Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 203: Ready to detoxify

Ye Qingyi listened to Huayue's nagging. Although he felt a little bored, he was still very happy. It was because of Huayue that he could live to this day. Isn't that the case?

"Yes, that lady is going to rest now, and Miss Huayue also needs to rest earlier."

"Miss! You're joking about Huayue again. Huayue hates you the most. Hum, Huayue is back to rest, too lazy to care about you."

Looking at Huayue's indignant figure, Ye Qingyi finally couldn't help it, and covered her mouth and smiled. This girl is really like this, people love and hate. After a few days, she will go to the mountain and spend more. Yue stared at the house.

Fortunately, Auntie Yun is gone. Listening to the news from others, Ye Hongyi knows that she will be very sad in the future. She has been sick for several days. She has not recovered today. No wonder Ye Hongyi was not seen at today's banquet. .

However, Ye Hongyi really cares about her mother-in-law. However, due to her identity, Ye Hongzheng has to call her auntie Yun, and she ca n’t call her mother-in-law. Whether it is Ye Hongyi or Auntie Yun, , Is a particularly big injury, because of the status, a woman's sorrow is like this.

Fortunately, I am not like this, I will never become what I am now, I will not now, and I will not be like them in the future, I will never be as sad as them.

It's not too early to see the sky, Ye Qingyi also feels a little tired. If he doesn't sleep again, I'm afraid he won't be able to get up tomorrow. He will marry Huang Fuyi early in the morning and hurry to the mountain.

Early in the morning the next day, Ye Qingyi almost didn't fall asleep. If it weren't for Huayue shouting to himself, I'm afraid he would have slept again.

Get up and simply clean up, shouted Lao Luo, took what he needed and went to Huang Fuyi's house, watched Ye Qingyi's carriage to the back door on Huang Fuyi's house, and shouted in cold words. Huang Fuyi got on the carriage from the back door, Huang Fuyi got on the carriage, and Ye Qingyi called for people to leave the palace quickly.

The first night Ye Qingyi sent someone to tell the news to Huang Fuyi. Huang Fuyi called a cold word, and he had prepared the things he needed overnight. Otherwise, it would not be so fast.

Huang Fuyi came to such a place for the first time, and Ye Qingyi didn't talk to himself about it. When he heard it last night, he was really surprised.

I knew Ye Qingyi's ability, but I didn't expect that Ye Qingyi had such ability. On the mountain, there was such a place. It really took a lot of thought.

After Huang Fuyi arrived, I found that I really underestimated Ye Qingyi. This mountain is exquisite and fine. This courtyard built by Ye Qingyi has no such place in Beijing. I really like this one. local.

The house, which is not tall, is as high as two floors, blocked by trees, and will not be found at all, and this place is a distance from the capital, and no one will come to this place.

Ye Qingyi's eyesight is really good. It is because of Ye Qingyi's unique vision that so many people are following her, and all of them are such loyal people.

This little girl is really uncommonly simple. I have only seen it once and I remember what it looks like in the barracks. Now this place is not much different from the barracks, but there are more things than I have never seen in the barracks. .

However, it seems to be some physical exercise. The people living on the mountain seem to be Ye Qingyi people, and they look like they are all martial arts high-strength people.

It seems that this little girl is really not simple. The people around are all martial arts high-strength people, but they are all under Ye Qingyi. They can achieve the same effort as Ye Qingyi. Every ten years or eight years is done. Not so hungry.

So this is why I was curious about Ye Qingyi. A little girl had such kung fu, and light kung fu wasn't even good, and she couldn't even reach her.

"This place is quiet. It is safe to detoxify here, and no one will come here. It will not be found. It is foggy and takes the Lord to rest."

"Yes, miss, Lord Wang, please follow the mists."

Huang Fuyi glanced at Ye Qingyi and followed the mist to enter the room. Lengyu followed behind the mist and took what he needed with him.

Ye Qingyi didn't go in, just watching the courtyard outside. At the moment, they were practicing in the exercise field. The posture really grew a lot. Ye Qingyi was very relieved to see it.

This is what I want, if not, I won't buy them back, but only a few of them are not enough, I need more people, otherwise, there are only a few of them, I can't do anything climate.

In this capital, there are not a few people with their own power. Now they have to plan well. Otherwise, they may be overcast.

Although it is safe here, it will not be absolutely safe. Someday it will be discovered by others. If you do n’t have enough people, it will definitely be dangerous.

However, this is not something that can be done in a hurry. You have to take it slowly. At that time, let them each select the people they need and then conduct different training. These people are some of them with good merits and some are suitable for assassination. You have to separate yourself.

When Huang Fuyi's cold poison is gone, he can do this thing himself. Moreover, the business of Jinxiufang must also take care of himself. He has promised Brother Jin that he can't break his word.

In addition, the more people you raise, the more money you need. Fortunately, the Fairview Business is doing a good job and is fully willing to support your needs. If you improve it later, you will definitely be the only one.

After Lao Luo arrived, he went to prepare what needs to be done. Ye Qingyi glanced at the situation on the training field and did not go forward. As expected, he did not need to go forward and say anything.

Moreover, the most important thing for me to come here today is for the cold poison of Huang Fuyi. As long as I can complete all these as soon as possible, I will have an absolute opportunity.

Ye Qingyi looked at nothing, and walked to Lao Luo's house. Lao Luo prepared everything and waited for the evening. Ye Qingyi directed everything.

I did not expect that the person whom the young lady was trying to save turned out to be the Lord. No wonder the Miss was so cautious that it was related to the safety of the Lord. It must be an important thing.

What's more, the lady said that if this matter failed, the general's house would be at stake. The lady was so serious that she had to be more cautious.

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