Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 103: Have her send me

"It's just that Aunt Qin did not expect that the ghost brake was cracked by me, so when Aunt Qin saw me recover that day. Her face was full of surprise."

Ye Qingyi smiled. Looking at Aunt Qin, Ghost Brake is indeed a very difficult medicine. Aunt Qin can get Ghost Brake, which is indeed someone with some strength. Although Auntie Qin is jealous, Auntie Qin is smart enough to know what to do so that she won't be discovered by others. This is the main reason she has hidden to this day.

Ye Qingyi looked at Auntie Qin, Auntie Qin looked at Ye Qingyi and looked at herself. Ye Qingyi's eyebrows didn't look much like that person, but there was no difference in temper. Compared with Ye Qingyi, that person was a little more gentle and elegant, and he was a little less imposing. However, Ye Qingyi is just as good as her.

No wonder she can't compare to her, she is so good, no wonder that the general will spoil her. For her, the General General even built a garden for her. How could those flowers and plants in the garden be found? It is conceivable that when she was at that time, how much the General would spoil her, spoil her to the heart, and spoil it to heaven.

Ye Qingyi looked at the contemplative Aunt Qin, and she wanted to tell her what she wanted to say to herself. That's all. Ye Qingyi could understand what Aunt Qin had poisoned herself. Something I have done with Aunt Yun since I wore myself can no longer be ignored by Aunt Qin. The jealousy in Aunt Qin's heart flooded again. She couldn't stand it, couldn't stand the man she loved, she didn't spoil herself.

What's more important is that he can't have a child with this man yet. If he has a child, he can focus on the child. With a child, a woman's life is complete, and for a child, she won't take care of so many fights.

But I couldn't have children, I could only look at other people's children, Aunt Qin's children, Aunt Feng's children. What a lovely child, but he doesn't have one, and can only watch others enjoying the joy of heaven. And myself, in addition to Zhier in the yard, there is not even a ghost.

What's the difference in this own house, why did you marry the general? It seemed to be a glance at the lantern festival that day, I saw the Lord General at a glance, and the Lord General smiled deeply, and he had already deeply attracted himself. That kind of smile I have never seen before, only the General General, that smile, I will lose a lifetime.

Lord General, the women in the General Palace live for the General, but the General has paid all for that person. other people? Others are just ants in the eyes of the general, only that person, only that person in the eyes of the general, and no one else can get in.

However, it is the road you choose. Even if it is difficult, you have to survive it. In one's own life, there can be no two words of regret. The one you choose must go on.

But ah, this is the way I have come to be today, I thought I could live a lifetime without a word. I didn't expect it, but I planted it in the daughter of that man, but I regretted it. It was her daughter, and she was worth it.

After doing so many sins, I should pay off. In this life, I should not hate or fight anything. Why do people fight in their lives? Is it interesting? No, the only thing that hurts me is the self. The ones I did originally were given back to me a little bit.

Everything is causal. I did n’t believe it at the beginning, but I do n’t believe it now. To this day, everything is in front of her. There is nothing to refuse. She died in the hands of her daughter, and she was worth it.

"Miss, my sins should be paid back. There is a sentence that is true, not to report, but the time has not yet come. My hour is here today, and I can die in the hands of her daughter, in my life I'm satisfied. "

Aunt Qin had calmed down, and her eyes were indifferent, as if everything in her heart was already clear. Those things that puzzled me at that time have faded away. To put it bluntly, everything is nothing more than a passing cloud, and life is only a few decades, why bother fighting?

Auntie Qin didn't understand it until the last moment. What about marrying General General herself? What about her marrying General? But it was the meaning of the general, maybe she didn't like it in her heart, but there was nothing she could do about her parents' matchmaker.

Maybe she refused at that time, but she had no choice but to go according to the arrangement of others. Her life was originally arranged, why should she hate her? To hate, is also the person who arranged her life, she is, after all, her best sister.

"Auntie Qin, Qingyi respects you. I hate you for so many years. You are also tired. You can finally relax yourself. Qingyi will give Auntie Qin a happy moment."

Auntie Qin no longer has a living mind. Perhaps, for Auntie Qin, she can only be completely relieved if she is dead, and only if she is dead can she pay off those things she did.

Auntie Qin looked at Ye Qingyi and smiled. There was a little more relief in the smile, and a little distressed and spoiled. When that child's child grows up, she can also stand on her own. Before this general house, she could guarantee her safety. Today, in General's Mansion, only she has the final say, and she can feel at ease.

"Thank you for your success. There are really no smart people like this in the General's Mansion. You must be careful in the future. The General's Mansion is not just my enemy."

Aunt Qin stroked the bracelet on her hand. The pale white bracelet was very good for Aunt Qin. Originally, Auntie Qin was an indifferent person. This pale white is really a natural pair.

Auntie Qin took off the bracelet on her hand, got up and walked to Ye Qingyi, and gave the bracelet to Ye Qingyi. Ye Qingyi looked at Aunt Qin, wondering what Aunt Qin meant, she was puzzled.

"Take it away. This is mine. The emerald green is left by your mother-in-law. That's all I can leave in my life. Don't quit."

Auntie Qin held Ye Qingyi's hand, put the bracelet on Ye Qingyi's hand, and looked at Ye Qingyi insidiously. "Your mother's death is related to Aunt Yun ..."

After saying this, Auntie Qin began to spit blood and slumped to the ground. Ye Qingyi was startled and quickly hugged her. Auntie Qin reached out and stroked Ye Qingyi's face. Looking at Ye Qingyi seriously, his eyes were full of perseverance.

"It's good, your daughter sent me. Did you see it? We can watch the lantern show together again."

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