Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 165 The admirable little monk (for subscription)

"Monk Huijue, do you want something to eat?" Yang Guo asked, putting his mouth down.

"No, I have used Zhaifan before going up the mountain." Qi Ji refused, "Tan Yue is free."

"My name is Yang Guo. One of these two is Hong Qigong, the former leader of the Beggar Gang, and the other is my foster father Ouyang Feng." Yang Guo introduced himself.

"Huashan Wujue, I have heard of the name for a long time." Qi Ji said lightly, without a trace of fluctuation in his voice.

This made Yang Guo curious. If this little monk lived in Tibet for a long time, he didn’t know it. Since he knew the "Five Wonders of Huashan", it meant that he was no stranger to the Central Plains martial arts, and he could be so calm. Furu.

Yang Guo introduced the reason why they gathered here, and Qi Ji didn't say anything.

Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng, one went to sleep when they were full, the other was crazy, neither of them had the patience to listen to him.He is a person who likes to lively, and finally someone who is willing to listen to him comes and talks.

Until Hong Qigong was full and drunk, they started fighting again.

This time the competition is not about fists and kicks, but weapons.The two each held a branch and started fighting.

The rod goes to Shenlong Yaojiao, and the rod to the spirit snake dances, or like a long rainbow through the sky, or like a meteor chasing the moon.

Yang Guo was drunk and mesmerized, and confirmed his martial arts.

I recovered by accident and looked at the little monk beside him, but saw that he still had a calm expression without any excitement.

"If the true Buddha came to the world." Yang Guo thought, knowing that they couldn't stop the fight, so he continued to watch.

Naturally, the odd trick is not that he is not excited, but he has seen the martial arts of the two of them, and he has defeated their martial arts, so naturally he can't move his mind.

As the evening approached, Yang Guo remembered that the two of them had a rest, so he greeted Qi Ji and planned to find some food.

"Tan Dae doesn't have to be like this. There is a little Taoist under the mountain. Let's go and see the little monk. Maybe he is ready." Qi Ji got up and said.

"Ah, isn't it?" Yang Guo said in surprise, "Xuetian Mountain is steep and slippery. Let me go with you!"

"No, I guess that little Taoist priest would not want to see you." Qi Ji refused.

When Yang Guo saw Zhao Zhijing, do you have any results?

Which one do you want to help?

So, it's better to miss it first.

"Then you be careful." Yang Guo didn't know why he said that, but he would also observe his words and expressions. Since he was not allowed to go with him, he just stayed.


When I came to the place where I met Wu Chou in Tibet in the morning, Huang Wei had been waiting for a long time, and several food boxes were full.

Obviously he knew that there were other people on the mountain and prepared it specially.

The food is not exquisite, but there are meat, vegetable, and wine, and the variety is large, which makes Qi Ji very satisfied.

"Little Taoist, you won't poison it?" Qi Ji asked suddenly when the thing received the space ring.

"Ah," Huang Wei was shocked, "angry" said, "The monk still doesn't believe me, how could I do such ungrateful things?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you think I can't find out, you can give it a try." Qi Ji smiled, "Poison me and you will be free."

"The great monk can rest assured that I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know good or bad." Huang Weixin promised, almost slapped his chest.

There was also a cold sweat in his heart. He didn't have this idea, but he didn't dare to implement it.If you do, it is probably a corpse now.

Every time he heard this kind of words to let himself try, he felt cold all over.

"Be prepared to eat in the future, and wait here at 11 am and 4 pm. The rest of the time, you can do it yourself," Qi Ji turned up the mountain, "You can really try to escape or poison it."

Huang Wei is a reincarnation, there is no one around, and Qi Ji speaks a lot more casually.

"Don't dare," Huang Wei followed one step at a time, "Grand monk, what's the situation above, can you take me to see?"

"I don't mind, but the little Taoist priest, are you sure you want to go?" Qi Ji looked at him with a smile, "Do you know who the last young man on the mountain is? I guess you don't want to see him."

"Who is it?" Huang Wei became nervous.

"Yang Guo, your former good apprentice." Qi Ji smiled.

"He? What is he afraid of, now I am not afraid of him." Huang Wei was not convinced.

"Yeah, there is really nothing to be afraid of." Qi Ji said, "He just fought side by side with Hong Qigong, which made Hong Qigong full of affection."

"Moreover," he paused, allowing Huang Wei to digest: "Ouyang Feng is his foster father."

"Damn!" Huang Wei spit out a word.

This guy is so hard backstage, he won't be the protagonist, right?Otherwise why does this guy have to look up.

"Then the big monk, you go by yourself, I'll go first." Huang Wei immediately changed his mind again, preparing Yang to stay away from this dangerous element.

Qi Ji didn't care either. He took his things up the mountain. Just before that, he took out the food box from the space ring and carried it up.

When the food came, Hong Qigong naturally stopped fighting, and Ouyang Feng also called for Yang Guo to come down and eat.

After dark, find a cave to rest and escape the wind and snow.

The odd trick is to guard the entrance of the cave, chanting in a low voice.

This is a late class. It can be late, but it cannot be interrupted.

"Little monk, you have to recite the scriptures when you arrive at this kind of place?" Hong Qigong said.

He is old, and he speaks like a senior.

"Since the little monk can recite sutras, the second class in the morning and evening has never been interrupted." Qi Ji said.

Zhi left the Golden Wheel of Fa King, and along the way, he never stopped the second lesson in the morning and evening.

Hong Qigong is in awe, and anyone who can do this will be a great weapon.

"Little monk, I underestimated you, maybe in the future, you can really become a Buddha." He said.

Without a word, continue chanting.

Yang Guo thought of his aunt again. The little monk in front of him had too many similarities with his aunt. They did the same thing day after day, and were very indifferent to everything. He only asked his heart, not foreign objects.

He missed his aunt.


On the second day, Yang Guo was awakened by the shouts outside the cave, and when he woke up, he heard strange chanting.

He got up to give a salute, closed his eyes and chanted the scriptures without paying attention. Yang Guozi stepped over him and came outside the cave. He saw Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng fighting, and the fight was inextricably difficult.

After a long while, Qi Ji went down the mountain to fetch food. The four had eaten, and the two of them continued to fight; before dark, Qi Ji went down again to fetch dinner.After eating, go into the cave and rest, just like last night.

A flash is four days.

After the battle, Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng were both consumed.Qi Ji continued to calm down, but Yang Guo looked anxious.

He only thought that martial arts was impossible to understand. At night, when Ouyang Feng fell asleep, he quietly called Hong Qigong out of the cave, knelt down, and said nothing.

But Hong Qigong knew what he meant and decided not to fight with the crazy Ouyang Feng, so he was ready to go down the mountain.

All of this was in the eyes of the strange plan who closed his eyes and meditated, but he didn't respond, even Ouyang Feng jumped out of the hole.

As a result, not surprisingly, the two developed their internal strengths.

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