Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 494, Ningchen (seeking subscription)

"Xiaoyu France, from Jinshan Temple." Strange Place.

"It turned out to be the high foot of the Master of the Jinshan Temple. Today, I have been fortunate." Li Gong said some excited. "If the master is not disappointing, you can get the house."

The law is a few decades for the Jinshan Temple. It is highly high, and it is often coming to the net Ci Temple on the west, so it is also extremely high in Hangzhou reputation.

Li Gong is in the first, and the strange is small, only thinking is the apprentice of the Fahai.

"Master, slaves rude, but also hope that the master will forgive s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s).

"Master, I can't hit you. Master wants to blame my sister, brother-in-law." Xu Xian also said.

"The three don't care, if the little monks have a bad mistake, this for many years, the practice is also white," Qi Ti said, "There is a hover, the little dare does not live!"

"That's great, we will go back." Li Gong Daxi said.

"Hipper," odds prevented Li Gong, "Xiaoyu first is in Hangzhou, and also wants to appreciate the beauty of Hangzhou.

"Thank you master." Li Gong saw Xu Xian from depressed into a happy face, and he understood it.

I watched Xu Xian, showing smile.

The age of seven or eight years old, and the eyebrows show, it is no wonder that will fascinate the white lady. If the fairy is a five-year-old man, the White lady will never choose this way in this way.

So, no matter where there, this world is the world of face.

Fa Sea, the identity of this big counter, you can't escape.


The singularity of Li Gongjing visited the West Lake Shengjing, Shi Faiqiao, Suspension, Bao Shi Tower, Xining Bridge, Lonely Mountain Road, Sisheng, Lin and Jingfage, June Squash ... returned to recently.

Li Gong is a parking as a job in only two or three years.

If you don't have to say it, Xu Xianyin is bought, but fortunately, his sister is raised, and it is also a poor two white. Li Gong has smashed Xu Jiao Rong, and it is not easy to raise a Xu Xian, life is not easy.

Therefore, after Li Gongzhen and Xujiao, it was prepared after Xu Xian Mongolian, and he made him apprentice in a relatives of Li Gong.

Poor Wen Fuwu, sometimes, poor is too much, and I can't afford it.

Two days in Li Gongfu, I went to the two days of the past two days, and left.

Li Gong's three people are of course unwilling to leave, these two days because of the singularity of the song, they feel a lot of sleep.

But they also know that they can't stay in the singularity, people can stay in two days and have been given a face.

"Master is slow!" Beyed outside the city, Li Gong fed another group.

"Triple stay, small sand sand, Xiaoshu is waiting for you." Qi Qi smiled and said to Xu Xian, turned and left.

"What is the meaning of the Fayuan Master?" On the way, Xu Jiao said, asked Li Gong.

"I don't know." Li Gong was big.

"Don't you look at the younger brother, want him to do it?" Xu Jiao Rong is shocked, "that can't, our home can be this man."

"Don't think about it, I really want to make monks, I am not better from the small out of the house, not waiting for the younger brother!" Li Gong said, "Maybe the master said."

"This can be sorry, these and Shang Daojiao always gods, who knows what is the reason. No, I have to optimize your brother." Xu Jiao said.


Qi Ti didn't know that he had a trouble to Xujiao, leaving Hangzhou, all the way, and trails to Jinhua.

Come to the world of Liaozhai, don't see Nie Xiaoqian!

Hangzhou and Jinhua are not far from it, and it can even be said to be adjacent.

However, left Hangzhou and then go south, it is rid of the asylum of Jinshan Temple, theft is rampant, enchanting, except for the city, there is a little angry, and a sorrow in the suburbs.

I can't taste myself, and there is still a lot of effort to depict.

Adhering to the Buddha's family Zongyi, Qi Tic's walk, he is a monk of robbery, and months will not have food, and it is even more commonplace.

On the way, he buried countless wilderness, and sent the last half of the cake to the hunger. The incarnation of the anger, Just clear the road, robbing the murderer, degree, to kill the people The molan fox ...

A sadness is unlimited.

Illusion, or the role of exercises?

I don't know, but the anger of my heart is getting more and more!


It is not far from Hangzhou to Jinhua, but he walked three years before entering Jinhua.

The encounter, let him see Nie Xiaoqian's mind.

However, things are often so clever, he forgoting the original intention of the south, and is also hooked by others.

On this day, the singular example is not on the road, and the rear suddenly came back.

"Master stay, students have something to meet!"

Qitang is full, looking back, a young book carrying a book box is incorporated into the eye.

"Amitabha, there is a teacher." Odds to ask it in front and asked.

The book lays of this dress, but he has seen more than once, but most of them are traveling, there are not many travel.

"Master, in Lower Ning, from Hangzhou, dare to ask Master, but Jinhua?" The book is rude.

"Ning Caichen!" The strange heart moved, and the various years of these years have finally remembered their own purpose.

"It's still a homestead!"

Otherwise, he is also a person who has seen a big scene, will it be in the heart because of the encounter of these years?

The Buddha is alert to the world, and there is no intention to get a sublimation.

More books must be read more than books.

"Master, are you okay?" Ning Caichen saw the strange and asked again.

"Oh, Xiaoyu is nothing." The gods have come back, "It is indeed a golden country."

"Too good, I haven't went wrong direction." Ning Caichen is happy, "Master knows which road is Guo North County?"

"Hipper, this little monk is not known, Xiao Yan is also from Hangzhou, for the first time to come to Jinhua." Said Qi Ti.

"Ah, dare to ask Master the Master, which is in Hangzhou to practice?" Ning Cai Chen did not think it is, thinking that he met an old town and asked again.

"Xiaoguen practice in Jinshan Temple, three years ago, Jingzhou, from Hangzhou," said Qi Ti.

"Master, from Hangzhou to here, will you take a three years?" Ningchen asked.

"Just this." Strange nodded.

"Then you are really slow," Ning Caichen, "master, in this case, you will take it slowly, and you will take time to Guo Bei County."

"The sandalwood is coming, and I will have a goodbye." I laughed.

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