Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 381 Moth Fire (Subscribe)

It is a great place to open it up. It is located in the southern suburbs of Kaibin, and has been built when he is under the branches of the scorpion, and there is more than 3,000 people.

Through the state test, you can get too much.

The big Song is more than two hundred armors, state, the government, and average, there is no number of places per state, can be admitted, all are the leaders in the state.

Of course, this is now, for a few years, the court's routine has been found, the emperor is not boring, the rape minister is right, and the institutions who have enrolled in school have also been in the name, turning into business.

The Qi Ti is to take a moment before, then enter the house, go to the house, and become a happy way.


This plan is exported, and the scene is quiet.

It's like modern a remote village. Some people have been in the same two days to go to Beijing. The results have not yet come out, as if they must be better.

Of course, there will be no people believe.

I wish Mo Mao, although I know that I have a good study, but I just hope that I can take a scholar in one day.

Ascending to talk about reading, I don't want to think.

"Leopard, do you serious?" I wish Wansao asked.

"Can this have a fake?" I laughed. "The elders probably heard of the news, the court canceled the imperial examination, if you don't go too much to study, how can you enter the official?"

"The court is still tricking, I heard the news, I thought it was a joke!" I wish you a lot of way, "After all, I still think that you can come back!"

"If it is a lot of reading, when I entered the same time, the official will naturally give them a martial arts and the same." I laughed.

"Do you have a grasp?"

"I have to try it!" The Qi Ti said to be try, but the confident smile makes people know that he is not just try.


Because of the singularity, the banquet is even more lively.

In the field, everyone knows that if you can read a famous name, you will be a master, and you will be more prosperous.

Before everyone drunk, the singing people should not be promoted, everything will be said in the future.

It's not a fool, this is a secret, they first know that the first thing is, naturally get more benefits.

If you really pass it out, you will bring more people, you don't lose your own interests.

This wise is not.

The singularity looks at their demeanor, know what they think, but there is no response to the three brothers.

Also, if you have a famous name, can you still bring them?

There is also, like this, it is estimated that it doesn't understand what it means!



The elderly left the servant's help, and Yan Tingyu also retired.

He knew that Xiao Shaoye just came back, the owner of the mother and son will negotiate things, do not need him.

"Father, three brothers," after the banquet, I wish my father and son five people gathered in a room, "I asked this," I didn't return for two years, why Zhuang Li became this? "

"Not the two years," I wish you much more confusing in the sky, "the thieves have a lot of thieves, the Zhuang is unsained, and it is not safe, I heard that there are several villages in the neighborhood. I was killed by the thief, the loss was heavy, the county is unlikely, I can only recognize unlucky. "

"So, then, Zhai Bao began to prevail, almost village villages were built, plus reinforced walls, training Zhuang Ding, to prepare for it."

"Father, some passed, Zhuangzi's last city." Qi Ti said, "There is only one soldier and horses, and it will be a thief. I have a lot of people. Iron armor, bow, that is all contraband, once the court is pursued, but the crime is not small. "

"The younger brother, I wish Zhu Zhuang, just more firm than the construction of people." Zhu Dragon said, "The Village Village, the county is not touched."

"You don't know if the county is not known, not, those who are very clear, but there is no way, they can't ignore the thief, they can only develop this kind of thing, otherwise the thief is unfavorable, affecting the promotion of the evaluation. "

"And we all listened to the county order, safeguarding the local peace, they can't come, and how can they sublet? Once they are held, it is not a chaotic."

The law is not responsible, this is the reason for the congressional.

I didn't expect that I would like to say this, I've seen a look at it.

"This is, but if it falls into the eyes of people, it is also troublesome." Strange frown.

"The world is like this, can you have any hidden dangers?" I wish you all the best, it is said that the neighboring County Dongxi Village, Totta That is more, it is more even more, no What is said. "

"There is also Lingzhou's Zengou City, the scale is also huge than we wish."

Dongxi Village has been to the Qi Tie, knowing that I wish you a good thing, it is really more even more than I wish.

I heard the name of Zengtou City from the blessing of the dragon. Some accidents.

I wish you a lot of life, I don't know how to do a few hundred miles away?

Originally, the Song Dynasty was there without Lingzhou, but this world is next to Texas.

"Now there is nothing, we wish you all the eyes, but if you have in the future, I am afraid it is not good to say." Strange said.

"The younger brother is worried that we affect your business?" I wish Tiger Yin and asked.

This has not rely on the entrance to the official, starting to be dissatisfied with himself, I really have to do it, then I have!

I wish Wanmao's face is not good, he thinks this little son is disappointing yourself.

"No, I am not worried that you affect the journey, but worry about your security." Strange said, "The official is not good, the court is more dangerous than the rivers and lakes. If I enter, I will inevitably squeezing others, will appear Political enemy. "

"They are pressing, crowded, I am not afraid, up to a few years, but I am afraid that they will hish Zhujiazhuang, once they catch this, the father, I wish you a hard time, it is very difficult, it is very likely to endanger Life, have to prevent it. "

"What should I do if I have a few thousand people, but I still can't fight, then I will become an anti-thief. I don't resist, I can only slaughter."

"Ah, is the official is so complicated?" Zhu Wei was scared.

"I want to be the official, who knows it again." Qi Ti smiled, "even if you know, you can't stop the moth."

"Do you want, you don't go to Beijing?" Zhu Wei asked weakly.

"No," I wish Wanmao immediately veto, "We wish a family more than 100 years, from a poor farmers to now, have not had an official, can only be in this country, so it is not easy to have this opportunity, must not miss."

"Three brothers, look, this is the charm of the official, the moth is fired, at all." Odds and wishes.

This is really a bit.

"You must not give up this opportunity. We wish you can not realize it from the rural arrogant to the county collections, just see the future achievements of Leopard, must grasp this opportunity, can not let Leopard distracted," I wish Wansao stars three Son, "Even if you pay any price, you must also support the leopard, do you understand?"

"Baby understands!"

"Don't care about the loss, don't care Xiaoli, if you really provide a scholar, we wish Jiazhuang not only can Guang Zong Yao Zu, will have a greater interest in the future, there is a place in this life and even Zhangzhou."

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