Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 835 Refused (Subscribe)

The gantry that is not only to the Yinxia, ​​but it is more than just to collect three-headed six arms to ordinary people. It is a practicing method.

After a few years, the cultivation of Yinxia has a great progress, and it is not far from the fairy road. It is easy to use the Tianyin and the soul clock.

But this is refined, you want to refine two Lingbao, that is not to think, barely support the use of a few ways to tell.

Otherwise, one is printed, don't want to escape.

At the same time, I use the Tian Tian Print and the Soul Clock, consume a bigger, and instantly manage the bottom.

"Blocking her." Yinxia took the point of view of Cui Ying, Jiang Xiong stopped the jade, and he went to the Tianyin, and smashed the chicken essence.

The three demon is not weak, and the incompetence cannot stop at the same time, and must be hoped. The nine-tailed fox is most attracted to hatred, preferred to attack, and the soul is brought together, kill it directly.

Secondly, this nine-headed chicken is flying after all, even if there is no mana, it can fly away.

If Su Yishe is the main point, these two demon is for the tiger, he doesn't want to let go.

As for the jade fine, wait for the phenade to clean up the nine pheasant, it is not too late.

The nine-headed pheasant is bordered, and the harsh sound is issued. It is still unable to stop the day print.

The next day, attacking the first to treasure, is it a wave of false names, if it is too low, it is impossible to refine, it has this treasure, and the cross-level battle is not a problem.

Before the original, Guang Chengzi once opened the first pro-troop villain to cross the first pro.

"Boom ..." Fan Tianguo went to the nine-headed erythrics, but he did not kill this monster. Nine heads, nine heads, only four, half of half.

But in this case, the nine pheasant is not hurt, and the ground is falling, and it is still fierce.

The pheasant is also a chicken, and the attack method is in addition to the claws, it is the mouth.

Yinxia will certainly not fear, turn around, and become a height of three six-arm body, holding a sword to kill.

But Cui Yinghe Jiang Xiong has been in trouble.

The thief is born, Cui Yinghe Jiang Xiong 's combat experience is very rich, and the strength also said.

But there is no weak person in the reincarnation, can you live to the advanced world, which one is not a few times?

When I came to the advanced world, I didn't pass the ridding period. How much hardships have been taken during the time to achieve true immortals?

Even women, you can't see it.

Especially this reincarnation is a reincarnation of jade, but also hidden, Cui Ying and Jiang Xiong judge the mistake, hitting attack, and there is no good result.

The two were severely injured by the jade.

Then, this reincarnation broke out the truth of the real fairyland, and went to watch the strange killing of the lively.

Houfu, Shaanxi, has a dangerous, even his true immortality has quietly caught in the illusion, and it can be seen that the other strength is strong.

If you want to leave, you must take this Shaanxi Houqi Quality before you have a hope.

The reincarnation of the reincarnation has already wanted to understand, when Su Yi and Yin Tong's war, quietly observe, how to see this is a mortal who has not entered the fairy, so I decided to win the story.

As for Su Yuhe and the nine pheasant, you can't escape, just look at their creation, reincarnation can not have a little mercy.

In this world, she is only the weakest ferry period. The identity of this world is also weak, once being rejected by a roent of ginger to teeth, it can restore the true body. Su Yihe and the nine pheasant, the doubt is the king, which one can hit her.

She can only be forced to serve an old man, I don't dare to expose an abnormality, I am afraid that I have discovered by Su Yi, otherwise Su Wei will be unreasonable to start with himself.

From the experience of these years, Su Wei is absolutely able to go to hand, even if it is still her sister's body.

In the past few years, she took the resource collected by the court, quietly cultivated, and the strength rapidly increased, soon he surpass Su Yi, quietly spent the sky, and achieved Xian Dao, and has been cultivated to the realm of true immortals.

If there is a resource of the court, can you practice so fast?

So she didn't leave, but hidden in the song.

During the period, she didn't want to kill Su-you, but when there was this thought, there was a feeling of a big disaster, so she didn't dare to do it.

Perhaps this is the shelter of the legendary girl.

She has ambiguous impression in her memory, but she has never seen.

