After 100,000 years of development, our Xuanhuang clan saints have emerged one after another.

Therefore, these saints are qualified to leave their own spiritual imprints in the virtual universe, leaving their own perceptions of martial arts cultivation. People in later generations can also use this spiritual imprint to perceive the cultivation process of these saints.

To be honest, this is really too helpful for young warriors. After all, possessing a saint to comprehend the cultivation is equivalent to comprehending the power of the saint in advance.

In particular, the other party is a saint who practices the same exercise as himself, and the help is even greater. Every Xuanhuang warrior who has realized the spiritual imprint will undoubtedly be more smooth on the road of martial arts. If you can understand by analogy, then you can step into a higher realm. "

"Is there such a thing? Does that mean that the virtual universe is full of the spiritual imprint of this saint? 99

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help swallowing a saliva.

"of course not."

Robot housekeeper Hong shook his head: "There are too many saints in our Xuanhuang clan, not everyone is qualified to leave a spiritual imprint, only the top masters among the high-level saints are qualified to leave a spiritual mark. brand.

It can be said that any saint who can leave a spiritual imprint must be the top powerhouse of our Xuanhuang clan, a legendary powerhouse, the kind that is enough to be remembered in history.

It is precisely because of the selfless dedication of these high-ranking saints that the warriors of later generations will walk more smoothly, and it will also allow us to look up to these seniors of martial arts, and enhance the cohesion of our Xuanhuang clan.

"It's really great, it's definitely a chance."

Chen Daoxuan squeezed his fist, very excited.

Because if you can experience the cultivation process of a high-level saint, you can imagine his future development, and it will definitely make his path smoother.

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