Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 121: School Accident

The last one is Ye Qingyi. Ye Qingyi will not end until he crawls back from this side. Seeing that the last person fell in front of his eyes, Ye Qingyi leapt a little, grabbed the crossbar and crawled forward.

The hand holding the crossbar was hurt by the grinding of the wood. It is estimated that blisters will start tomorrow. But Ye Qingyi's movements on his hands did not slow down, he was still rushing forward.

The closer to the middle position, the more the crossbar rocked, Ye Qingyi felt a little uneasy in his heart, but stabilized his mind and continued to crawl forward.

When Ye Qingyi rushed to the middle, he felt the wrong opponent completely. I didn't know how long the crossbar hadn't been trimmed. There was a crack in the middle and it might break at any time.

With the action, the broken place was closed one by one, and Ye Qingyi did not see it. When Ye Qingyi was about to look, the crossbar was broken.

Before Ye Qingyi had time to react, he fell off the crossbar. Although the crossbar is not high, it is not short. At a height of about two meters, Ye Qingyi did not respond at all and fell directly to the ground.

Huang Fuyi saw aside, startled in his heart, quickly ran to Ye Qingyi and took Ye Qingyi in his arms. With the falling bar, he hit Huang Fuyi's head, and the blood followed. Gush.

Everyone was frightened, and didn't react until Huang Fuyi's head poured out blood, and all the people reacted.

"Pass on medic! Pass on me!"

Luo Jin was shocked. This Huang Fuyi was actually injured. When he was finished, why did this person rush straight up. Others, too, didn't respond when they were critical, standing there stupidly, like a wooden stake.


Yan Yan reacted first and hurried to call the medic. Ye Qingyiwo was in Huang Fuyi's arms, feeling that there was a stickiness in his hands, and he felt a warm feeling before he looked up at Huang Fuyi's face.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyi was startled. On Huang Fuyi's head, the blood was flowing outwards, and the mask was red. However, Huang Fuyi held his hand without slackening.

Ye Qingyi quickly broke away from Huang Fuyi's embrace, thinking about taking out the parcel from his own jacket, and then remembered that he changed his clothes without holding the parcel.

Ye Qingyi quickly covered his hand with Huang Fuyi's injury, and Luo Jin quickly walked to Huang Fuyi's side.

Ye Qingyi covered Huang Fuyi's injured area with one hand, and held Huang Fuyi with one hand, his heart was so sharp that he didn't notice it, and he didn't expect it to be like this.

Huang Fuyi was hurt in order to save himself. Ye Qingyi's heart was very uncomfortable. The moment he fell down, he felt a sudden rush in his heart, and he did not respond at all.

Ye Qingyi felt anxious in his heart. If it wasn't for his temporary loss of mind, probably Huang Fuyi would not be injured by saving himself Dr.

Ye Qingyi lowered his head, and did not dare to raise his head, because Huang Fuyi's injuries were caused by himself. I dare not look up to see Huang Fuyi's eyes, do not want to know what Huang Fuyi's eyes contain.

Ye Qingyi and Luo Jin sent Huang Fuyi to the camp, Yan Ye brought the medic with him, and when he saw the blood flowing directly on Huang Fuyi's head, he felt a sudden rush in his heart. Why is it that my son hasn't seen it for a while, the master has become like this.

The medic did not dare to be vague, so he had to take off Huang Fuyi's mask. The wound had to be near the mask, and the military doctor would not be able to bandage it unless he removed it.

Huang Fuyi frowned, but let the medic take off the mask.

Just when Huang Fuyi's mask was taken off, Ye Qingyi felt a string in his heart and broke with a buzz. Huang Fuyi's face turned out to be so beautiful.

There were no flaws on his face. A pair of Danfeng eyes caught the minds of others, a strong nose bridge, and pale pink lips below. Ye Qingyi felt that his face was about to turn red at this moment.

The blood on the head fell down the beautiful cheeks. The red blood, accompanied by the white cheeks, looked so seductive. Ye Qingyi felt his heartbeat was so strong that he was afraid to raise his head secretly. Looking at Huang Fuyi.

The medic looked at the wound and did not dare to be vague. He quickly took out the hemostatic medicine from the medicine box, sprinkled it on Huang Fuyi's wound, cleared the blood on one side, and then took out a white bandage and wrapped Huang Fuyi's head. Up.

The injury was like this, and I had to take some time to rest. This Huang Fuyi was not good yet, and her face was paler than ordinary people. This time, however, she was whiter and completely bloodless.

"His Royal Highness, I don't have to touch the water today, so as not to get infected. I prescribe medicine for a while, and drink it twice a day, just drink it for two days. Just pay attention to the wound and change the medicine frequently."

"Okay, bothering medics and running around, cold words, go down with medics to get medicine."

Luo Jin also directed Yan Yan out, leaving Ye Qingyi Luo Jin and Huang Fuyi in the camp. Ye Qingyi was on the side, afraid to step forward, bowed his head, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Miss, why did you fall off the crossbar?"

Luo Jin's mind was weird. Obviously, this crossbar was just a few days ago. It was impossible for this to happen. How could this good crossbar be broken.

"Probably the crossbar hasn't been repaired for a long time, and there is some break in the middle." Ye Qingyi covered his mouth, and then he calmed down and raised his head slightly.

"It's impossible. It's impossible for a crossbar that was changed a few days ago."

Hearing Ye Qingyi said, Luo Jin was shocked. How could this be the case, it was his new bar that he changed shortly, a few days ago. There was only a small problem with the crossbar. The military purposely refurbished all the training equipment. This situation is unlikely to occur.

Hearing Luo Jin's words, Ye Qingyi's heart also felt wrong. Luo Jin said that if he changed a few days ago, there would be no mistake. Luo Jin, this person seems to be the kind of person who speaks best Will never play anything. Since these things have been changed a few days ago, it is absolutely impossible to have problems, so how could this happen today?


Suddenly, Huang Fuyi spit out blood, and Ye Qingyi was shocked. When he fell down, he seemed to feel something, and then he was held in his arms by Huang Fuyi. At that time, there was another sound besides the impact of the crossbar Kind of sound.

Ye Qingyi quickly took Huang Fuyi's pulse, and suddenly felt a kind of horror feeling spreading from deep inside his heart. Shouting at Luo Jin: "Hurry up and call the medic back!"

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