Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 400 Tong Gongli Liang Mountain (seeking subscription)

"When is today?" Seeing Qi Daoqing and smashed the East, and the heart was moving, asked.

"Go back to Gong, today is April 23." Saicited.

"Is it really started?" Qi Qi's heart, see Qi Daoqing's shocking appearance, so I asked, "said the long can have it?"

"There is a vastness of the sky, the death of the magic, and the big broadcast is not." Qi Dao said.

"Taoist, the big Son Zeng Anning, this calendar, why did you live?" Qi Ti said, "Taoist thought that this is all, is it last day?"

"How do I don't believe in the trimming fairy?" Qiao Daoqing said.

"However, the official does not believe that if there is a top life, the official must change it against the sky." Strange said, "This is our Confucian saying, the people are dominant, and it is used."

"Do you know the public as a sayth?" Qiao Daoqing was dumb.

"This is the truth, isn't it? Otherwise, how can I be in this position with my current age?" I laughed.

"That is quiet and beautiful, see where the public can do it!" Qiao Daoqing laughed.

"No, you can't only look at it, and the official needs you to force!" Said Qi Ti.

"The Song Xia War has stopped, why did you continue to practice the soldier?" Qi Daoqing asked.

"Just said that the Dao Chang said that the big concierge will not make this uns, and the official will take the soldier and horses. It is not precious, preparing in advance!

"Do you know that you will definitely be transferred?" Qi Daoqing asked again.

"The Director may wish to see!" The Qi Ti sold the Chief.


Yongxing Jun Road, under the jurisdiction of the three provinces, plus the security army, the Sanyi army, the Ding Ban army, with the military motor, including more than 80,000, the branches of more than 150 million .

In addition to the city of the mountains that are newly located in Yokoshan, plus the army, the army, the army, the big army, which can be mobilized. Including 300,000 banned army and seventy-thousand people.

Seventy thousand arms, all steps, with 100,000 bowers; 300,000 banned army, there are 50,000 majers, 80,000 arms, and the rest of the army.

These people are all strangely selected, and they are slightly made, knowing the state, knowing the people in the army, and the most elite people in the box.

The martial arts, the best of the two Song Dynasties.

Such as the genographer, the division, Liu Zhongwu, Yao Gu and so on, will not say, high weight, easy can't move, and the so-called Southern Song Zhongxing four will have Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi Under the singularity, he was specially transferred into his army, only Yue Fei, because he was too small, it is estimated that it has not been from the army.

The rest of the young generation, such as Wu Wei, Wu Wei, Yao Pingzhong, etc. also have been toned to be specially tested, and the king of the acquaintance of the Kangjing was also tuned from the breed.

Among these people, there are minimal homes, such as Wang Jin, has reached the way. Because of the cause, it can't be the same.

Thirty thousand banned army, the cultprin of the Yuan Dynasty has three people, and there is a hundred and thirty people in the gods; the one-in-law of the martial arts, there are more than three hundred people in the gods, and there is a quarter of the martial arts.

Although the Navy is almost, there is also a cultust in the Yuan Dynasty, and there are more than eight people in the gods; the four people are more than one hundred people. In these four laws, including Yan Tingyu.

Yes, Yan Tingyu also promoted to the law.

This is a strange preparation, and it is flattened in the future.

Unfortunately, this big northwest, there is no perfect water army. Even if there are some, I can't see it.

Most of the Northwest Army is a drought duck.


When the Song Jiang broke Dong Ping, the Qi Ti did not worry about the safety of the family. From the foreign exotic, I know what I want most in Songjiang.


The bigger the moment of Liangshan, the more I want to enroll in Song Jiang, he hopes that he can join the ruling class in the big concieval, not to be a thief.

The more fierce, the more I want to be accepted early, from him to change the gathering hall to Zhong Ying Tang to see Ni, one of the reasons for sacrifice, is also looking forward to the court as soon as possible.

So the singularity is not worried about the persecution of Liangshan.

Unless he didn't want to recruit peace, the Yongxing Military Road has a tend to appease the attitude, it is definitely what he is going to consider.

After the self-cultivation of the soldiers, Liangshan Han Han returned, hit the slogan of the heavens, robbing hundreds of miles, the state government is unmanned.

It will be half a year, Xuanhe Troists, and Song Jiang also ran to Tokyo and wanted to seek the way of enrollment.

As a result, it is of course not satisfactory, and it is too much.

After that, the Taiwanese Chen Zong Shanzheng is unchanged, and the Yang Gong, Taifu, and the pivot make Tong Zong yourself in the military.

Temples have been in the foreigner, and they feel uncomfortable.

In the singularity, if the child has maintained the previous level, it will not defend the Liang Mountain.

However, with a big defeat, hundreds of thousands of troops are mostly a lot of generals, and they have folded a few generals.

There is no ghost, and you don't believe it.

If non-pool is wisdom, it is still still there.

From the trace behavior, it is very obvious.

This time, I went to Liangshan Bo, and Tong Zong did not choose the northwest, Hedong and Hebei military horse who had been led. Instead, he took tens of thousands of soldiers and horses from the Gyeonggi, and then the three wins were selected. Liangshan.

This is the soldier horse in the Central Plains, it is a big army that can be competed in the State.

What's more, these major armies who have not gone will have never been cooperated with each other, and can you play the greatest combat?

This is the first place.

Second, the child is actually renovated by the Liang Siuxi people.

You know, when you are in the northwest, you can never have this kind of thing, and Tong Jing has never played a single game with an advantageous soldier. But this time, Liangshan said that he wants to be single, and the children have no objection.

It's also the old man who took the soldiers for 20 years. Will you pin up a war?

In addition, it is, it is, and the child is actually without a water army, and does not create a vessel.

Liang Shan Bo Liangshan Bo, don't think that the Liangshan thief is not a water, Liangshan people return to the root of the eight hundred miles of mountains, essentially a lot of water, just a bigger water.

And Tong Jun is to discuss Liangshan, but you can forget the boat! Even if you defeat the Liangshan thief, people go to Liangshan Bo, it is difficult to think that they can swim the thief?


The singularity of the child is not a few years, although there are not many meet, but it is still aware of the children.

The child has a lot of shortcomings, the eyes are not big, but it is a bit of powerfulness, but in the abundance of Liangshan, it has made so many mistakes, which makes the strange feel feeling.

Now he is even worried, when you go to Pingding Liangshan, if you are still in Liangshan, can you win?

In case failure, there is a pleasure.

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