Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 416 Liangshan returned (seeking subscription)

Host: odd

Occupation: Physician (Master +), Dan Shi (Intermediate +), Farm (Advanced +), Master (Master +)

Realm: Yuan Shenfeng

Method: Avenue has no power (successfully), Dragon Elephant is hurt (successfully), Zhengqiu (successfully) ...

Martial Arts: Break the sword (successful), picking the star hand (successful), stepping back (successfully), easy to for for forging the bones (successfully), the soul Dafa (successfully), the moon bow (successful), the wind knife (successful) ) ...

Scheme: Drug Rat (Successfully), Spring Surprising Rain (Successfully), Lightning (Successful), Positive Method (Successfully), Five Thunder (Successfully) ...

Source point: 153.2

Main line task: Kill the extravague of the sky (010), reward unknown, the task cannot be returned before the task is completed. (undone)

Branch Task 1: After Liangshan agglomerate, set the liang mountain, reward 100 source points. (undone)

Branch Mission 2: Pingding Tian Tiger, Wang Qing, Fang La Song, reward 150 source. (undone)

Branch mission 3: Beat the Liao Qi, seize Jingyun 16th, reward 100 source points. (undone)

Yuan Shenfeng, this is a fantastic person who personally shots.

In fact, these two years, the advancement of the strange tricks is very fast.

Perhaps because the plot has arrived at a critical moment, maybe it has accumulated too thick heritage. It is not more than two or three years to break through the Yuan Dynasty.

And it is still in the same time in three laws.

To be honest, progress is so fast, and the Qi Tick yourself is somewhat shocking. If you don't have a few review, he didn't dare to continue cultivating.

It is precisely because there is a strength of Yuan Shenfeng, so I dare to face Lu Junyi directly.

Lu Junyi law later, if it is the force of the Star Jun, it is the peak of the law. Although the Chinese law in the official army, although there are many, it can reach the post-period, and the peak is even more.

So I can only go to horses themselves.

More than a mage in the occupation, it is to reach the masters. This is a grade after absorbing most of the emperors, and so long, it has not been absorbed. Qi Ti estimates, etc., completely digest those knowledge, the grade of the Master can then go up, exceeding the physician.

"Eucalyptus command, the town Sanshan Huang Xin, I will give you, have there any problem?" Before the line, Qi Ting Yutao was ordered.

Huang Xin as the earth, is the top ten of the seventy-two stars, he is the brother of the fire Qin Ming, but it is already the peak of the law, not much the difference between Qin Ming, even more than some Tianzheng Jun.

After the bullion of the big array, I will rely on the power of the stars, and it is estimated that it will go to the future, it is definitely an enemy.

Tianzhang Star is not more stronger than Huang Xin, but the scorpion is a big array, each has its own position, should be a star, each is not alternative.

Yan Tingyu, these years are in the strange training, it is already a real world, enough to cope with any accident.

Although there are other laws and late stages, after all, this is the world of Water Margins, and Yan Tingyu is a little known, and the strength is strong enough.


Take a total of 18,000 army, under the leadership of all the generals, the scorpion of the Song Jiang kills.

Otalogy, a horse, first, holding a long knife, killing the orientation of Lu Junyi.

And Yan Tingyu also called the horse to kill Huang Xin, and the rest will also welcome the corresponding Liangshan Tarn.

Within the big array, Song Jiang, Wu used, Zhu Wu saw, the heart is very awkward.

They didn't think that the first time the array was found by the enemy.

Or, this big array has no flaws, as long as you can defeat the strongest. And many times, the enemy can't do it.

However, Song Jiang did not think that the court did not do it. He did not think that this wish did not do it.

"The command, interception, stop the official army and Lu Head, Huang Head lead." Song Jiang commanded.

"Big leader, this will make the brothers lose weight, or let them come in!" Lu Junyi said, "There is no trustworthiness!"

"This battle is unfortunately, it is necessary to win, and Lu He is not necessary." Song Jiang juited the cross.

In order to win, in order to be able to successfully enroll, Song Jiang is desperate, even if you pay more costs, I don't hesitate.

The short soldier is connected, and the method is vertically horizontally.

Twenty thousand troops, in these hundreds of laws, if there is no military array and big array, I am afraid it will be impacted.

However, the official army is the most elite soldiers of all ministers. Liangshan Mada also has a big array of blessings, fighting the martial arts, but can not fall in a short time.

Qi Ti rushed into the big array, broke all the way to the blocking attack, killing Lu Junyi in the array. If there is no army to stop, a few, a few, even the strange land, even if it is not dead.

Because the flaws of the scorpion were seen, Song Jiang did not fully run the big array, and the support did not support, so that many soldiers under the heads were heavy.

Only half an hour, the loss is too heavy, and Song Jiang immediately pursued, and she borrowed the star.

Single star, this is more obvious, the road starlight, according to a special law, projected to Liang Shantou.

Instantaneous Liangshan first leadership strength increased.

Song Jiang did not hide, immediately played all the strengths of the big array, and all the leaders in the array began to move, support the heads of the attacks.

So soon, I met Lu Junyi.

Sure enough, after the Star Jun borrowed, Lu Junyi's strength reached the peak of the law, and Bai Yu Qilin's law was full.

The knife is hit, and it is vibrating.

Lu Junyi claimed that the stick is unparalleled. It is the first battle of the Water Margin, killing the enemy countless, the first person. There is also a star king, reaching the peak of the law, but the first powerful figure.

Of course, this first, to remove Song Huizong, and Zozi.

I don't know why, I feel that the left cry of the three countries in the world, the strength is more on the gods.

Lu Junyi is very powerful, and the strange is not bad, three law fellow initiates, far exceeding the peak peak.

After four shots, even the military array has been formed, and the soldiers who have been covered by the big array are also unable to resist the impact of this remaining wave, and people are constantly being affected.

Half of the fierce battle, and finally, a strange skill is high, and a knife broke Lu Junyi's Kirin law.

The law is broken, Lu Junyi naturally can't keep the peak, the breath falls, and even the star of the borrowing is interrupted.

After recerioning a few meetings, I was gotting down the horse.

If someone else will be rescued, I have been caught in the Pingping and I wish you.

Lu Junyi failed, and the kings were defeated, and they couldn't maintain the running of the big array. The scorpion was no longer able to support each other.

Yan Tingyu seized the opportunity, and defeated Huang Xin and captured it.

Then, the scorpion is still unable to maintain it.

Without the maintenance of the big array, the Liangshan March never maintained the previous force.

The official military morale, all departments immediately started to die, very fast, a leader was defeated by the official army.

Seeing the soldiers of your own decline, the head collar was captured one by one, and the Song Jiang saw the general trend, helplessness can only be surrendered.

Liangshan is fixed, standing on the battlefield, received the system's tips, and a happy laugh.

The first branch task, in his most difficult task, it is easy to complete.

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