Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 109: King Yi visit

Ye Qingyi looked at Lan Cui Ge in the early morning. Aunt Yun, I didn't intend to let you go. And, from the beginning, I didn't intend to let you go. I want to see what else you can do to fight with me. Even with such a femme heart, I would like to see what else you can do.

Now I have Ye Qingyi up and down this General's Mansion. You have no choice but to be a sleepy beast. When Dad comes back, it will be my day to leave you light. General House, will never be defiled by people like you.

Even if Auntie Qin isn't so cruel to her anymore, you, as a mother-in-law, did such a thing to the master. Is it lost? Mother-in-law? Ye Qingyi will let you taste it. If you use these methods to kill others, I will let you die on these things.

Ye Qingyi's eyes were full of hatred. Ye Qingyi knew that he shouldn't be like this, but thinking of what Luo said, he couldn't help the hatred in his heart. Hate, hate why you came here at this time, how good it would be if you had come early.

That way, my mother-in-law will not die, my aunt Qin will not misunderstand my mother-in-law, and there will be no Aunt Yun's affairs. However, there will be no such self, huh, this person is really a tangled species.

Ye Qingyi is trying to control the feeling in his heart. If he wants to be a superior, he must learn to control his emotions. If he cannot control his inner emotions, how can he defeat Aunt Yun and be a mother What about revenge?

Ye Qingyi changed into a set of light clothes, some thin, standing a little cold in the yard. But Ye Qingyi didn't care. The colder it was, the more he could remind himself and what he should do, and he couldn't be controlled by the so-called emotions.

Ye Qingyi walked straight to the backyard. There were several stakes in the backyard. They were prepared by Huayue to practice. Ye Qingyi hit against the stakes.

I can't act lightly now, I can only vent my deep anger in this way. Although such anger cannot be completely eliminated, it is good to dissipate some of it, at least not to make myself confused.

After a while, Ye Qingyi's forehead oozed sweat, and the movements in the cold winter months were really a good way to relieve cold. It was a bit of a crime at the beginning, and it started to get cold. It was hot at the moment.

Ye Qingyi stopped the movements in his hands and wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was only an hour now, and he felt a little tired. However, with the sweat flowing out, I was not so uncomfortable in my heart, but I felt quite comfortable.

"The young lady really has a sense of leisure. In such a cold day, the young lady is still practicing martial arts here, but she will admire Ben Xinsheng."

Suddenly a voice sounded, making Ye Qingyi startled and turning his head to find out that it was Huang Fuyi. When did he come, he didn't even feel that he was coming, couldn't make a sound when he walked, and no one passed it, making Ye Qingyi startled.

"When did His Royal Highness come here, the girl Huayue didn't pass through. It was such a rudeness in Qingyi for such a cold day."

Ye Qingyi blessed his body. If he was in the King Yi Mansion, he wouldn't need to. In this general's house, you have to be more careful, there are people watching wherever they are.

"The young lady said a lot. I didn't make Huayue pass. I didn't expect Huayue to end up." Huang Fuyi smiled, as if the masks on his face were flying up with his smile.

"It's a bit cold, let King Yi Palace go down and sit in the room."

Talking about it, Ye Qingyi was leading the way, but when he stopped and was blown by the wind, he really felt a little cold. If you don't hurry back to the house, I'm afraid you will catch the cold tomorrow.

Seeing how thin Ye Qingyi was, Huang Fuyi followed Ye Qingyi and went to the front yard. Ye Qingyi first went to change the just-dressed shirt and changed a pale green dress. It looks very comfortable.

"His Highness King Yi has waited for a long time. I did not expect that it was actually King Yi down. Today, it should have been light clothes to go to King Yi's house. Light clothes are rude."

Ye Qingyi sat next to him, and Huayue poured two cups of tea, standing behind Ye Qingyi, followed in cold words by Huang Fuyi. The two have also met each other. When they met, they nodded each other.

"Where did the young lady say that the general is trying to protect the territory of my country, killing enemies on the front line, how can the king be indifferent. Although the king cannot go to the battlefield, he must also do it for the general Something. Today I got the will of my father, who specifically asked me to send something to the young lady to show my heart. "

Huang Fuyi took a sip of hot tea before standing outside for a long time, it was really cold, and she just drank the tea to warm her body. Ye Qingyi's tea here is really not Tieguanyin or Longjing. Although it is not good tea, it tastes good.

"The emperor is worried, as long as my father can keep our land in Donglai, it is already a blessing for us. Why does the emperor have to be so troublesome. This is the father's business. How can the emperor be so troubled."

Although this emperor has only met him once, the reactions of the emperor that day were the most confused in his mind. When Huang Fuyi and Huang Fuyi saw themselves, they did not show that kind of vision. It seems that Huang Fuyi naturally would not know it, only the emperor knew it in his heart.

"Father Emperor is the leader of a country in Donglai. The general is to protect our Donglai country for his father. We must not neglect. Now the war in the Northwest is intensified and there is a shortage of food for the soldiers. Got a batch of forage? "

Huang Fuyi also did not expect that Ye Qingyi sent someone to send a large amount of grain to the northwest side, but it solved many problems. The rapid news from the front line quickly sent the emperor to be very happy. He greatly praised General Ye Ye for teaching. This great victory, thanks to the batch of forages, or how powerful the soldiers were.

"It is the emperor's fallacy. Light clothing is just what you can do. Light clothing has a lot of time, but you can't go to the front line, and you can do some such small things to solve the problem for the emperor."

Waiting for the country's forages, the soldiers do not know when they will wait. Now that the war is intensifying, there must be a lot of people moving their minds. A large number of grains, one buckle and the other buckle, arrived in the hands of the soldiers, I'm afraid they are too few. If it weren't for their own crops, I'm afraid the East Lai country will fail this time.

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