Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 159: The emperor arrived

"Donglai Guo Ye Qing came to power."

The host shouted Ye Qingyi's name. Ye Qingyi slowly stepped onto the stage and looked at the host intently, with the danger of politeness on his face.

"Congratulations to Ye Xiezi for his title."

"Thank you host."

The host congratulated Ye Qingyi. Ye Qingyi also politely responded to the host's congratulations. Such glory deserves such congratulations.

"I don't know where the boy is?"

"Jingxiufang Ye Qing."

Ye Qingyi did not say his original identity, but just said the name of the Fairview Square. In this way, he also advertised the Fairview Square. The reputation of Fairview House will also grow.

"The boy's chess skills are amazing and I don't know where to learn?"

"The host wants to ask Ye Qing's ancestors clearly?"

With so many presiding words, Ye Qingyi's face was a bit ugly. So I asked who would not look particularly good. So many things are really boring.

"Dare not dare."

The host smiled slightly, a little embarrassed, embarrassedly scratched his beard, and then left the platform.

Ye Qingyi stood on the stage, not knowing what else was going on. If it was nothing, he had to leave in a hurry, and he didn't have so much time to waste blindly.

"The emperor is here."

Suddenly, the eunuch's sharp voice sounded, and everyone listened, and then knelt all over the ground tightly. This is how the emperor came over. Ye Qingyi felt a little caught off guard and quickly knelt on the ground.

"Long live my emperor and live a long life, Cao Min has seen the emperor."

At this time, there were so many people in the game. People's voices rumbling and shaking everyone's eardrums, and everyone was a little flustered.

"Flat body."

"Caomin thanked my emperor and lived forever."

Everyone stood up slowly, afraid to look directly at the emperor's face. Is it that ordinary people can look directly at the Ninth Five-Year Supreme?

Ye Qingyi secretly looked at the emperor's face, not only the emperor, but also several princes and princesses from other countries. Huang Fuyi and Huang Fuyi followed.

Even if Ye Qingyi's current dress, Huang Fuyi also saw Ye Qingyi at a glance, this little girl. I'm really not idle. I'm still playing here.

"Emperor, chess master is out today."

The host stood side by side carefully, and told the emperor the current situation. Mo said that it was the emperor. Even the princes of other countries were very concerned about this result.

"Oh? Who?"

The emperor's complexion became a little nervous. Although she was hiding it, she could still see the minute details of the emperor's face.

"Donglai country, Ye Qing."

"Ha ha ha ha, it turned out to be my Donglai country, it's not bad, look up and let me see!"

When the host said this, the emperor's face showed a smile. It was the people of Donglai Kingdom who won the name of Qi Sheng. It really raised the face of Donglai Kingdom. How can such an important matter be unhappy?

Ye Qingyi raised his head and carefully looked at the emperor's expression. The emperor was Long Yan Dayue at the moment, and the emperor was observing himself at the moment, and there was nothing different.

"You are Ye Qing?"

"Back to the emperor, Caomin Ye Qing."

Ye Qing leaned down and responded to the emperor's inquiry. It seemed that the emperor did not recognize that he was Ye Qingyi. It seemed that his disguise was really successful.

"Yes, I won the chess game for my Donglai country and rewarded me."

"Thank you Long Live My King Long Live Long Live."

Ye Qingyi bowed down on the ground to salute, this emperor's reward, but people want but never come, they are so simple to get the reward, but how many people will envy.

"Hold up quickly, but you are the hero of our Donglai country, which has created a good start for our Donglai country."

The emperor's heart was so glad that the first game of Donglai country won, and the people in Xichi country and Nanyue country were not so good-looking. The emperor's face was quite good-looking.

"Thank you, Emperor."

Ye Qingyi stood up, stood on a high platform, and looked at the situation below. I didn't know why. I actually liked it. Looking from a height, this feeling is really good.

Huang Fuyi looked at Ye Qingyi and looked at the expression on Ye Qingyi's face. I haven't seen in a few days, this little girl really looks like this, still so lively.

This temperament. I really don't know who it looks like. When wearing a men's clothing, standing at a high place and looking at the bottom, Ye Qingyi's expression is so enjoyable, just like Ye Qingyi is such a tall person.

Huang Fuyi smiled without a trace. Huang Fuyi looked at Huang Fuyi's appearance. He didn't know what was going on. He felt that his son Huang Fuyi was a little strange.

Ye Qing? This new chess figure actually makes Huang Fuyi look like this. What is going on? What is different about Ye Qing?

Huang Fuyi carefully looked at Ye Qingyi's appearance. I don't know why. He always felt that Ye Qing had a little familiarity. Who was this person?

Huang Fuyi looked, looked around, looked for a long time, suddenly had an idea in his heart, but he was not sure, and looked back and forth.

Suddenly Huang Fu's eyes widened, not because he thought too much. It was really such a thing, this Ye Qing turned out to be Ye Qingyi! How could it be her!

"Ye Qingyi!"

Huang Fuxi shouted out suddenly. When he shouted, Huang Fuxi realized that he seemed to be doing something he should not do, and suddenly closed his mouth.

"What? Ye Qingyi?"

The emperor was suddenly shocked when he heard the words of Huang Fuyi, and he took a closer look at Ye Qingyi, and suddenly it seemed like something had been found, and the smile on his face opened again.

"Hahaha, it is indeed a person from my Donglai country, a female middle-class hero, and her daughter's house can do such a good job. It is indeed a sister-in-law of the General's House, hahahaha.

The emperor laughed, and thus exposed Ye Qingyi's identity. When the emperor said so, everyone widened their eyes, the young lady of the General's House? That Ye Qingyi?

Many people looked at Ye Qingyi from a new perspective, and then carefully looked at Ye Qingyi's appearance. After all, some people finally discovered the familiarity of Ye Qing.

"It turned out to be the young lady of the General's Mansion. I did not expect that the young lady would have such ability. It was really amazing."

"Lonely. Didn't you know that when we fought with Xichi Kingdom? But this young lady did it and we won."

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