Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 135 What are you waiting for? (for subscription)

This world is of course abnormal. The world of the Xiao Li Fei Dao series that was originally good, but when it was arbitrarily entered, it was integrated into the Seven Weapons, Chu Liuxiang, and Lu Xiaofeng series. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the force of this world is so prosperous.

Compared with the previous world, the Wu Jue of the Central Plains was comparable to the top masters in "The Book of Weapons" from the second Huashan Discussion on the sword, but then there was a big gap, Qiu Qianren and Guo Jingliiao. A few master masters, who can have first-class standards in the arena, are already considered masters.

And in this world, with the war, the first-class masters are really cannon fodder, not to mention the great master, there are hundreds of thousands of them.

They are all in the elementary world, and the gap is so big.

Qi Ji thought that no one would know. He had seen the peaks of Grand Masters such as Jade Luosha, Xue Yiren, and Jellyfish Yin Ji before, and these people did not feel abnormal.

But listening to Shangguan Jinhong's tone, it seemed that he really felt something?

No wonder it is the ultimate villain of the world of Xiao Li's Flying Swords, who may really be favored by the will of the world, with luck. This world is after all a world where the world of Xiao Li's Flying Swords is integrated.

The protagonists of other series, such as Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng, played at most in the middle stage of the master, but A Fei, as soon as he came out, directly challenged Guo Songyang and reached the later stage of the master.

Li Xunhuan is also the late master, but as the protagonist, he has the ability to leapfrog.

Although he could not kill Long Xiaoyun with a single blow, the one who was a reincarnation, no one knew what hole cards would be, so Qi Ji didn't hesitate at all. He used the accidental peacock feathers on him just to avoid him. There are also hole cards, counter the trend to kill.

Although you are not afraid, you can have fewer accidents and easily solve your goals. Why not?

Li Xunhuan's strength is probably still a little bit low. As the protagonist, he didn't feel the changes in the world, but Shangguan Jinhong found clues.

Of course, this is also the result that he and He Guang did not hide under the attention of the public, and Shangguan Jin Hong discovered the clue.

He Guangben wanted to leave immediately after finishing his last vote, so he didn't hide anymore, and he could only cooperate with the odd plan.

"Shangguan gang leader, sometimes, knowing too much is not good!" Qi Ji did not deny, but warned.

"When I heard the news, I would die in the evening!" Shangguan Jin Hong looked hopeful.

"Unexpectedly, Shangguan's gang leader still has a heart to seek the truth." Qi Ji smiled.

"I have been promoted to the pinnacle of Grand Master, and I always feel that this world is not normal, especially a year ago, my son, Shangguan Fei, made great progress in martial arts."

"My son knows it himself, it makes me puzzled, especially since then, he has become more and more alienated from me, making me strange, this feeling is even stronger."

"President Lu arrested, over the years, I have been wholeheartedly trying to build a power beyond the Blue Dragon Association, thus neglecting the education of my children, but since the change of Shangguan Fei, I have another goal, wanting to know what happened in this world. What changed."

"For this, I don't hesitate to die." Shangguan Jinhong is like a madman, with his injured body and blood stains all over his body, it is terrifying.

But his consciousness is still very clear. At the moment of Long Xiaoyun's knife, he subconsciously shot Long Xiaoyun away. After reacting, he regretted it. If he could, he hoped to keep Long Xiaoyun, on the one hand, he could grow stronger. The power of one's own side, or through Long Xiaoyun, can spy on the secrets of this world.

A momentary opportunity is missed and there will be no more.

Children less than ten years old are actually stronger than themselves. Before that, there was no wind on the rivers and lakes, just like the situation in Shangguan Fei.

If Shangguan Fei hadn't taken people to wash the double ring gate, who would have known that his strength was no less than the top fifteen or even the top ten in "Heart of Weapons".

Now, Shangguan Fei is dead, Long Xiaoyun is dead, and the last clue is this six-door chief arrester.

"Shangguan's gang master's heart of fist and fist, this official feels it." When Qi Ji looked around, Xinhu looked confused, but the old man Tianji was thoughtful.

Shaolin is one of the seven major factions of the righteous way, Taishan Beidou of martial arts, but in the world of Gulong, chances are the existence of soy sauce, and Shaolin lay disciples appear the most.

As a decisive battlefield in the early stage of Xiao Li's Flying Sword World, his sense of presence is not so strong, even Bai Xiao, who did not even play soy sauce in Shaolin Temple, has a strong sense of survival. So although Xinhu is listed in "The Book of Weapons" and ranks sixth, he obviously does not know The secrets of this world.

The old man of Tianji is different. The important person in the original world that runs through the whole process, ranked first in "The Book of Weapons", and before Shangguan Jinhong, Qiyun Zong probably also discovered the anomaly of this world.

"But there are some things that the Shangguan Gangmaster knows, why should everyone know it." Qi Ji said, "There is a secret. The Shangguan Gangmaster will sue you before the time."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Shangguan Jin Hong laughed wildly, and came to the strange plan to kill, so that Gong Jiu quickly left with Wu Ming's body.

The person is already dead, and it would be bad if the bones are left over by the fighting.

Qi Ji thought the same way, picked Feilong Xiaoyun's corpse with one foot, fell in front of Lin Shiyin in the six-door camp, and greeted the senior official Jin Hong.

This time, Shangguan Jin Hong did not retain his strength, and went all out when he came up. The internal strength was like a vast ocean, the double loops flew over, and attacked according to a strange plan.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: all warriors, with right together, with odd victory.

The same goes for weapons. If swords, spears, swords and halberds are righteous soldiers, and ordinary people use them, then the ring is a strange weapon.

There are no weak ones who dare to use strange weapons. What's more, Shangguan Jinhong also ranks fourth in the "Arcade of Weapons" with a pair of dragon and phoenix rings.

Oh, it is now third, and Wu Ming who is ahead of him is dead.

Shangguan Jinhong is worthy of being the ultimate big boss, and his vigorous internal strength is not weaker than Qiji. It is necessary to know that Qiji's internal power is rebuilt again, and with the blessing of innate skills, it is not much stronger than Shangguan Jinhong.

Even if Long Xiaoyun was still there, she wouldn't be able to easily hold Shangguan Jinhong for fear.

The battle of the pinnacle is reopened and the audience is refreshed.

Hey, is it too hasty that the two top masters died suddenly?

The trousers were dragged, and then the bottom was suddenly gone. It felt uncomfortable for anyone to put it on!

That was the pinnacle master of the Grand Master, so arrogant before, they hadn't waited until they slammed everything, and then hit soy sauce.

I don't dare to write novels like this, OK!

It's all right now, and finally it's connected again, and it's stronger than just now.People who died before, don't like what they do, anyway, they have nothing to do with them.

As for whether it will be silenced?

Kill it, kill more than one. Will there be a discount for group hell tour?

This is the onlooker, and you have to be careful, otherwise it will be a joke to be shaken by the aftermath of the battle, and dozens of people have paid their lives for this before.

In this arena, the strength is respected, the strength is not enough, and the excitement is not to be seen.

I don’t see those in the front, who is not a master master!

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