Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 128 Sword repairs are all crazy (seeking subscription)

The person who came was naturally Ximen Chuuxue.

It is not snow that Ximen blows snow, but blood.

He studied swords at the age of seven, has achieved success in seven years, is obsessed with Taoism, and has rarely had an opponent since.Until I met Sun Xiuqing, had a wife, and had a child, the ruthless mood was broken, and the top of the Forbidden City was lost to Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City.

After the battle on the top of the Forbidden City, Ximen Chuuxue disappeared in the rivers and lakes, and it reappears today.

He has been sincere with the sword all his life and believes that killing is also a sacred thing, so every time he wants to kill, he starts fasting, incense, and bathing three days in advance.

But now he appeared here all in the dust, showing his impatience.

"Such a sensation, how can I be missing?" Ximen Chuuxue said coldly in the eyes of everyone.

After the Battle of the Forbidden City, Ximen Chuuxue was touted to the heavens almost by the people of the world, thinking that his swordsmanship was no worse than Xue Yiren, the number one sword in the world in the past, and even above the Wudang Taoist people, and now the number one in the world.

Only a few people know that Ximen Chuuxue lost that match, but Ye Gucheng chose to die under his sword.

That's why Ximen Chuuxue disappeared. He put down his wife and son in hopes of making further progress.Now that he appears, it is naturally a great advance in swordsmanship.

"Ximen Chuuxue, isn't this something you can participate in?" Another master ranked tenth in "A Book of Weapons" came, just overwhelming Gong Jiu, and Wu Ming was a little unhappy.

"I want to do it, so I will do it." Ximen Chuuxue doesn't care who the person in front of him is, and looks at Lu Xiaofeng, "Lu Xiaofeng, you are chased and killed like a dog, and you don't come to me. You think I'm useless. Are you still not treating me like a friend?"

"I wanted to try my luck at Wanmei Villa, but when I met six doors on the way, thinking about the arrest of President Lu, he turned a corner in the middle." Lu Xiaofeng smirked, but he was very moved.

It is extremely rare to be regarded as a friend by Ximen Chuuxue.

"If you still have a little conscience, it's worth a thousand miles to help." Ximen Chuuxue's tone became warmer. "It happens to owe six doors a favor. You, I will take it."

He turned his head and looked at Gong Jiu: "If you want to kill Lu Xiaofeng, you have to pass me first."

"..." Gong Jiu didn't speak, he didn't speak much.But even if the person in front of him is Ximen Chuuxue, who is ranked ninth in The Book of Arms, he has no intention of being afraid.

"The Book of Weapons" is just the words of Bai Xiaosheng's family. If you haven't fought, you know who is strong and who is weak.

"He doesn't need to, your opponent is me." Just when Gong Jiu wanted to make a move, another figure emerged from the crowd.

There was another uproar in the crowd: How many masters are hidden beside me?

He has a black cloth and black robe, black shoes and black socks, with a black sheath long sword slanted on his back. He is tall and burly, with a strange dead gray on his face, his eyebrows flying diagonally, and a few sparse beards under his jaw. , Staring at Ximen Chuuxue with a serious face,

"Songyang Iron Sword Guo Songyang, ranked twelfth in "The Book of Weapons"." Someone recognized the man in black.

"Guo Songyang, are you also a member of the Blue Dragon Club?" Qi Ji frowned, somewhat surprised.

Seeing Shangguan Jinhong, he was just as surprised.

"No, I am not, I am me, I am a swordsman, and swordsman must have the pursuit of swordsman, so I will challenge Ximen Chuuxue." Guo Songyang solemnly said.

He had watched the decisive battle between Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng in the capital.

Seeing Ximen Chuuxue appear, he immediately jumped out to challenge.

"Since you are not a member of the Blue Dragon Association, wait a while, and it will not be too late to challenge after this matter is over." Qi Ji said solemnly.

"No, I can't wait, my sword can't wait," Guo Songyang had only Ximen Chuuxue in his eyes, and his black clothes were in sharp contrast to Ximen Chuuxue. "What if he died?"

