Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 185: Light makeup

"Nothing, Moon Shadow is getting up. It looks like there is no problem with us. Don't worry about it, just pay more attention next time."

Ye Qingyi wasn't worried. Since others were hiding in the dark, he didn't even know who it was, but what he could be sure of was that it was definitely not Aunt Yun and Ye Hongyi.

Not to mention anything else, just taking poison and committing suicide is definitely not the work of Aunt Yun and Ye Hongchen. Such behavior must be a strictly trained person.

It seems that he is really a strong opponent hiding in the dark, so he has to be more careful. Otherwise, he wo n’t know when he lost his life.

However, it is strange to say that he had offended Ye Hongyi and Aunt Yun, who had offended him so much that he even sent such dead men.

It ’s useless to worry about yourself. The most important thing now is to finish things on the mountain as soon as possible. Fortunately, the other hospital is not on the mountain. If something happens to the other hospital, you can let someone go to the mountain first. If something happens on the mountain, then It's really hard to get it done.

"Thank you, Miss, Moon Shadow cannot help worry about Miss."

Yueying was still thinking about this matter. If she was not so careless, how could she let that person die with peace of mind, although the lady said nothing, her own psychology was still awkward.

"Well, you do n’t have to be like this, Yueying. I know you. This time it ’s not your problem. I only blame you for not thinking that the other party will come this way. Well, do n’t blame yourself, I ’ve been busy for a long time. , Go and eat something, spend the moon, and take the shadow of the moon to eat first. "

"Yes, miss."

Yueying knew that the lady was so considerate of herself, and those words she said were also to make her feel relieved, but she really couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart, she must find out who this person was, and she must not let them threaten the safety of the lady.

Sitting in his own room, Ye Qingyi was thinking about something like today that he had encountered for the first time. He really couldn't figure out who he had offended, and he was able to treat himself like this.

Except for Ye Hongying and Aunt Yun, who hated themselves, there was no one else in their memory, how could a sudden troublemaker come out.

Huang Fuzheng has such a strength, but he will not realize that he has a separate house. According to his ability, he will never even think about what he is like now.

So who will it be? Few people I know, and such a capable person, I don't seem to know such a person.

Forget it, thinking is nothing but thinking, I'm sure I can't figure out what's going on here. When the time is ripe, this person will definitely come out on his own, and it is useless to worry about himself here.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Qingyi took back his thoughts and thought that I felt a little tired for a long time, but at this moment, I should go to my father, rubbing his swollen head, and Ye Qingyi got up and went to Ye Zuo Hou's yard, please.

Seeing Ye Qingyi's face is not too haha, Ye Zuohou read a few words, let Ye Qingyi pay more attention to rest, so Ye Qingyi went back to rest earlier, this second day is to go to the top of the Golden Temple Holy, don't look too tired.

Early the next morning, Ye Qingyi got up, and Huayue and Yueying also got up early. Today is an important day, but the lady is going to the palace to compare it with the rest of the talents. Naturally, you must dress up well, but you ca n’t lose face and be looked down on by others.

However, even if the lady is wrapped in light makeup, she looks a lot better than others, but in the entire capital, there is no one who can be as beautiful as the lady.

"Miss is pretty, no matter what, Miss is much better than others."

Huayue dressed Ye Qingyi and looked at Ye Qingyi's tender face. She couldn't help but praise her, and she was very beautiful. This is her own lady.

"Just because your mouth is sweet, what's wrong with your lady before?"

Ye Qingyi joked about the flower month. This little girl was always half a pat. If she said something, she always had to think about it for a long time, but it was because of this that she felt very interesting.

"No matter what, the young lady is the best-looking, no one is as good-looking as the young lady."

Huayue's mouth froze, as if there was any dissatisfaction. Ye Qingyi, looking at it, was very happy. This little girl, looking at her, couldn't get angry.

"Miss is joking again. Miss is the worst. Ignore you."

Looking at Ye Qingyi's laughter, Huayue only reacted, and Miss Fang Cai was joking about herself, and she suddenly turned red and hummed shamefully.

"Okay, I'm the worst. Our family is the best person ever."

Ye Qingyi knows Huayue's small nature, but Huayue's presence in front of her shows that this girl does not regard herself as an outsider at all, so Ye Qingyi's heart is very relieved.

There are not many people you want, as long as you are loyal and yourselves. You don't care what status you are. As long as you can be with you, you will definitely protect yourself.

Just like this girl, Huayue, when she first came, she was loyal to her. It is estimated that it is because of this girl that she can live for so long. Otherwise, she wo n’t know that Where did he die?

I said nothing, Huayue still carefully washed Ye Qingyi, and inserted a peach hair bun into her head. It looks simple, but with Ye Qingyi's face, it looks luxurious. less.

"Miss, are you okay with this?"

Ye Qingyi carefully looked at himself in the mirror, but it looked pretty tight. The face without applying powder daisies looked rosy, just as bright as a red apple.

"Yes, Huayue's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

I don't like things that are too complicated, the simpler the more I like it. I don't understand in my heart. Are those ladies and ladies carrying such heavy things on their heads?

It is especially heavy when they look at it. They always feel that their heads will be crushed the next moment, and there are several in the area. It is really for the sake of beauty and death.

They always think that they look good when they are dressed up, but they do n’t know that they are dressed up in other ways. Only their original appearance is the best.

I really don't understand what these people think.

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