Until the Yin Shi Bing, they said to the king and came to this pool city.

Originally, according to Su Yi's imagination, he also enjoys the richness of the people in Shaanxi Hou, she also wants to take the opportunity to continue cultivation until it is said to be too bake, but she has not thought that I will fall into the illusion.

Houfu, Shaanxi, had a big risk, and Su Wei couldn't see it, but he didn't have this true fairy.

As long as this is not in front of this Shaanxi Hou, wait for him, holding away, she is looking for a secret place, can't come out.

The senior world is too dangerous. I have never heard who has come out, she is very skeptical, the principal god is to clean up these reincarnations.

"No matter, just spend this difficult time, I don't have it come out." The reincarnation thought, people have come to the forefront, the momentum of the real fairyland suddenly strangely oppressed the past, one hand , Grabbing a strange neck.

"Hey ..." The strange somewhat speechless.

I just want to praise you two sentences, I have a deep password, and at least I can't get a problem.

Then I was faced.

You said that you are not good running, tend to the dead road. I am not preparing to manage things between you, you can also find your own door.

Although even if it runs, it is probably not running, but it is also better than the dead road.

The heart is spit, and the singularity raises his hand is a slap, and the reincarnation is directly in front of the income.

When the reincarnation, she did not react out, and there were three bright swords in front of him, and she chopped her.

The reincarnation is shocked, I want to transfer the enemy, but I find that I can't mobilize a demon.

"Look at the eye!" She laughed.

Just hit it, even the demon power of her real fairyland was sealed. If it is not a big energy, who can do this to do this.

Under the three dazzling light, it is her last consciousness in this world.


"Congratulations to revenge." The singularity came to see the income to restore normal pumping.

"Thank you." Yinxiao hung said.

This battle seems to be simple, not easy to mention the circumstature.

First, I have to go to kill Su-yourself, and then my melee is hurt, and I will hurt the nine pheasant. Only the last head, the last demon is in front of the body, he wants to continue to go.

"How are they?" I took a breath, and I would like to pay attention to Cui Ying and Jiang Xiong.

"You can't die." Said Qi Ti.

"That's good, thank you for helping." He said in Yin.

"This is also for self-protection." Said Qi Ti.

"What is this jade essence?" Asked in Yindusi.

After the reincarnation, it was chemically prototype.

"Of course, it is a fairy road, otherwise this Hou can so easily put her out?" Said odd.

"Yes?" Some doubts in Yin.

He just felt a slap, although only one instant, the momentum was not he confronted.

Just busy with the nine-headed chicken, no time, then no longer discovery.

Is it true that I have an illusion? Cui Ying and Jiang Xiong, who looked at the heavy injury and coma, caught in a confusion.

If this is not the essence of this jade, it is difficult to really be true, this Shaanxi Hou?

Then why don't he admit it?

"Well, the His Royal Highness, the big hatred, what is going on next?" The singular voice shifted the attention of the Yinxia.

"Let Lu Lu Ning, will ginger for a while, revenge for my brother."

"If you are willing to listen to this Hou, this festival is still put down." Strangely advised.

"Why?" Asked in Yindu.

He knew that it is likely to stand a big energy, so it is very important to the strange proposal.

But no one can stop him from revenge for your brother.

"You are discouraged, Master Guang Chengzi is the first of Yuxu twelve, because of the chance of robbery, the Yellow River is walked, was cutted on the top three flowers, closed the plenty of hustle, and became Body, otherwise, even if you hold some Tianyin, he can easily recovery, will you be chaotic by you? "Said Qi Ti.

"The discussion, Jiang Zi's teeth are your uncle, if you really kill him, then really can't go back, you can only be a quarantine in the future. And Quakers, there is no future."

"In fact, it is true that your brother is really a self-acquisition, the heart is unstable, and the words of the Shen Gao will move, change the position." Strange said, "and you are the same."

"I was telling the immortal to save you in the edge of death. You have also said that it is not two stories with Yin Shang. Therefore, you betray it, so from this point, you are really taking care. Just your luck, I was alive. "

"Is the younger brother's hatch?" Yincai angrily.

