Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 196 Give him back ten years of peace (seeking subscription)

Zhou Zhengan was even more stunned.

Thirty years ago, at the top of Mount Hua, he personally saw the Master fought against the Eastern Evil, the Western Poison, the Southern Emperor Bei Biao, and his father Zhou Botong. Although Master was strong at that time, there were traces to follow and he could see its limits.

When he reached the top of the Grand Master, he thought he could follow in the footsteps of the master, but before he had time to show off, he was beaten again.

Master is right. Grandmaster Peak is also different from Grandmaster Peak. Some people are not even a little bit worse. Even if they are not at the bottom of Grandmaster Peak, they are not much stronger.


It is no wonder that the strange plan is too strong, just because the exercises he practiced are too strong, and the lowest is also the top-level internal skills of the Quanzhengxin Method.

The accumulation of the three generations is too deep.In each world, he practiced from the beginning until he recovered the state of his previous life and reached the peak. Every time he practiced again, it was a process of re-familiarity. After the third life, he clearly felt the practice of each exercise. Characters, and in this process, the inferior is saved from the superior. It can be said that the internal strength he re-trained in this life is different from the first world.

Everyone's physical condition is different, and their adaptability to exercises is also different.

Over the past ten years, when the Nine-Yang Scriptures reached the state of Consummation, Qi Ji complemented the Nine-Yin Scriptures to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang in the body, and it was endless.Innate skills, internal strength with innate attributes, are born with an overwhelming advantage, and there is no disadvantage in fighting.The Quanzhen Mind Method is righteous and peaceful, contains the Taoist concept of the unity of nature and man, and is coordinated in the middle. The dragon elephant Bo Ruo Gong exercises the body and makes the power of the magical exercises surge.There is also Yun Shen Jue, which has the effect of improving the spirit, so that he can understand the changes around him well without eyes.

The three elements of spirit, energy and spirit are united, and the effect is more than simple addition.That's why Qi Ji felt that no one would be his perfect enemy.

If the dragon elephant Bo Ruo Gong is practiced to the tenth level of the extreme low-level world, then it is estimated that there will be no enemy of the triple.

For example, now, under the powerful mental effect, the attacks of the three top masters are like slow motion in front of him, and he can clearly see the trajectory of the attack. How can he hurt him?

"Great monk, it turns out that you are not as good as your apprentice? Stop fighting." Zhou Botong was upset. As soon as he fought over there, he knew that the monk he was fighting was a "weak chicken" and was immediately unhappy.

"The old urchin is here too!" After stopping the fight with the Golden Wheel Fa King, he immediately joined the siege of the odd plan, fighting each other from left and right to display the odd plan with both hands.

But it's still useless. Even if you join Zhou Botong, you still can't suppress the odd trick. After a few moves, the odd trick has the upper hand.

"Emperor Duan, if you don't make a move, we will lose all our faces." The four of them were all pressed and beaten together. Zhou Botong felt very aggrieved and called Master Yideng to make a move.

"Amitabha Buddha, Rinpoche, you are offended." Master Yideng was unwilling to make a scheming to kill evil. Seeing Zhou Botong's call, he also joined the siege.

But this horrible finger of force disappeared without a trace before being close, and even the magical body protection was not breached.

At this time, everyone was moved.

I couldn't beat it before, but now it's fine, and when it hits, it is even more aggrieved, even the defense of others cannot be broken.

"What kind of evil is this?" the five people thought together, "How did King Jinlun Fa teach the apprentice?"

The King of Falun Gong, who has been idle, has long been confused: Is this still my apprentice?When did Rinpoche become so powerful?

In his impression, Chen Shan is lacking in strange activities. There are basically no other activities in the morning class, reading Buddhist scriptures, practicing the dragon elephant wave exercise, evening class, and sleeping.

Could it be said that only practicing dragon elephant Bo Ruo Gong would make such a big improvement?No, Rinpoche’s dragon elephant Po Ruogong has not yet reached the eighth level?

I haven't seen him practice other martial arts. Why is he so good?

Could it be said that this is a genius?Is it true that the true Buddha that the Buddha bestowed on me in the vast Vajra Temple descended to earth?

King Golden Wheel of Falun Gong remembered the strange tricks that happened at the beginning of the year.

That was the most glorious time in his first half of his life. He subdued all sects at the Jokhang Temple and met Rinpoche on the way back.

In the vast snowy area, hidden in the evil of a female corpse, if it were not for my strong skills to hear Ruoyuruuowu's crying, I am afraid that in a while, he will be gone.

But after all, I was met by myself. Could this not be the arrangement of the Buddha?

