Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 340 passing (seeking subscription)

Thinking of this, I'm thinking about the cold, it seems that there is a feeling in the mortality, I can't die after awakening.

"Mr. is still a direct!" For a while, the strange quotuary recovered calm, and Zuo Dao.

"The poor road will continue to observe, find that this soul is awakened, if you see the future." Zuo Ci did not pay , "So he occupied the opportunity, step by step, a very weak Jingzhou in the original trajectory, and built the most Powerful forces, so purpleweisted, Guangyue Jingzhou. "

I am going, this old guy has always looked at yourself. I thought of eating and drinking Laza was seen, and I couldn't help but feel a thriller.

This old guy is lonely alone, who knows if there is a special good, is there a cave?

There is also, using the system upgrade to improve the realm, is there any clue to him?

At least to now, from the left crypt, I didn't hear any words about the system.

Or, even if it is strong, you know that you have a big secret, but you can't think of the system, you can't find the system.

"Mr. has always stared at the soul, didn't go out, don't look at it?" Asked Qi.

"Of course, not," Zuo Ci said, "When the evil demon is coming, the poor road must look at it, whiteline, but this time the evil magic is low, I can't afford to wind, the poor road is not very tube."

"Strange, why don't you think that the soul is also a demon?" Asked Qi.

"He is not like an evil magic, although it is a foreign person, but it is always in this world." Zoi is silent for a while, "the poor pass has been observing, he doesn't like other people, there is no mock, and there is one It is more important. More importantly, he will kill those evil. "

"According to it, those people will kill each other!" Said Qi Ti.

"Different, poor roads don't know how to kill between them once, even if they kill each other, there is no change in this world, and the soul killed them, the pressure of this world is reduced."

Big brother, is we not saying the same thing, why do you say this in your mouth?

What is the world time, what world pressure is alleviated, I don't know!

I can't say the topic, if I can't win, I will definitely.

"So, I have known me to see me, just want to tell me these secrets?" Asked Qi.

"The poor road said, Si Tong, so I will see it." Zuo Ci said, "The General Taoism is also the law of our Taoism, although the law is different, but the same is the same, and the general will give up the secularity. how is it?"

Zoi is obviously not intentional, the old guy has never shown its intention, it is obviously the number of water characters.

So I asked: "Mr. is already Chengxian? How is Zhang Lingbi? There is also his son Zhang Heng, it is said to be flying into a fairy. Yes, I heard that Mr. has a brother, and the sky is excellent. I don't know if it's a fairy? "

Zuo Ci is full of attention: "The poor pass is not dare to be better than Zhang Ling, but his son Zhang Heng also, once he saw him flying, I have been habits. Just getting his light, I am like that. "

"As for the state, he cares about the generals, and will always have a day."

I don't play my face, Zhangling is a Taoist pioneer, the status is extremely high, and Zuo Chi is naturally more than.

He probably didn't know, his apprentice Ge Xuan later became a tenth person-level person who was not in Zhang Daoling, otherwise it would be more depressed.

"The general wants to end the chaos, it is not strong, and the generals of the poor channel will reach the bottleneck. I will give a volume of the general book. I hope that the general is flattering the world, and I have to think about it."

Perhaps it is strange to sweep the face, Zuoi finally no longer transferring the topic, directly to the road, is to send aqi card.

"Daddy took the initiative to send the door, this is a little protagonist." Qi Ti's heart, I asked on my mouth, "But" Ammy Tian Shu "?"

Zuo Ci shook his head.

"That is" Gold Medal "?" Qi Tiki.

Zuoi still shook his head.

"Mr. is still a picture!" Qi Ti did not guess.

"" Taiping is a class "." Zuo Ci said.

"What is this not the" Nanhua Reality "method?" Asked Qi.

It is said that "Taiping must" three volumes is part of the "Taiping Classics".

"Nanhua will not fake, but will not only him." Zuo Ci smiled, "" Niji Tian Shu "focuses on surgery," Golden Line Danjing "side is heavy, and" Taiping, "is the monk door It can help general to improve the realm. "Zuo Tao.

"Thank you Dao Chang." Qi Ti Shi.

"You don't have to polite, the general kill the rounds as soon as possible, let the poor pass to see the world's changes, it is the best thanks." Zuo Ci said.

"It is trying to do our best." Said Qi Ti.

"Good." Zuo Ci said, a pointer to the strange question.

Then, a shares of Xuan'ao's breath rushed into the strange brain, and quickly mastered a practice.

It is "Taiping and I'm".

"Yuan Dynasty, at least the metacharities, Yuan Yingjing is absolutely can't do this."

"The poor will leave." The transfer is completed, and Zuoi immediately warned.

"Mr. please, if there is something, please feel free to come to Fuyang." Siki smiled.

Zuoi nodded and disappeared directly in the singularity.

I haven't waited for a strange to react, and I heard the sound of Cai Wei in the ear.

"General, what?"

After returning God, I found myself on the road to Fuyang, sitting on the horse back, just told Wei's "pay attention to the alert".

And Caiwei is because there is no abnormality, this is only an inquiry.

"Nothing, hurry!" Said Qi Ti.

"Sanxian, the end of the Han Dian, Zoi really did not disappoint, this illusion, such as immersive."

Open the system interface, really found the words "Taiping Classic" (not started) in the practice.

With this, don't talk about God, I can reach the contest. After all, Zuo Ci specializes in running, and will give an ordinary situation law.


On the top of a mountain outside in Xiangyang City, the specialty will enter Xiangyang, and a sigh is a sigh.

If the qi is here, it will find that this person is just a magic legend that he communicated with him.

"I don't know if it is right." Zuo Mun is muttered, "What is the identity of this person, why do you have any desire to talk?"

"Does he really have to wait?"

"If you are wrong, it will bring a strong opponent to yourself."

"After all, this is divided, but the metacharities have exceeded the world's limits, and they can't do it."

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