Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 149 System, I think you are discriminating against me (for subscription)

In the ethereal snowy plateau, a monk in a yellow robe like a bamboo pole moves step by step.

It was midwinter and the cold wind was fierce, but he was still dressed in an ordinary yellow robe, showing extremely deep internal strength.

Behind him, the two followed suit.

A tall and burly figure, carrying a thick and long golden pestle for descending demons, is very relaxed, showing a natural supernatural power.

The other person was dressed in brocade robe, dressed as a noble boy.

In this icy world, they walked slowly for half a day.

The reason for this is that the thin yellow-robed monk has been frowning and can't be happy.

The young man dressed up by the noble son repeatedly gestured to the burly man with his eyes, but the man was ignorant and didn't know what he was going to say.

This burly man had a simple and honest character and did not understand what the noble son meant.

"Huo Du, what do you want to say, to put it bluntly, why bother your brother?" At this moment, the yellow-robed monk in front said without looking back.

"Yes, Master," the noble son, Huo Du said, "Master, I don't understand that you have won the battle against the living Buddhas in the Jokhang Temple. Why are you still depressed?"

"Do you think you have won as a teacher?" The yellow-robed monk still did not look back.

"How is it possible?" even the burly man said, "Master, in the Jokhang Temple, when talking about Buddhism, the living Buddhas won't win you; when it comes to martial arts, you also defeated the various factions and won the title of King of the Golden Wheel. They don't know. , But you have five rounds, and you don’t even need to play any other rounds, and there will be no opponents, so you must be the winner."

"Dalba, I didn't expect you to have this insight." The yellow-robed monk stopped and turned around.His forehead is slightly sunken, like a plate.

These three people are indeed King Jinlun Fa and his two disciples.

"Master, this is obvious, and they are all very convinced of you." Dalba said.

"Yes, Master, why do you say you lost." Huo Du asked.

"It's a fact that I suppressed them for the teacher and seized the title of the first person in Tantric Buddhism," Jinlunfa said, "but it means that I am a teacher, and there are no successors, so I am not happy as a teacher."

"Master, although the senior brother has gone, there are still me and the second senior brother!" Huo Du comforted.

"You guys, maybe it's a great person, but if you want to suppress these many tantric religious sects on your behalf, it's impossible." Jinlunfa Wang said, "You are still young, you can't see, those sects, Nyingma, Sakya Several major sects, such as the Gelugpa, and the Gelugpa, have come out in large numbers, especially the Sakya Patra. If there are no accidents, they will be great in the future."

"If your brother is here, you may be able to suppress another life, but unfortunately he will die prematurely. Our King Kong Temple is afraid that it will decline in the future."

Huo Du looked dissatisfied, he didn't believe that he was inferior to others.Today, he is only more than ten years old, at the age of being competitive.

Seeing that Master praised others and didn't take good care of himself, I thought that in the future, he must make some achievements to show Master, let him know that he was wrong about himself.

For Dalba, it doesn't matter. For him, the words of the master are the holy words. Since the master says that he is inferior to others, it is inferior. He can only do what he should do.

King Jinlunfa stopped talking, turned around and continued walking.

But the mind has drifted far away.

There are only a few hundred thousand people on the snow-covered plateau. There are many sects, and the competition is cruel. If one is not good, it will be suppressed and will not be allowed to stand up for hundreds of years.

It is said that the population of the Central Plains is no less than hundreds of millions. If the Central Plains can be preached, King Kong Temple may be developed.

However, I heard that the Shaolin Temple in Zhongtu is headed by Shaolin Temple, which is the ancestral court of Bodhidharma, and if you want to expand Tantric Buddhism to the Central Plains, you have to do one.

King Jinlun thought, and suddenly stopped again.

"Do you hear the crying?"

"No, Master thought too much, right?" Huo Du shook his head and said.

Darba also shook his head, he really didn't hear any sound.

The King of Falun Gong closed his eyes, his ears moved slightly, and he listened in the direction of the wind.

After a while, he heard a weak cry.

So he turned and walked in the direction of the sound.Behind them, both Dalba and Huo followed closely.

Turning around a hill with the leeward wind, King Jinlun Fa stopped, squatted cautiously, and took a baby out of the arms of an obviously stiff corpse.

The corpse was a woman who had been dead for a long time, and I don't know why it appeared in this vast snowy area.

The baby seemed to be less than a month old, very weak, his eyes were not opened, only two intermittent bitter sounds by instinct.

King Jinlun had no intention of pursuing the truth of the matter. He carefully used his inner strength to guide the child's body and looked at Dalba and Huodu: "You said, is this a gift from the Buddha to be a teacher?"

Dalba was at a loss, Huo Du was very flexible, and asked, "Master wants to accept him as a disciple?"

"Yes, I feel that this is the precious gift the Buddha gave to my teacher," Jinlun Fawang said enthusiastically. "At the Jokhang Temple, although I overwhelmed everyone, I lost the future. It must be my Buddha who knows me. Please, send this child to me."

"In the future, he will definitely be able to carry forward my King Kong Temple."

"Master, this seems to be a child of Han Chinese." Huo Du was dissatisfied and reminded.

"What about the Han, you are still a Mongolian, you are not under my Tibetan gate." Jinlunfa Wang said.

"Master, you want to accept another junior brother, what's his name?" Dalba reacted.

"Well, let's call him Rinpoche!" The King of the Golden Wheel looked at the direction of the Jokhang Temple and suddenly smiled.

"Rinpoche" means treasure, and it is also a kind name for the living Buddha by Tibetans.

In the future Rinpoche will meet people from those sects, it will be very interesting.

Anyway, I said that there is no living Buddha reincarnated in King Kong Temple.

"Let's go, let's go back." The female corpse was buried on the spot, the Golden Wheel Fa King said.


Ten years later, little Rinpoche grew from a baby to a teenager.

Sure enough, this young man did not live up to his name, did not live up to the expectations of King Golden Wheel Fa King, clever, not only is not weak in Buddhism, but even the secret martial arts dragon elephant Po Ruo Gong of King Kong Temple has two levels of fire.

The dragon elephant wave is simple to get started, but the first layer is more difficult than the first layer. The first layer takes one or two years, the second layer takes three or four years, and the third layer takes seven or eight years.

Rinpoche began literacy at the age of three, began martial arts training at the age of six, and was taught the dragon elephant Porokong until he was eight years old. He is only ten years old now.

Perhaps Rinpoche is the blessing of the Vajra Monastery. After he entered the monastery, within two years, the King of the Golden Wheel was recruited into the palace by the Great Mongolian Khan as a national teacher. As a result, Huo Du has risen and the boat has never been taken seriously. The prince of the concubine became hot.

King Golden Wheel and Khodu ran in two places, and the task of teaching Rinpoche was handed over to Dalpa.

At first, Rinpoche was only literate when he was young. After he started to practice martial arts, King Golden Wheel was not at ease, but later found out that Rinchepo was very sensible, and as long as he ordered him to do it meticulously, he was relieved. , Anxin preached in Mongolia, and only occasionally came once to check the entry of Rinpoche's homework and carry out the next stage of teaching.

It was ten years in a flash.


With the sound of the bell, the world became different when Little Rinpoche woke up that day.

His memory awakened.

On this day, he did not go to morning class for the first time, and began to sort out his memories.

After the inspection, he looked at the system panel and muttered: "System, I think you are discriminating against me."

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