Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 560, Xiongzi (seeking subscription)

In the void, a red flame bear bounce, can't change the shape.

Through the red flame, hidden can see the unkthysized substance in the flame, and the shape of the flame is constantly changing.

Next to the flame, a person sitting in the plate knee, staring at the flame, printing in hand, constantly playing into the flame. The focus of the focus is like a beautiful person.

This person is odd.

At this time, his forehead has a sweat, which clearly has reached a critical moment.

Not far away, a white woman is also sitting, close his eyes; on the other side, there are three eyes to stare at the flame of the virtual aerial, but they don't dare to send a sound, I am afraid to bother to bother.

"go with!"

Suddenly, the singularity raised his hand, and a thing was thrown into the flame, but did not burn, but quickly integrated into the unknown things in the flame.

Yan Chi Sixians are very calm, obviously, this is not the first time.

Every time, the Qi Ti is going to put the same thing, it is the material they can't say name.

The only known, it is the big demon of the big demon who kills.

Finally, when the singularity is no longer vying, the three are more tense.

This represents a refiner to a critical moment.

Yes, after the refiner, after the killing of the wolf king, I still stay in the refiner.

In the three-year-old eyes, the label is in the hands of the three people, and the imprint is in the midst of the fire, printing things in the fire.

"Condensation." Is another word spit, as he gesture changes, the unknown of the flame gradually condenses into a shape of a dress.

Um, clothes, pocket clothes.

"Out." Is another simple voice, I saw the object in the flame, suddenly separated from the flame, hanging on the side, the red high temperature color of the red changed, turned into a black robes.

The flame is gradually smaller, and finally extinguished.

Then, a like a crystal person in half is, and the speed is set to the singularity, and I have a strange Tantian.

It is an odd yuan baby.

The flame of the refiner is the baby's infant provided by this Yuan Ying.

There is no special dedicated instrument, the void refiner is completely supported, or very testive.

"Xiahou donor, you can try it." The sound of the singular voice was slightly exhausted.

"Ah? Ok." Even if I have seen this refiner, Xia Hou Jianke will still be shocked.

Some gowns have been floated in the air.

Even if you just come out from the flame, there is no hot feeling, but it is a bit cool.

Double-handed hard, really unlike the previous clothes easily, very strong, soft silk, even if he makes 60%.

I smiled, Xia Hou sword passengers put on a robe, and the original fierce face seems to have become good.

"Just just, thank you master." Xia Houjian passed.

"This is a next product method, and the wolf demon leather for robbery is the main material, joined the silk, Linger, the cold, and engraved the water, clean, etc., the water is not invaded, the size is good ... ... "" Strange Skicks began to introduce yourself.

"How is this so familiar!" Xia Houjian muttered, suddenly looked at Yan Biansia and the autumn leaves.

They also replaced new clothes on their body, and they are also a grateful court.

It seems that the master said that.

Xia Hou swordsman muttered, of course, fondang, flashing on the face.

Can you be familiar? This robe can be said to be a formula, except that the shape is different, the material and refining methods are the same, the function is naturally the same, and it can't say that there is no point.

Or that sentence, as long as I don't have embarrass, it is someone else.

"Master, all the year, have you still have to continue?" Bai Suzhen, who is not participating next to him asked.

Yes, the self-strike king is here, and has passed for half a year.

In the past six months, the refinery has not been several times, and the materials used to have a lot of not easy to collect are finally successfully refined.

Under excitement, a brain takes all the materials suitable for the refining of the underlying law, so far, successfully refining the seven-piece manager, this is the last one.

A sword, a dagger, a string of hand beads, a drop of magic, plus three moods.

Well, only the blouse, the trousers are not a manner.

"I can't help but go, I have some forgetting the original intention." apologize, "The hey is rest assured, temporarily will not refine, rest for three days, after restoring, we will find another Demon king. "

"For this time, don't you happen here?"

"No, only a few small demon passes, no existence of this big array." Yan Chixia Road.

"That's good, in case the demon king left information, you have to kill the door, destroy the door. This is very good." Strange said.

Without me, it is not impressed with the rest.

This monk, clearly looks so good, the size is not a normal manner, how to kill this big?

It is estimated that even the demon king, there is no such mock.

"Xia Hou, you have also hurriedly familiar with the rule." Strange said.

The court is a defense method, and the attack instrument is different. It can automatically protect the owner in the body. Of course, the stronger the level is stronger.

However, I can only practice the next product method, and China is not armed.

Only often contact is likely to advance.


After three days, the five people left Hanzhong and went to Changanfu.

In this way, the Qi Tie started to travel, every one, there is one person to go to the city, inquire if there is a demon king?

In the singularity, there is a book to give him a gift to his demon king, the ceremony of the ghost king, record the geography of the Demon King, the ghost king, and good at things.

A hundred years ago, the law began this work and has never stopped paying attention to these demon kings.

It can be seen that in the heart of the law, we have anything about the matter.

Although it is not necessarily accurate, it is a guidelines, at least not to have a strange to look for the demon king.

So what they go, it is a purposeful.

The demon king, the ghost king has its own site, is the so-called king, there is a demon king or ghost king, and there will be no more demon king to live, even if there is a holiday, it will not be easy to start.

One mountain is not a two tiger, unless a mother.

This situation is rarely seen in the circle of the demon king.


Chang'an, there is a Nanshan, since many years ago, the Nanshan Mountain is the monk gathered, and later, there was also an important faction of Taoism, and the Dan Ding School was derived here.

The first world of the singularity, although it is not a full truth, but rises from all true education, and the Nanshan has left him a deep impression.

But that is the primary world, and here is the intermediate world.

The whole truth has already declined, but the Nanshan is still not lacking in the monk, but these people are not the owner of the Nanshan.

Now the end of the South Mountain, Xiong Zi is the master of this.

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