"I bought a watch last year..." Qi Ji almost couldn't help but scold it. How could Guo Songyang be such a virtue?

"The sky is not what people want, Mr. Lu arrested." Wu Mingle said, "Would you like to beat him down first?"

Qi Ji was speechless: If Guo Songyang was so easily turned over, would he still be ranked 12th in "The Book of Weapons"?

He can solve Guo Songyang quickly with his own shot, but how can Shangguan Jin Hong and Wu Ming give him a chance?

Regardless of how happy they talked, they didn't know that the competition had already begun. As long as a flaw was revealed, the other party would immediately take action.

"Guo Songyang, I have been looking for you for a long time," another voice spread, "I want to know, why can you stay at the twelfth place in "The Weapons"?"

A thin young man came out with an unusual indifference. He was dressed in a single-clothes and had a sword at his waist. It was like a three-foot-long piece of iron. It had neither a sword blade nor a sword jaw, and even a sword hilt, only two. A piece of cork nailed to it, crude and unusual.

"A Fei..." Li Xunhuan called out.

A Fei looked at him, still indifferent, then turned to stare at Guo Songyang.

"You also learn swords?" Guo Songyang looked at A Fei, "also a swordsman?"

"Yes." A Fei only said one word, expressing affirmation.

"Then why don't you find Ximen to blow the snow, and Xue Yiren to compete with you?" Guo Songyang asked.

"I just watched it. Now I can't beat Ximen Chuuxue, so I find you first." A Fei is very honest.

"It seems I was underestimated," Guo Songyang said, "You are not sincere to Jian."

"I practice swords only to kill people." A Fei said, "For me, swords are just weapons. He can help me kill people, nothing more."

Ximen Chuuxue frowned, even if A Fei was on his side, he didn't like this remark.

It’s all bleeding over there. When are you heads popping out one by one?

The crowd around the audience was impatient.

A Fei did not disappoint them, and drew his sword to attack Guo Songyang without any hesitation.

Ximen Chuuxue's sword was about to be shot the next moment it moved, but at this moment, Shangguan Jin Hong jumped out from behind and stood in front of Gong Jiu.

"I also use a sword." Jing Wuming looked at him and said.

"..." Ximen Chuuxue didn't speak, and the long sword came out of its sheath and attacked directly.

He is a character who can do it without beeping, and he is already pretty good now.

Gong Jiu didn't hesitate anymore, and shot directly at Lu Xiaofeng, so angry that Huo Xiu cursed.

"Xiao Shaoying, Huo Xiu is left to you, no problem." Qi Ji did not let Huo leisurely, Xiao Shaoying immediately played.

There are already figures all over the square, and everyone has their own opponent.

Qi Ji was about to say something more, suddenly another figure was seen from the corner of his eye.

He was dressed in a blue robe, and his face was clear, and he looked ordinary.

Xue Yiren.

Why is he here too?

Xue Xiaoren died in six doors. He didn't know if the news had been leaked, but after Xue Xiaoren's death, Xiao Shaoying was promoted to the late master stage.

He does not regret it.

Xue Xiaoren had been warned at the beginning, and Xue Yiren had also made a guarantee that since he did not keep his promise, don't blame it for the end.

Xue Yiren exudes a fierce aura, and he is above the Ximen Blowing Snow, passing through the square where the fighting is full, even those who are fighting can't help but step away.

His purpose is very clear: Shangguan Jin Hong.

"I'm going, another factor of instability." Qi Ji said with emotion, "They all say Jian Xiu is a lunatic and paranoid. I didn't believe it before, but now it seems that it is true."

Guo Songyang is like this, Afei is like this, so is Xue Yiren.

Fortunately, when Xue Yiren appeared late, Ximen Chuuxue had an opponent, otherwise he might be eyeing Xue Yiren.

"One by one, when is this place? When the Blue Dragon Association is resolved, I will clean up you." Qi Ji made up his mind.

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