When Li Xunhuan woke up, it was already dark.

But his spirit is very good.

Thinking about what happened during the day, confirming that it wasn't a dream, so I found someone and asked him to take himself to visit the six gate chief arresters.

"Brother Xun Huan slept well?" Qi Ji asked without a rest, welcoming Li Xun in.

"Okay, very good, I haven't slept so peacefully for so long!" Li Xunhuan laughed, "It is natural to be reassuring to have you, the six doors always caught by your side."

"Why, brother Xunhuan can't sleep well recently?" Qi Ji asked.

He wanted to know Li Xunhuan's perception of Xingyunzhuang.

"Brother Yue, I was wandering abroad before, and I just need to be drunk," Li Xunhuan frowned. "But since I entered this Xingyun Village, I always feel a little uneasy. Even when I sleep, I have to be vigilant. Wake up immediately when the wind blows."

"Oh, brother Xunhuan, wait a minute," Qi Ji used his skills, sensing that no one from the outside world was eavesdropping, and then continued, "Why? This used to be your home. After so many years, you will feel uneasy when you come back ?"

"It's not because of this," Li Xunhuan whispered, "but the people in this garden make me uneasy."

"what have you found?"

"No, I didn't find anything. My eldest brother is very good to me. Poetry... Although my sister-in-law is a little colder, she should be happy when I come back. Even Xiao Yun treats me respectfully, let alone the garden. Other people." Li Xunhuan said, "But the more so, the more upset I feel."

"It's not that I said bad things about people back, especially when I was with Xiaoyun. Although he was laughing all the time, I felt like I was being targeted by a poisonous snake."

"I'm not exaggerating. He really doesn't look like a kid," he sighed. "I don't know how the older brother was brought up."

"So these past few days, I didn't even dare to get drunk, I had to keep one eye open even when I went to bed. Until today, when you come, my heart feels relieved all at once, and I have a good night's sleep."

"Is it so serious?" Qi Ji said.

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Li Xunhuan said, "It feels dangerous here. I don't know if I want to ask you, the six-door master, to find out the truth, or let you leave earlier."

"Brother Xunhuan, how long have we known each other?" Qi Ji suddenly said.

"You should be very clear, it's been more than ten years." Li Xunhuan was puzzled.

"Yes, it's been more than ten years. Although we haven't seen each other for twelve or three years, in my heart, you are still the wild and unruly flower-explorer." Qi Ji sighed, "So, do you believe me?"

"Brother Yue, what do you mean? Of course I believe you." Li Xunhuan was a little unhappy.

"Then can I trust you?" Qi Ji asked again.

"Of course, our friendship will not change with the passage of time." Li Xunhuan also noticed the prudence in Qiji's tone.

"If I tell you, your feeling is right, Li Yuan, that is now Xingyunzhuang has a big problem, do you believe it?"

"Do you know what happened here?" Li Xunhuan asked.

"Yes, I know," said Qi Ji, "you also know that I am the chief arrester of six doors. Recently, the plum blossom robbery case has been raging. Six doors were secretly pursued and found this Xingyun Village. Lin Xian'er, who claims to be the number one beauty in the world."

"It turned out to be her?" Li Xunhuan couldn't believe it. He had obviously seen Lin Xian'er.

"Yes, but when I was investigating Lin Xian'er, I made an unexpected discovery." Qi Ji said solemnly, "Now in Xingyun Village, it is not Long Xiaoyun who is in charge, but his son Long Xiaoyun. "

Qi Ji told Li Xunhuan what he had learned about the current situation of Xingyun Village.

"Big Brother will delegate power to a child under ten?" Li Xunhuan couldn't believe it.

"Do you think that with Long Xiaoyun's character, would you do this?" Qi Ji asked rhetorically, seeing Li Xunhuan shook his head, and then continued, "Naturally because he was forced to lose power. The puppet on the table, the person in Xingyun Village, I'm afraid he would only listen to him a long time ago."

"No wonder I feel something is wrong with my elder brother these days, and he is too enthusiastic." Li Xunhuan said, "Xiao Yun is just a child, how could he do such a thing?"

"Is he really a child?" said Qi Ji, "you still said he was a child?"

"Some people can't look at their body shape and age," said Qi Ji, "I'm afraid you don't know how to do it, so the martial arts of the'child' are still above you!"

"I have been out for ten years, why has the world changed so much?" Li Xunhuan sighed helplessly, and asked hurriedly, "What about the poetry, does she know?"

"I'm just telling you what I found. I don't know the rest. She knows if she knows, you need to find out."

"Looking for joy, I want to remind you that the former Long Xiaoyun is dead, he can control Xingyun Village, but he killed a lot of people ruthlessly, and now he doesn’t care about his parents’ friendship. Only then will Lin Shiyin's safety be endangered."

"I don't need you to tell me," Li Xunhuan calmed down, "Then what about you, are you here just to see me?"

"Not only that, I wanted to find a chance to kill Long Xiaoyun, but after I came, I found out that if Lin Shiyin didn't know, she wouldn't agree. If she didn't agree, you wouldn't want to make her sad. Will agree."

"You are right, even if I believe what you said, you can't kill Long Xiaoyun because of this. There are more people who kill people in the rivers and lakes, and he is not the only one." Li Xunhuan said, "Of course, you That's right, I won't make Shiyin sad."

"Don't force me."

"Whether you believe it or not, what I want to say is that the reason why Long Xiaoyun has waited until now is to covet your flying knife stunt. Once he gets it, your life will not be guaranteed, and the lives of Long Xiaoyun and his wife will also not be guaranteed."

"If you don't want Lin Shiyin to be harmed, then let her see Long Xiaoyun's true face. Since a year ago, this person in front of her is not her son."

"Really so serious?" Li Xunhuan's expression of sadness became deeper.

"I didn't joking with you, looking for pleasure, this world is very abnormal, maybe Long Xiaoyun is one of them." Qi Ji solemnly said, "I have reached an agreement with him to comfort him temporarily. We still have time, you If you believe it, help me."

"What do I need to do?" Li Xunhuan asked.

"Are you sure, just trust me?" Qi Ji asked.

"I said, I believe you, and I deserve your trust," Li Xunhuan said, "Because I will feel at ease with you, so I believe you."

"As long as you can expose Long Xiaoyun's true face first, I am not against you killing him. But before that, no."

"Okay, let's discuss the specific plan." Qi Ji relaxed.

The protagonists of these various worlds are not simple. Li Xunhuan could feel the abnormality of Xingyunzhuang without any discovery, and made Qi Ji determined to speak out and cooperate with him.

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