Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 215: Be found

Ye Qingyi's face was so serious. Huang Fuyi had not seen such a serious Ye Qingyi, and his heart was panicking. I did not expect that it would look like this, but it was a sneak attack with a premeditated intention. I did not expect that it turned out to be Auntie Yun thought she was directed at herself, but she did not expect to be directed at Ye Qingyi.

It seems that this little girl is really not easy, and she is living almost in the same depths as herself. She lives in such a difficult situation. I do n’t know how much the little girl has suffered, but she can become Today is so powerful.

But I didn't think of such a thing, the little girl could think of so many things, she didn't think of so many problems, but thought that it was for her own affairs, as long as she was OK, there should be nothing. The problem, I really didn't expect it.

However, fortunately, the little girl said to herself now. Otherwise, it will have irreversible consequences. It seems that you should be careful in your future actions. If you do n’t notice a small detail, you will be involved in this little girl. Girl, even the safety of General's Mansion.

If it were only his own words, it would be fine, but Huang Fuzhen himself is very clear. A person who uses whatever means to achieve his purpose, even if there is nothing, will be said by Huang Fuzhen.

It seems that I was really too careless. I did n’t think of such a thing. If I really did n’t pay attention, Huang Fuzhen would definitely do something about it. In this case, I would really hurt myself again. Hurt Ye Qingyi this little girl.

However, what Huang Fuyi has found now, he still does n’t know. It seems that he has to find a way to find out how much he knows, and now that Huang Fuyi ’s position, he ca n’t easily move him. When he touched him, his father would not let himself go.

But now I know it should not be too late. As far as this situation is concerned, my body is no longer a big problem, and I can compete with Huang Fuyu, but it still takes some time to find a way to bring down Huang Fuyu. It ’s okay to do it. If you blindly shoot now, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with Manchu.

Since Ye Qingyi, the little girl, said this to herself, it means that the General ’s Mansion has stood with him, and now that he has the patron behind the General ’s Mansion, he will be able to do more with less.

"That being the case, the king remembered, the king will be careful." Huang Fuyi's heart began to take a serious look. In this case, it must not be compared with the previous one.

If you are still the same as before, maybe there will be something that you do n’t know was discovered by Huang Fuzheng. Although there are many people supporting him on the court, there are still more people supporting Huang Fuzheng. He is not well. Everyone knows that even if Huangfu is better than himself, but considering the development of Donglai country in the future, most people will still support Huangfu.

From now on, everything I do involves myself and the general ’s house. As long as something goes wrong, the general ’s house will not have a life of peace. Similarly, if there is any situation in the general ’s house, Huang Fu took those people and brought himself in.

"If the Lord knows it, then I won't talk about the light clothes first, then go back first, otherwise it will definitely be noticed." Ye Qingyi stood up and left, Huang Fuyi looked at Ye Qingyi's appearance. , Want to say something, but still did not say it, let go of his outstretched hand.

Forget it, at this time, you shouldn't have such a mind, and for now, the most important thing is to exclude the hidden danger of Huang Fuyi first, otherwise, you will be hard to leave in the future.

Thinking of Huang Fuyi standing up, striding up with Ye Qingyi's steps, the two of them exited the door of Qixiang Pavilion together, with a pair of eyes not far away, and stared at them tightly from the time they went out to Ye Qing. Yi returned to the General's Mansion, and the eyes of the master left.

Ye Qingyi didn't expect that even if he was more careful, he was discovered to be with Huang Fuyi. What's more unexpected was that he had just died in the General's Mansion for a few days, and Huang Fuyi caught it. Huang Fuyi has so many handles.

Ye Qingyi was sitting in his yard at that time, and he had just said that to Huang Fuyi yesterday. He would definitely be more careful. According to what he knew about him, he would never be surprised.

"Miss, miss, the big event is not good." Huayue hurriedly ran from the outside, and her words were a little more anxious, as if something had happened. Ye Qingyi felt it as if it had happened. Something bad happened, and my heart suddenly flustered a little bit.

"What's wrong with Huayue, don't say it slowly." Looking at Huayue so anxious, although Ye Qingyi was also flustered in his heart, he was not as anxious as Huayue. Anyway, listen to what happened first. There is no rush to say anything.

"Miss, the cold words came just now and happened to meet him on the street. He said that His Royal Highness had been captured by the emperor, and now he was locked up in a prison. His Royal Highness tried to rebel, and then the Emperor was furious and put His Royal Highness in prison! "


Ye Qingyi was shocked. He told Huang Fuyi yesterday that he had to be more careful. How could he be impeached by everyone and arrested by the emperor? Even so, the emperor should not arrest him directly. Get up. Even under house arrest, it is better than catching it.

Since ancient times, they have always been companions such as tigers. It seems that this is the case. Even if it is their own biological son, as long as it threatens their status, the emperor will catch his son without mercy, and then send it to the prison I really do n’t understand. Even so, there are still so many people who want to be princes.

Do you really think that being a prince is very free? As a person in the palace, it is the greatest failure in this life. Without freedom, even if you want to do something, there is no way to do it. This life, just look It looks very bright, and only the parties know how painful it is. These people really don't know the sinister heart.

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