"There are many people in the way to revenge, and it is not necessary to destroy the enemy from the body.

"Ginger is the most careful, do you know what?"

"I understand, go to Luoning tomorrow." Yin Hongxia is bright.

"You didn't kill the people, it is best not to die in the dead." The stunt also fell, "Of course, others can be self-portraiting."

"But there is a saying in knowing that this Hou has handed over all the wars of Luoning to the general army."

"I understand, go to Luoning, all hete the generals from Zhang Kui."


Kunlun Mountains.

Ginger teeth came out of Yuxu Palace, and a face lost.

Antarctic fairy refused to go down the mountain.

He didn't see Yuan Shi Zun, according to the Antarctic Xianwang said, the teacher has went to the Zijing Palace, and he was ordered to take care of Yu Xi Palace. It is easy to go out.

Jiang Zi's teeth is pleaded, and the active robventing is a major setback. Please visit the Antarctic fairy.

In the end, the Antarctic Xian We only promised, let the ginger teeth try it yourself, see which is willing to go to the mountain to help.

At the same time, I also promised Jiang Zi tooth, and Yushuang Palace has dozens of monkeys. Who is willing to go down the mountain, ginger can take away.

Before, Master did not allow the Yuxi Palace monk to go down the mountain, the only Deng Hua and Xiao Yu who were allowed to go down the mountain, but it had already died.

Jiang Zi's teeth is exhausted, and only three monks have promised to go out, and they are only a Tianxian, even a true fairy.

What can this? Explanation of the three generations of monks, which is, Yang Wei, Lei Zhenzi, that can't resist Tianxian?

But the words are back, there is a total of not strong.

Hassual three people first go to Luoning City outside the big camp, Jiang Zi's words resign, thank the Antarctic fairy, start to worship the mountain.

Beginning from Jiuxian Mountain Taoyuan Cave, to Zhongnan Mountain Jade Cave, spent a half months, running through the road of jade deficiency twelve, but did not convince a person to help.

Expo is unified: repair damage, is in a critical period of recovery, and cannot be out of the mountain.

In the twelve fairy in Yuyu, Jiji Mountain, Wulongshan, Jiung Mountain, who is dead, although it is very angry, but it will not be down on the mountain.

Their cultivation has not been recovered, or the mortal, the disciples can die, Master will not live.

Some people even even didn't let ginger to teeth in, only to bid a boy's score, and send ginger to teeth.

This makes the ginger tooth full of sham, but there is no way.

Huanglong real people, the cloud bonus of the renewal is still there, but he said that he didn't like the war, and the words were unresolved, it was resolute.

Jiang Ziqi can't help but feel the tea.

When the Master was at the time, these people didn't welcome themselves, and now Master will get away, these people will change their faces.

Do you want to do this?

He didn't think about it, it was because Yu Yu's twelve last fairy has been robbed, so he is not willing to re-enter the red dust.

Yuxu twelve upper fairy is also rationale: from the 36th road to attack the West, go to the eastward, almost every time, there are jade deficiency twelve fairy, and now you can't fight in a small Shaanxi. Then what is your ginger tooth?

If there is a dessertion, you can make a hand, but there is a small demon that is not with your feet. If you add a few people's generals, you can't take it. Rich? What else is there?

Ginger is also difficult, this is not what he wants, but he can't do it.

Is it going to go?

Ginger is unwilling, bite the teeth, driving four not going to the west.

There is also the last goal.

Lingbi Mountain Yuanzhi Cave, burning people.

After several days, Jiang Zi is still disappointed with the mountain.

A person who burns more people, can you let the ginger teeth?

Yuxu twelve fairy can't come out, he doesn't know if there is a will of Yuan Tianzun, but since they can't come out, don't think about it.

Anyway, he burned the lights and not in the robbery, helping the jade twelve on the fairy, it is enough, there is no need to take risks.

The burning light still remembers that the person who saved the Yinxia is far more than him. Who knows that the Yin is not the meaning of the king?

Yuan Shi Tianzun does not show up, he will not go to do this.

As for your ginger tooth, can you do anything with Zhou Shang, close me!

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