Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 107: General Taboo

"What else is happening to the lady?" Hearing Ye Qingyi's voice, Lao Luo stopped and walked back. I don't know what the young lady thought of, and called herself back.

Ye Qingyi frowned, looking at Lao Luo. If that matter was related to Aunt Yun, then Lao Luo should also know something. I just hope that I haven't guessed wrong, and I can ask some questions here.

"How much does Luo Lao know about my mother?"

Ye Qingyi stared at Lao Luo's face tightly. This matter was a taboo in the General's Mansion. It was said that when his mother died, his death was terrible and even his father was scared. After that, there was a girl who did not know the height of the earth, chewing her tongue in private, and when she said that, she was just heard by her father, and that girl died eventually.

Since then, no one has dared to say this, and it has become the biggest taboo in the General's Mansion. Even Auntie Yun, who was in power at the time, did not dare to talk about it.

Sure enough, after listening to Ye Qingyi's words, Lao Luo's face changed. It became a bit ugly, and probably didn't expect Ye Qingyi to ask about this. Nowadays, there have been many subordinates in the General ’s Mansion. Except for the personal girl next to each aunt, all other subordinates are newcomers. Naturally, they do not know this.

Lao Luo had an ugly face, and he did not dare to look up at Ye Qingyi. Ye Qingyi had thought of the right thing. This old man must know some insider information to make him look like this. He even did not expect that he would ask him this question.

"Speak! Luo Luo said, I will not blame you, after all, you were involuntary."

Ye Qingyi's tone was a bit heavy, and his face was a little more serious. He looked at Lao Luo intently, and wanted to see something from Lao Luo's face. Lao Luo felt that his back had been soaked with sweat, and he had never paniced. Even in Miss Er's room that day, it was not as it is today.

"Miss, Lao Luo knew that she had been very guilty before. Lao Luo didn't ask Miss to forgive Lao Luo, even if she asked Lao Luo's life, Lao Luo acknowledged it."

Lao Luo thumped and knelt in front of Ye Qingyi, his whole body fell to the ground, Ye Qingyi was a little uncomfortable. Those things were not what Lao wanted to do, and they could not be counted on him. He was only threatened by others to do such things. The so-called wrongdoer has a debt and a owner. But to bring the murderer behind the scenes to justice.

Ye Qingyi raised Lao Luo. Unexpectedly, such an optimistic old man of Lao Luo already had tears on his face. Ye Qingyi took out the parchment and gently wiped the tears on Lao Luo's face.

"Luo Lao misunderstood. Light clothing is not to take Luo Lao down. I know that Luo Lao is only threatened by others. Light clothes are not unreasonable people. If Luo Lao trusts light clothes, light clothes ask you Explain the previous situation and Qingyi one by one. Qingyi will not let you feel a little wronged, nor will you let the wrongdoer down. "

Ye Qingyi said something about Luo Luo's heart. I was only threatened by others. Although it is true to say that, but in the end, I have a relationship with myself. The young lady is so kind, and how can I bear to hide the young lady. That's all I can do now. Telling the young lady everything about the year is also atonement for myself.

"Lao Luo thanked the young lady first. Lao Luo knew that her sins were serious. Madam, the wife is so good, but she died in the hands of Lao Luo. When Lao Luo just entered the house, he was still in his early forties because I accidentally assigned the wrong medicine to Aunt Yun, and was punished by Aunt Yun. Thanks to his wife, the old man can live to this day. But ... the wife died in my hands. "

Lao Luo said, he couldn't help crying, but fortunately, this place is relatively remote, and others will not come to this place at will, and he is not afraid to be found by others.

"Well, Lao Luo, since your mother has saved you, you can't hide it, even if you have done something before, it doesn't matter, does it?"

Ye Qingyi calmly soothed Lao Luo. Lao Luo heard Ye Qingyi's words and stabilized his emotions. Ye Qingyi took Lao Luo to the chair beside him, poured a cup of tea for Lao Luo, and sat aside.

"Mrs. has a very good temperament, and the general is so petting. But there is no smile on his wife's face. Only when the general tries to coax the wife, the wife smiles to reassure the general, but all eyes are sad. . The lady is so beautiful, but so sad. The first time I saw the lady, I knew that she was not happy in her heart. "

Lao Luo took a sip of tea and looked at Ye Qingyi, "Miss, my wife is always depressed but she will never die because of this. Aunt Yun, jealous of the general's affection for his wife, when the wife gave birth Only if a lot of lost is mixed in the medicine will the lady look like that. "

"A lot of lost!"

Ye Qingyi was frightened, but Aunt Qin gave herself a little lost, and she gave Aunt Qin herself, but a little more than normal. Aunt Yun was so cruel, she gave her mother a lost look. This aunt Yun is really jealous.

"Yes, if it was n’t for the general call for the Taiyi, that ’s why the lady would die. It ’s not easy to find the lost. The Taiyi said that the wife was too weak, and he was distressed, so the general would not pay attention. It is even more concerned about his wife ’s mood, which makes Aunt Yun look jealous in her heart. Lost and mixed with a medicine can make people deadly and terrifying. Madam's body is like this. I took care of the house to Auntie Yun. Auntie Yun bought the maid and added a medicine to the wife's meal every day. "

"But, Brahma?"

Ye Qingyi couldn't control the anger deep inside her, and her mother-in-law and lost, the aunt Yun was really amazing. But for the favor of a man, he turned on such a vicious thing against a woman who had no help at all.

"Yes, it is the mother-in-law. Although the two are separated, there is not much problem, but the two together, presumably the young lady understands better than Lao Luo. In the general's house, the death of his wife has always been the most taboo. Therefore, if the young lady is interested, help his wife to take revenge. What Luo Luo can do is only these. "

Lao Luo lowered her head and did not know how to look at Ye Qingyi, her mother-in-law and Lost, she told Aunt Yun herself. Although she did n’t know that Aunt Yun would be used to do such things, the wife was because of herself. dead.

"Lao Luo, you can go back. This matter can't be rushed for a while. Light clothes will not let the mother die in vain."

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