Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 394 Huanqing Road Handicapped (Subscribe)

"It can be art can Wu, it is really a talent, it is a team of officials." Dingbian County, received a warning of the singularity, and the children smiled.

I can take the scholar, at least the spiritual power has gods, when I seize the , I also showcase the strength of the martial arts of the peak, which can be said to be civil and military.

The easing, the brother passes.

You must know that the emperor's pet-letter is more than him, there is no such thing in the mouth of the people, but also add a Lin Linger, take a new rise of high rise, he certainly doesn't want one more than one.

With these people in front of the emperor, when the child has a lot of pressure.

However, the children know how to try to figure out the emperor's mind, although there is no sense of odd, but the emperor tells him, if he cares, it is inert-to-hunting, he can't deliberately targeted.

Let the Quitan Three Thousands of Military Majets, I have been sick. If it is again targeted, it will cause the emperor's dislike, this kind of thing will naturally do not do.

"Does our people have news?" Tong Zong asked again.

"There is already news, I wish the county to attack the village, only half a day, less than half." Side next, "This is concrete."

The heart is present in a book letter.

"Hey, it will rely on some power. If the defenders are smart, the luck is almost, it may not be able to take the fragrance."

"Since I do it, I will be inquiry," Tong Zong said, "he promoted, the wheel did not arrive, and it was handed over to the official."


"Gonggong, has been cleaned up, totaling more than 1,300 people, more than 2,000 people, including Han people have eight hundred, the rest is a monks, party comers, etc." The center of the Cangzhai, before the command of the war Report.

"Is there a loss? Harvest geometry?" Asked Qi.

"There is nearly a thousand deaths in the Wars," the injured also have nearly a thousand, "the command made it," I don't know the specific situation over there. "

"Harvest except the population, there is not too much, only a few thousand stone grain, the military is not much, the good horse is less than 100, the gold and silver is about thousands of people."

"Is this something?" Odds frown.

"Yes, I'm doing, I dare to guarantee that no one is greedy." Command.

"Okay, the official knows, and believes you." Strange, "Go, arrange a good defense, before the child Taisheng took over to prevent the defense," must not lose . "

The city was taken, but the Qi Ti was still worried about the Westwardestian counterattack.

"I will go." The command will make loud.

It was originally thought to be a life of the nine deaths, but it is so easy to capture the West, a Zhai Bao, which is enough to boast for a lifetime.

After all, they are the wisdom of the army not banned.

I went down to , I can't run.

I changed the others, perhaps, I will grow my merit, but I have never yet yet, and the command is willing to believe this time.

"Teacher, how is the casualt of injury?" The command soon, Yan Tingyu came.

"It is more than 100, and the rest is almost injured." Yan Tingyu sighed.

"How is your ?" Asked Qi, "Can you bear it?"

"Don't worry, it will not be timid." Yan Ting Yucao, "lived in the discussion on what reward this time."

"Teachers are relieved, I will not let people feel cold, those who die, all according to the highest standards, in addition, I wish you a few more."

"They are for the family, and I will play the battlefield for me. If you don't have them, if you don't have them, you will not be able to attract it easily. This exert, I am in mind." Qi Ti said.

"He is listening to the public, we are a person who wishs Zhuang, dying for the same, this is this point." Yan Ting Yucao.

"That is what you think." Qi Ti said, "Teacher teacher, to end, you have to trouble, take them home."

"This nature." Yu Ting Yuxi's first.

"Also, go back and ask them, have anyone who is willing to stay from the army, and I wish them." Strange said, "There is also a teacher, this time, maybe I will succeed, the power is bigger, palm The army will also be more, if the education teacher is willing, don't put it in the future. "

"Thank you, the son is lifted, and the little person dares to live." Yan Ting Yuxi said.

"So, when the next business business, I took my second brother, teach him the rules on the road, can't let him stay in Zhangzhou, otherwise it will be abolished."


After ten days, Tong Ji sent people to receive , odd, this time the Song Jun won the whole victory, reached all established goals, although some of the costs of some Zhai Bao have been great.

In addition to dozens of good horses, Qi Ti did not take anything, and it should be that the child passed the 3,500 sets of banned military equipment left here.


"Well, this is the hoping of this situation, and the three thousand Xiangjun took the West Xia Zhai." The Imperial Palace, the emperor received the Temple Battle Report, especially when I learned that the gods were big, "Calculate the time, the champion knows that the water is almost a year?"

"The official is good, it is still a year for more than a month." There is a near service.

"That's almost, let the political affordation of the police, there is a man who has a good job." The emperor is very good, directly reward, "the , the staff outside the Lang, the Yishui County makes I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish my stay More than the army to win the West Xia City Village, and rose to the Dafu, knowing the Qingzhou. "

Political and four years (1114), the first month, Qi Ti is promoted to Qingzhou Zhizhou, the head of the arms.

Qingzhou does not seem like a water, not only has a good army, but also banned the army.

Due to the practice, the original command has transferred directly to the banned army, and the deputy command made the command to promote the command, and Zhu Wei raised from the deputy command.

In March, I wish the pantry with Yan Tingyu arrived in Anhua. Yan Tingyu took hundreds of Zhuang Ding who wish Zhu Zhuang, joined Qingzhou Taojun, and I wish Huhu and I wish you a heavy responsibility of the family business team.

Become a good power, the strange power is much larger. First, I re-edited the soldier and horses under Qingzhou, and finally banned more than 25,000 people in the army, including three thousand people in the Majetrium; This is the motor power that can be mobilized, coupled with the rest of the counties, the city shower, and nearly 100,000 people.

There are fewer people, and there is far from the battle. So after the stylist re-edited, he immediately started training.

Not only is the banned army, but also a wide arm.

After all, not all the people can attack the city.

Relatively speaking, the combat power of the branches is far less than the ban, of course, it is not as good as the waters of the water training.

There are three thousand people's legendary legend, and the Qi Tie touched the army is still very smooth.

I don't dare to obey, no matter how many people are behind, I just walked the dog, and the luck is good, but the fact is the fact.

After half a year training, the Qi Ti began to sweep the thief in Qingzhou, spent half a year, clearing the state.

Then, odd garters hit the state.

Every year, students who can enhance the Emperor will be so many, although the Qingzhou is small, the readers accumulate, and the quantity is also objective. Some people don't want to continue to study, and they want to make a bodily, and they will send a ladder, invite them to visit.

Or no longer army, but a private staff group.

Because there are a lot of snorkeers, I can't accept the army and the soldiers.

The singularity is different, although it is a leader, but this is the characteristics of the big concierge. Serving this Yonglang, many people are still happy.


Tong Zong is not a master, in addition to returning to Beijing, these years are more in the northwest, and he is the northwest of the main, and the power is very powerful.

Almost every year, Tong also looks for a chance to play a game and won a few city villages, or there is no harvest.

But the Qi Ti is not concerned, he faintly feels that the child is looking at a very big chess.

In the sect of government and six years, the Qi Qicheng is rigorous and surprised. Since then, you can also be called "Strihood".

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