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Chapter 372 of the Imperial Examination (Subscribe)

Host: odd

Occupation: Physician (Master +), Dan Shi (Intermediate +), Farm (Advance +)

Realm: Do not enter the stream

Method: fusion ...

Martial Arts: Break the sword (not introduced +), picking a star hand (not introduced +), stepping with step (not introduced +), easy to for forging the bones (not introduced +), the soul of the soul (not introduced +), fall Moon Bow (not introduced +), wind knife (not introduced +) ...

Scheme: Drug Rare (not entry +), spring surprises (not introduced +), lightning strike (not introduced +), is a law (not introduced +), five thunder (not introduced +) ...

Source point: 153.2

Main line task: Kill the extravague of the sky (010), reward unknown, the task cannot be returned before the task is completed. (undone)

Branch Task 1: After Liangshan agglomerate, set the liang mountain, reward 100 source points. (undone)

Branch Mission 2: Pingding Tian Tiger, Wang Qing, Fang La Song, reward 150 source. (undone)

Branch mission 3: Beat the Liao Qi, seize Jingyun 16th, reward 100 source points.

There is no need to say that the martial arts in the realm is, anyway, every world must be repaired once, and the main line task of killing the dominery is also normal.

Not normal is the branch task, no easy completion.

In other words, he can earn some energy.

It is not allowed to say that in terms of Zhu Zhuang, it is destined to be a natural opposite. The task did not say, that is, this time is a little crazy.

Do you have to wait until Liangshan aggregation is completed?

Liang Mountain is accomplished, Liangshan will reach great, all kinds of talents are complete, the division of labor is clear, and it is easy to be fixed?

The same is true, the position is different, but the strength under the hand is not weak, especially in Fang La, Liangshan Hanzhan, dozens of people in Jiangnan, can see the strength of Fanglan.

And the square is still with religious uprising, the intermediate world, the gods appear, who knows the gods of the Wah Wah will not personally finally!

Liao Qi is not well causing, the first two tasks are also internal to the big Song, and seize the Sixteen states, then involve the national war. The thin camel is bigger than the horse, even when the Liao Country has not been a few years, but it is not a big Song. The Tong Jing Zhu is not the same.

How can I have a good mood?

Rather, the matter has been, and it is useless, and it can only face it.

Silently felt some, the aura of this world is more rich than the three countries world, and the odd operation is calculated. If you want to return to the previous peak, Yuan Ying period, take more than three years.

If it is delay, it is estimated that it will last longer.

"Let's go, wait to recover the strength." Qi Ti has an idea.

"The main line task does not say, I have encountered it. But the branch task has to master the power."

"In the big Song, the martial arts is no future, the power is in the hands of the reading, and if you want to complete the task, you must first become a copy of the reader."

"This is hard to fall, after all, it is not a day two days, although not the same big Song, in Daming, I have been a few years, I have been in the same year, twelve of the two scholars, in the reading person Not bad. The imperial examinations can pass, let alone the Song Dynasty! "

"First define a small goal, three years of child life, five years show, eight years, then go to Tokyo to take the test, Donghuamen sings ..."

"The break is over, continue to class, then we learn 'Kong Huai brothers, the same gas is linger, what does it mean, what does it mean? Come in, continue to learn a thousand words with you.

Qi Ti can only be installed as start learning, and the heart is very helpless.

I am Hon Lin Tale, actually, and a group of barten children learn thousands of words.


After three days, the singular skills were completed.

More than a dozen magical situation, a refining method based on Dragon Elephant, integrated into a dragon icon, is a high-level practice method that can achieve the method.

The law is the realm of the martial art, which is quite equivalent to the metamorphia.

Dragon elephant is in jail, practicing to the peak, and even hell can suppress.

Ok, perhaps some bragging, but the power is really extraordinary.

After the expression of the gods, it turns into ... Zhengqi Haoran.

There is no change.

How to see, this new is slightly different from the time before the introduction, the rest is not changed, and it is still the practice of the metamorphic.

This makes the singularity, and 100 source points can directly let the Yuanshen level will be introduced.

There are still more than 150 source points, and the singularity is not used to upgrade the progress of the exercise immediately, but it is cultivated.

The process is really longer than expected time. In addition to the unpredigatory taste of the Avenue, it will be small, and the Qi Haoran and the dragon icon are the new menstruation. I have not practiced, the process of cultivation, there is a lot of problems, and there is no expectation.

After five years, Qi Ti finally broke again to break Dan into a baby, the promotion period, at the same time, the dragon elephant in jail and the righteousness also reached small, all reached the hill.

Three law fellow initiates, still can have so fast.


In order to avoid and ask a group of children, the Qi Ti proactively requested the private college to go to the county, avoiding everyone.

I wish Wan Mao, although this little son never sounded, although there is no longer, but did not give yourself a trouble, this is the first time, just spend a few bunch, he agreed I also sent a servant to take care of the singularity.

When I arrived in the college, I gradually showcase the talents of learning. In the case of the hospital, I accidentally "created" a few poems, let the bookmakers amazed, and actively famous.

The Song Dynasty was encouraged to be prime minister, and the prime minister of the year was gave up to Jinshi. Please see you.

So, in the first year of Chongning, when he was ten years old, he took the county school, and quickly ranked the best in the county, became a born.

Chongning three years, Qi Ti has passed Yuchengzhou School, in a classmate, is still the smallest. He is preparing for two years in the state, after the strength is restored, and it will become "beam."

The intersection of the Song Dynasty is still not so strict. As long as you passed the state, you can go to the Trial Try to take the test and take the scholars.

And this is still a deadline, the shelf life is only three years. If the test is not allowed to join the scholastic, it has to re-participate in the state.

Just in the Qi Skow, I want to take the state test for fifteen years old. When I was in the age of 18, the court suddenly issued a letter.

The imperial examination was abolished.

At first, I thought it was a fake, because he didn't heard that the feudal dynasty was abolished, it was a thousand years.

Later, the news is more wide, and I know that Song Huizong has accepted Cai Jing's suggestion and decided to take the school to choose to replace the imperial examination examination.

The singularity almost didn't spit out a bite, he had been prepared for a few years, and the plan was set up, and it was encountered.

But the advantage is also there, the at least has entered the state, as long as the test once, you can take the opening of the opening, the next step is too learning. The court grate, the most important thing is to choose from too much - here is the best talent.

Just I don't know if this is not aware of the people, it will not be recognized by the scholars.

After all, Cai Jing's reputation is not so good.

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