For a while, King Golden Wheel Faith became more convinced of the origin of the strange plan, convinced that this was the Buddha that the Buddha saw him piously and specially gave him.

"Yang Guo, Zheng'an, come, join forces to defeat this kid." Zhou Botong called out again during the battle.

"..." No one responded.

Yang Guo didn't move, Zhou Zhengan didn't move, Li Mochou wanted to make a move, but Zhou Zhengan held him back.

"Little bastard, the wings are hard, and you don't even listen to your father's words." Zhou Botong cursed when his son didn't respond.

"Everyone, this farce is over here." Qi Ji laughed loudly, no longer tolerant in his hand, and pointed it into a sword to transport out the method of Dugu Nine Swords. First, he broke the almost unsupportable Huang Yaoshi's. The palm technique, a palm hit his chest, and the internal energy invaded away, so that Huang Yaoshi could no longer gather his strength, and with a Yang finger technique, he sealed his acupuncture points and directly let him out.

Looking back with a punch, he broke the eighteen palms of Jianglong, and smashed Ouyang Feng's toad power with one palm, forcing the two to withdraw from the injury.Yang Guo quickly stepped forward and helped the two aside.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhou Botong immediately retreated, yelling "No more fights," and Zhou Zhengan and his wife came forward to comfort him.

Master Yideng is hard to support, so he can only collect his merits. He has no further persecution, and he said: "Everyone, let's accept."

In the low-level world, who can train to the pinnacle of the master, who is not the one who is amazing and brilliant?It's already rare to be able to hold on for so long under his five success strengths.

"Rinchepo, you are not only profound in Buddhism, but martial arts are also unfathomable and talented, but the old monk hopes that you can stay true to your heart and not fall into the evil way." Yideng advised.

"Master, the little monk knows what I'm doing," said Qi Ji. "It's not my intention to kill, but I have to do it."

"The old monk is willing to die for him." Yideng said.

"Master, if it is possible, the little monk never wants to kill the daughter of a person who has spent his life for the country and the people, but this time, she has to be." Qi Ji said, raising his hand with vigor and hitting the distance.

There was a "ding", the sound of the dagger landing.

Everyone’s eyes were on Qi Ji. At this time, they looked up and saw that the reincarnation Guo Xiang was standing beside the immobile Huang Yaoshi, one hand tightly holding the other, obviously injured, and one under his foot. dagger.

"The enchantment is deep, it cannot be saved." Qi Ji said.

There were not a few foolish people present, and of course they understood what Guo Xiang was doing with this move, and a sense of absurdity could not help but emerge in his heart.

They tried their best to intercept the strange plan here, but after Huang Laoxie was subdued, his granddaughter actually wanted to kill him!

Looking at Huang Yaoshi, there was a dead silence on his face, which was extremely sad.

Although he was apostate, he puts the most emphasis on loyal officials and filial sons, but when he was old, his granddaughter who had just masked wanted to kill himself.


"Second Sister!"

Guo Fu and Guo Polu were also shocked, not knowing why she did this.

"Who are you and why are you aiming at us?" Guo Xiang, the reincarnation, said angrily, looking at the odd plan.

The reincarnation was also helpless. When Qi Ji made her move, she didn't want to take the opportunity to escape, but even if Qi Ji was fighting the five, there was still an aura locked in her. She knew that if she had an abnormal move, she would usher in Thunder hit.

So she didn't dare to go, and later saw Huang Yaoshi was locked in the acupuncture point by a strange trick and couldn't move. Knowing that she could not escape, she wanted to kill someone and make some gain.She knew that she had only one chance. Compared with Guo Fu and Guo Polu, Huang Yaoshi, who was immobile and martial artist, was obviously more important.

But just this, it was ruined by a strange plan, and she couldn't help but not angry.

"The female donor has been enchanted, and I hope that in the next life I will return to my Buddha seat." Qi Ji said, pointing to the forehead of the samsara.

The reincarnation was shocked. She was also the late master stage, but at this moment, she wanted to retreat and escape, but found that she could not move. She could only watch that finger approaching her head, her eyes were black and she no longer felt.

"Amitabha Buddha, everyone, the little monk wants to leave, can you?" Qi Ji asked.

"Master, please." Yang Guo said, seeing everyone being suppressed and no one answered.

"Master, brother, let's go!" Qi Ji said.

"Okay, let's go." The King of the Golden Wheel was awakened like a dream, and Dalba was even more speechless, only knowing that he would follow his steps.

"Tell Daxia Guo that the little monk killed her daughter and gave him ten years of peace in Xiangyang." Qi Ji gave Yang Guo a voice, "If you are not upset, you can come to the Valley of Unrequited Love to find the little monk."

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