Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 152 I'm going to Shaolin (for subscription)

Little Rinchepo has a simple mind, and he only listens to the words of his master and his brother. He is honest, and his life is calm.

But the odd trick is different. The young and simple appearance is an adult whose owner has remembered for decades and has experienced wonderful lives in several worlds.

So from the next day, he started to do things.

"Brother Dalba, I want to learn sword." He said to Dalba in the practice field this afternoon.

"Huh?" Dalba was surprised. This little junior has never asked for anything. What did the master say and how to do it? How could he have his own ideas today.

But he didn't think this was bad. He was right to listen to what Master said, but those who practice martial arts should have their own ideas.For example, he himself, on the road of martial arts, did not fully listen to Master's arrangements and had his own opinions.

"Brother, you are grown up." Darba said with emotion, "Well, from tomorrow on, Senior Brother will teach you to practice swordsmanship."

The King Kong Temple is not famous for its swordsmanship, but as a large Tibetan faction that dominates one side, swordsmanship is still indispensable, but there is no too advanced swordsmanship.

Since the younger brother likes swords, let's learn it first and cultivate a good interest.

Of course, Qi Ji is not suddenly interested in swordsmanship, but to have time to practice swordsmanship. Otherwise, even if he has countless advanced swordsmanship, how can he return to his previous peak state without practicing.

As for the kung fu, you can practice it in your own bedroom. When the time is right, it will not be too late to show it.


Half a year later, King Jinlunfa returned from Mongolia. He was also very happy to see his disciples change. After going to school, he personally supervised the Qiji exercises.

King Jinlun Fa is a master master, Qi Ji did not dare to be too special in front of him, and he converged a lot, but it was this that still allowed King Jinlun Fa to be surprised and felt that the revitalization of King Kong Temple was promising.

He attributed the peculiarity of the strange plan to the blessing of the Buddha.

This made the third senior brother Huo Du who followed him back even more jealous.

King Jinlun was very busy. He only stayed for more than a month before leaving for Mongolia. Huo Du was still with him.

For the next three years, King Jinlun did not return, and Qi Ji recovered 70% of his skill.So he asked Dalba to go out to practice.

Experience is fake, in fact, I want to find opportunities by going out and show my abilities.Otherwise, once the King of the Golden Wheel comes back, it will be easy to reveal themselves.

Dalba refused at first, and then went out with him for three months of experience, until he confirmed that he could go alone, and then let go.

In the fourth year, King Golden Wheel came back again to test his martial arts, and he was indeed found to be a top-ranking pinnacle. Except for Long Xiang Bo Ruogong, he only reached the third level, Quanzhen Heart Fa and Jiuyin Scripture. All reached Dacheng.

The golden wheel of Falun Gong did not take the chance of his own apprentice too much, and he thought it was the Buddha's arrangement.

King Golden Wheel of Falun Gong came back this time. He stayed for a long time. After asking for the reason, he found out that it was the Mongolian Great Khan who died of illness. His chosen successor Guiyu did not return from the Western Expedition. After saying that it was Mazhen, King Jinlun Fawang left in order to avoid being involved in the inner conflict in Mongolia, waiting for the situation to improve.

Before entering the book world, Qi Ji studied history, and now he finally knows the time.The death of Wo Kuotai was 13 or 4 years away from the death of Genghis Khan. In other words, 13 or 4 years have passed since the last time Huashan discussed the sword.

This time, Huo Du did not come back with King Jinlun, and was still his Mongolian prince.

Calculating the time, it was probably when he went to Zhongnan Mountain to give the dowry to marry the little dragon girl. Unfortunately, he met Guo Jing up the mountain and left with a defeat.

As usual, he naturally disdains Huo Du, but the problem is that Huo is his senior brother, Huo Du is so faceless, what he loses is the face of King Golden Wheel and the face of King Kong Temple.

In the same way, Qi Ji naturally has no face.

The standpoint is different, the angle of consideration is naturally different.

Not long after, Huo Du came back in despair, but said nothing, just worked hard and started martial arts training.

Maybe he still thinks about finding a place by himself one day, but the fact is that he... is too far away from Guo Jing, the son of luck in the previous life.


This time, King Golden Wheel of Falun Gong stayed at the Vajra Monastery for two years, and finally waited for the edict of Empress Naimazhen, let him return to Mongolia to continue to serve as a national teacher and explain the scriptures to the royal family.

So the King Jinlun packed up his bags and prepared to set off again.

This time, he not only wanted to go by himself, but also brought all his apprentices with him.

Jingang Temple has reached a bottleneck in the Western Regions and needs to blossom and bear fruit in Mongolia.

Before, he had already laid a good foundation, and this time he went there to carry forward the Dharma of Jingang Temple.

But when inquiring about the odd trick, the little disciple gave a different decision.

"I'm going to Shaolin." Qi Ji said decisively.

King Jinlunfa felt tired and had a genius apprentice. It was this feeling that everything was not under his control.

I didn’t say I wanted to practice sword before, but I didn’t come back. Later, I wanted to teach Kung Fu by myself. After half a year, I practiced a set of kung fu by myself, which was completely different from what I taught. , I actually wanted to read the scriptures of other sects, so I had no choice but to go there personally to ask him to read the secret scriptures of all sects.

As for martial arts, there is no need to think about it. It will never be spread. The King Kong Temple has a dragon-like Poruogong, and there is no need for it.

Now, now that he wants to take him to Mongolia, he is unwilling and wants to go to Shaolin.

I had known this, I would never mention Zen Shaolin in front of him.

The fourteen-year-old boy has a firm face.

"Rinpoche, Mongolia is very powerful now. When we go to Mongolia, we can just spread the teachings of my Vajra Monastery and expand our influence," Jinlunfa said, "Why do you have to go to Shaolin?"

"Master, you said that Shaolin is the ancestor of Zen. Not only is there a lot of Buddhist classics, but also martial arts is extremely advanced, with 72 special skills, disciples are not talented, and want to see it." Qi Ji said with a look of yearning.

"Not only the Zen Sect, Shaolin, but also my Buddhism sects, such as Faxiang Sect, Silu Sect, and Sanlun Sect. Disciples all want to get to know, so that they can absorb all the rivers and improve my Tao."

"You are only fourteen years old. It's a little early," Jinlunfa said, "Chinese Buddhism is not very friendly to our Tibetan Tantric Yellow Sect."

"Master, I thought about it. I'm only fourteen years old. Who would have a child in such a place?" Qi Ji quibbled. "It's only then that disciples can get involved in other sects and borrow classics. After a while, disciples' concepts It has been established, and the traces of the Tibetan religion cannot be washed away. Which temple would be willing to accept it?"

"Therefore, I also ask Master to make it perfect and let the disciples travel the world alone." Qi Ji said, "Only by knowing the sufferings of the world can we feel my Buddha's compassion."

"Alright, I can't tell the teacher about you, go by yourself!" Jinlunfa Wang said, "Anyway, you now have the ability to protect yourself."

"In case of danger, save your life first. As long as you save your life, you still have a chance."

King Jinlunfa stopped persuading him. He felt that he had no choice but to take this little apprentice unless he was conquered by force.

Immediately, he transferred his anger to Darba: He hasn't been a teacher often in these years. Look, what did you teach the younger brother?

Cleverness is enough, as well as understanding, otherwise it is impossible to be proficient in Buddhism, and I almost won’t win the debate, and martial arts has reached the first-class level. You know, this kid is only fourteen years old.

If you pass it out, who doesn't envy me, the King of the Golden Wheel?

Unfortunately, this kid is not too close to me.

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