Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 491, 29 (Subscription)

Under the grand Sakyami Buddha statue, the plate is sitting a closed old man, but the eyebrows are all white, and it looks like a seven old eighty.

Through memory, Qi Ti knows that this is the teacher of the brother.

Little Shami told to retreat, and the strange tried to go, and the voice "brother".

The law is open, and the scorpion flashed a light, so that the strange is shocked. At this time, he can feel the host of Jinshan Temple, which is a long-awaited, is not ordinary.

It's just that it is just a lot of flowers. The law is still in the previous state, and there are ordinary people.

"Teacher's call, don't know what to meet?"

"Teacher, now you have reached the congenital situation, follow the old people." Fahai opened.

The sound is very flat, but there is a tone that is not allowed.

"The brother will follow." Said Qi Ti.

For the participating provenance, he is not strange, so that I have been a few decades. When I was in the Jindang Temple, I have always been his strength.

"Teacher, you are a Huanggen, I hope I don't have to live up to Master's expectations." Fahai said.

"Brother, the teacher doesn't remember Master, can you talk about Master?" Qi Qi asked to teach.

"It's also, now you are super offset, just talk to you, lest you always think, in practice," said the law.

"You also know, thirty years ago, Master has gone to the world of bliss, and you are getting started twelve years ago. It is clear that you have not seen Master."

"The brother is a teacher." Asked Qi.

"You can say this." Fa Hai is outside the temple, it seems to be chasing the Myth, "I never wirakina before the father of the year, I asked him that he had no wish, Master said that there is still an apprentice who has never income door. wall."

"You also know, I am the most heavy one of the words, Master said that he closed this closing disciple two years ago, but because of a difference, he won't wait for the disciple to get started, and the heart has a woman. I don't want to leave. "

"I said to Master that since the young brother did not appear, I will receive him into the door in the future, but Master is willing to revenue under his own door. So I put forward the agent, Master."

"After the siki, he left three relics, but there was a bleak, I know that Master was obseying. After 18 years, I follow Master's guidelines, in the riverside of Jinshan Temple, wait You are drifting with the river. "The law is watching the singularity.

"I suddenly realized, I held a grand apprenticeship, the teacher, and then took you to the martial arts, the instant, the relics of the relics, surrounded by you for three weeks, broken."

"The Master is full of enthusiasm, and the West is very happy, and Jinshan Temple has a small teacher. One shake is twelve years."

"Brother, are you not talking about the story of Xuanzang Master?" Qi Qi carefully asked.

He seems to remember that Xuanzang is a drifting to Jinshan Temple all the way, so it is called Jiangliu.

"Do you think old is a joke?" Asked the law.

I have shaken my head.

"I don't know if I am old, I don't forget you for your brother, so that more than ten years is not willing to go to bliss. In today, the old people will understand." The law said.

"What did the brother understand?" Asked Qi.

"The brother's people have the people of Hui." Fahai said very well.

I have a speechless: this system is too waste, how old is this kind of drama that is seen by people?

"There is no need to worry about it." When you see the Qiqi's face, the law is said, "" Individual has a personal way, the old man is different from the brother. Maybe the brother is in the past, "I am not curious, but this In the world, you are my disciple of Jinshan Temple, so much. "

Fahai brother, you know that you said that it is easy to be a disappearance?

, talking about the anti-send, this cheap brother is like a counterpart?

No, it should be said that in the first time, in Feng Menglong's "Warning Pass", it still appeared in front of the image, but the more, the story of White Niangzi and Xu Xian became the story of the song, but the Fahai gradually became disassembled. The abominant image of others marriage.

Later, Leifeng Tower down, I Zhou - everything I said - tree people also wrote a "discovery of Leifeng Tower", but also to interfere with the marriage of others because of the marriage of others.

Fahai brother, you can really forth, you will go back!

I really can't see it. You look like a good thing, will it be a big counter?

If you come back, the branch mission requires to change the fate of the white lady, isn't it to say to the law?

That's true ... it is very good!

The strange tits.

"Teacher, have you heard the old say?" The Fahai said that his face kept changing, and thought that he said too much, let the brother can't accept it.

"Brother, I am fine, the brother, I will write down." Qi Ti returned to God and said.

I nodded with satisfaction of the law.

This brother, he is looking at a little bit. He said that it is a brother, but there is a kind father, not only Master's obsession, but also his pin.

Although I am awakening the Hui and the look, he thinks that people who can make Master will pay such a thing will not make things happen.


The singularity has begun to practice with the law, and the main tribe is the Cartay Heart, and it is gradually recovering the original realm.

At the age of fourteen, Qi Ti was a goddess of God's ventilation, and the law of God was taught.

At the age of sixteen, the Fahai found that he had insisted for forge and passed the King Kong glass.

Eighteen years old, broke through the Yuan Dynasty, and the Fahai once again taught the sky-eyed method, and it was also sent a thousand-handed views that can grow the knowledge.

At the age of twenty, the Qi Ti returned to the peak of Yuanyuan, and the law of the Tianhe Parctom.

Today, it is just the tenth year of the singularity of the ambitions.


Rumbler ...

Spring thunder bursts.

"Mom, I am afraid." The child pounces to the mother's arms.

"Baoer is not afraid, this is the big monk of Jinshan Temple is in the monster magic, bless us a year." The young woman comforts the child.


In a corner of Jinshan, the road is very urgently promoted.

The strange tricks fully operates, blocking the invasion of the Thunder, in the end, with the Thunder exercise, and intensive the Legal Doctor of the Dragon Elephant Town and the Legal Girls.

After a long time, the Thunder scattered and exposed a strange coke black body.

It is also his own death. After a good time, after a thunder robbery, I thought I would like to be robbery, so I will hold two nine days.

This is good, the power of the second nine thunder is doubled than one nine thunder, and the Qi Ti is also a dissolution, and it is barely escaped.

In other words, this is floating, and this kind of adventure is rare to a strange thing to have a little cautious.

He has always been scheduled to move, and he will not do it.

This time, my brain is pumping?

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