Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 417, Liao Liao (seeking subscription)

Liangshan, Zhongyi Tang Hall.

On the tiger skin seat, singularly sitting.

On the two sides, he stood in this emergence of the army and was deliberately in his words.

And the owner of Liangshan, from Songjiang, standing on the head, the color of the face.

This big name is very long, I want to come, but he is too small when he is old, and the strength has nothing, so even if the water in Liangshan is very small, I didn't dare to come over.

Later, he left his hometown to go to Jingjing, no return, and Liangshan was also covered with a group of people, and there was no chance.


Song Jiang put the scorpion, the big array, defeated Lu Junyi, who was defeated by Li Xingjun, and Yan Tingyu defeated Huang Xin, the big array collapsed, Song Jiang did not surrender.

Even if some people don't want to surrender, they can only put down the weapons under the strict order of Songjiang.

After that, it was simple. The Qi Ti won the leader of Liangshan, escorted the surviving Liangshan soldiers, and Song Jiang, etc.

People with the army boarded the warship, with Song Jiang and others, and went to Liangshan.

With the army, the army left in Liangshan, and the Qi Ti will take the mountain to the mountains and come to this loyal hall.

This war seems to be simple, just two battles, it is flatly Liangshan.

But in fact, the strange force of the stunned force and the war will be far more than the children. If there is no more than 500,000 elite army deterrent, can you scare the Liangshan Turtle can't shrink?

If there is only one or two million troops, I am afraid that I will not let Song Jiang are sufficient.

"Song custard, now, you can worry?" The Qi Ti looked at Song Jiangdao.

"Xianggong Yao Wei, Song Jiang dare to be uncomfortable!" Song Jiang smiled.

Originally thought that the star, borrowing star, strength, plus this day, the big array, the same force, should not be lost in anyone.

But who can expect it, this has not been revealed on the martial arts, there is such strength, and there is such strength, and the strength of the strength to achieve the peak of the law.

"This is the case, the previous agreement can be made?" Asked Qi.

"Song Jiang is willing to be the pioneer of the public account." Song Jiang said.

"That's good." I nodded, "Song Jiefan, you will be commanded for this official."

"As for the soldiers," the "odd", "the generals," I will trouble you old, from your Liangshan army, the whole 200,000 people come, as the Song command. "

"The end will be observed!"

"Song command makes your gathering brothers, arrange it yourself!" Qi Qi told him.

"Thank you." Song Jiang is outward.

Can continue to hold power, can also gather together with a brother, and can be treated for the court, is this not what he wants?

It's just no longer because he is.

"Gong, Song Jiang, a guy, is a sin, and the Tong Taifu and Gao Taichen are not allowed to meet the court, how do you explain it, how to explain it?" There is a western army.

"I wish you all the best, we have to revenge, now Liangshan enemy is captured, is it to give us a conversion?"

"Yes, otherwise, how to explain the soldiers who will die with us?" The previous consequences of the high-ranking will also make a speech.


"All the position, don't be excited!" Looking at the excitement of the excitement, singing, "The resettlement of Song Jiang et al., This official has appeared in the court, the court has agreed."

"As for the Tong Taifu and Gao Taisheng, the official has its own countermeasures, everyone doesn't have to worry, I can't afford it."

"This war, although there is no great merit, but the merits have already been on the table, and the court will be rewarded. This official is guaranteed here, not allowing any greedy merits and rewards."

"If someone is too small, this war failed to show his ability," "Qi Ti looked at the people," the Hebei border Invasion, the people are murdered, the official has been in the hands of your Majesty, led the army Blocking the Liao Country, if anyone is willing, can go to this official. "

"Liao Qi is a big enemy of my big Song, and the Liuyun 16 is the pain of my big Song Dynasty. If you can repel the Liao Country, win the clouds, you can imagine."

The whisper sounds again.

Although the future of singles is beautiful, but there are not a few generals believe.

Since the Song Dynasty Song State, the Liao Bo is in hostility. Later, although the contestation of the brothers, the disputes of the border have never been a lot, while the Song Song is always at a vulnerable.

So, although I know that I will win the cloud, I have a lot of power, but I don't have a few people.

It is really in the past few years, the heart of the big Song will be canceled once, no one believes in winning the Liao Qi, even if the Liao Country is being pressed against the golden country.

"The generals don't have to make decisions now. After the angel arrives, look at the attitude of your Majesty is not too late."



At the nation, the emperor announced that the civil and military announced that it has been parked Liangshan.

The four big has eliminated one, full of joy.

Only the children's face is not good, the pivot is also received the strange battle report, and the Song Jiangman is grouped.

This makes him very dissatisfied, these Liangshan thieves have put him on the ground, let him lose his face, and now the fixed Liangshan, he naturally hopes to rectify.

However, the emperor did not give him this opportunity. After receiving the strange playing table yesterday, they directly agreed to all the requests, and did not have the meaning of the survey of the courters.

Tong Gao knows that the teenager who once in him has been detached.

Cai Jing does not change color, but it makes people feel a fire.

Gao Yu is also a black face.

Soon, DPRK Wenwu knows the beginning and end of the matter, and began to collect a big radiopan in Songjiang.

The emperor also ignored the "words" of these people, I am in my life.

"In these months, Jin Guo repeatedly sent people to lobby, and the Ji Ji Qi Dan. In the past, after the Children took the Liao Baoli, it began to fight the things of the Qidan. Now the Liao Que is the threat of Jin Guo, and I will commit me. Border, want to raise the patriarchalla, what is Ai Qing thinking? "

"Your Majesty, Chen believes that it is feasible, the ministers willing to lead the army." Tong Guan immediately recommended himself.

V. Liao is his thoughts many years ago, and finally arrived.

As a character of the middle school, Temple is always a statement, it should be inherently, and Cai Jing has no objection, so it is unanimous to pass.

They are old foxes, and the emperor is exported. They know that the emperor has decided, which will speak against it.

"Tai Fu has the heart of the boxing of the country, I am very pleased." The emperor praised the tribute, "But Tai Fu Nagui's stones, the two countries, can you be tight?"

"This battle, let the Leopard, let him be prepared by the Liangshan people fight, Ta Fu took the town pivot, to prevent changes."

"More, recently reported, there is a thief Wang Qing, gathering people in chaos, Raiders the state government, the trend is getting bigger and bigger, the place cannot be made. Tai Fu, I need you to transfer the troops, I will wipe it."

"So this is a matter of Liao, or give it to young people!"

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