Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 151: No one in sight

"It was so deceiving. This man was so deceiving. No matter what, he couldn't play chess. Apparently, he looked down on the opposite boy."

"That is, I can't believe too much in myself. If you lose, it will be shameful."

"It's impossible to say, maybe this boy really has this kind of strength."

People on the side talked eloquently, and some people felt that Qin Jian looked down on others so carefully that he was beaten by others. However, some people think that since Qin Jian has such confidence, it shows that Qin Jian must have his own talents and is definitely not a bragging person. If such a person, how could he have such great confidence.

Moreover, in this first step of Ye Qingyi, the child actually fell to the most corner position. No wonder Qin Jianhui looked down on her like this. Qin Jian is also a well-known juvenile in Xichi. He was outstanding because of Go since he was a child. Many people in Xichi know Qin Jian.

At the moment Qin Jian was followed by many people from Xichi Kingdom, who were all admired to watch the game of Qin Jian. Xichi Guozhong was one of the top chess players. Xichi Guo looked at Qin Jian very importantly.

"Hmm ... Looking at the man who is a prostitute person, he fell into such a position first hand. It was really a place where children played in the national competition. I really do n’t know why this application will not be screened in advance. For a moment, the country of guest of honor, Donglai State, will have such goods. "

Everyone in Xichi Kingdom has a good look. After all, not long ago, Xichi Kingdom and Donglai Kingdom were defeated. Xichi Kingdom was defeated by Donglai Kingdom. Although this kind of anger can not provoke any war during the Baihuayan National Clan contest. , But the addiction on the lips is still a bit.

"That's it, hum, thought you could win Qin Gongzi with your first move? It's so whimsical."

Another person echoed that, for Qin Jian, the people of Xichi Kingdom are still very confident. Xichi State can also be regarded as a country famous for Go. Moreover, people like Qin Jian who are particularly powerful since childhood, must be special all over the country. attention.

"you guys!"

"Brother Jin doesn't need to do this, just look slowly."

Lao Jin was a little angry, and it was already enough to make people angry. This group of people in Xichi State even said so, it was simply bullying.

When Lao Jin was preparing to make a theory, the mist was blocked in front of Lao Jin, and Lao Jin glanced at it, the follower beside Brother Ye.

Lao Jin looked at the two followers behind Ye Qingyi, and neither of them had any worries. Instead, he looked good at the show, and Lao Jin felt relieved.

Brother Ye is certainly not a simple figure. Since Brother Ye dares to go like this, it means that Brother Ye has already calculated. For Qin Jian's pressure chess, Brother Ye dismissed it.

Hum, then you don't need to argue with such a scum. Brother Ye must know how to make this person humiliated, and he and the two attendants silently watch a good show together.

The people in Xichi Kingdom saw Lao Jin stop talking, and gave a dismissive glance. His face was full of disdain, and Donglai Kingdom had the guts, hum.

At the beginning, Qin Jian was more skillful, because in Qin Jian's eyes, Ye Qingyi was just an ant in his eyes. If he wanted to, he could pinch her in his own hands at any time.

Ye Qingyi intentionally or unintentionally, the chess piece was always eaten by Qin Jian for one or two. At this moment, Lao Jin was a little panicked. At this moment, he was eating almost ten children. What is this brother Ye doing?

"Brother Jin, rest assured, my son knows."

Looking at Lao Jin's anxious look, Wu Hu comforted Lao Jin with a little whisper. I don't know how the lady's chess skills, but according to the lady's temper, she would never let that Qin Jian be better off.

Although Husband said this, Lao Jin's mind was still a bit worried. Brother Ye had never seen such a trick, and he really had no idea which technology he learned from.

Gradually, with the passage of time, sweat appeared on Qin Jian's face. People in Xichi Kingdom looked at Qin Jian and felt a little strange.

Obviously on the chessboard, this Qin Jian is in an advantage, and he can still eat that person's pawns from time to time. Why is Qin Jian's face so dignified?

Others don't know, Qin Jian knows to himself that he is really too careless. Actually falling into the trap of others, all this is that Ye Qing's trap.

Others seem to have been in an advantage and kept eating Ye Qing's chess pieces, but they knew it well. Ye Qing didn't let himself eat, but he hid a big conspiracy behind him.

At first I didn't take it to heart, and I couldn't control it at this moment. Although I could still eat Ye Qing's pawns, but I was too weak and weak, I had to be careful step by step, otherwise I would be ruined .

Qin Jian looked up and looked at Ye Qingyi. Ye Qingyi was still the same, as if there was nothing at all, every step was very casual, and he looked like a wave of calmness, his face There is always a smile on it.

Qin Jian took out the papa in his arms and wiped the sweat on his forehead. This Ye Qing really looked down on him. It seemed a careless move, and there was such a big hole hidden behind him.

"What? Is Qin Gong too hot?"

Ye Qingyi slightly raised his head and glanced at Qin Jian. Qin Jian's forehead was already covered with sweat, and Ye Qingyi could not help laughing at it.

Just before that, he was so aggressive, and now he changed his appearance. With this psychological quality, he dared to be so arrogant and thought how powerful he was.

"Thank you Ye Gongzi for your concern. The nanny is very nice, huh!"

Qin Jian will never admit that he will lose to such a person. Such a weak person can certainly find his flaws. As long as he is careful, as long as he is careful, he can absolutely do it!

Qin Jian's forehead was getting more and more sweat, and the handkerchief was soaked. Qin Jian's hand was shaking more and more, and it took a long time to figure out each step before it fell.

On the other hand, Ye Qingyi is still a relaxed look. Every **** is dropped in accordance with the mood, without hesitation. There is no hesitation, and everyone is shocked.

Lao Jin saw it now and finally understood it. Brother Ye's inadvertent chess drop, in the eyes of others, is just a random drop. In fact, Brother Ye's mind has long been calculated.

Haha, now it's time to see how the group of people in Xichi Kingdom ends, huh! It's so deceiving, it deserves to look like this.

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