Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 232: Steady win

At ten o'clock in the evening, Gu Cai and Rocky returned to the General's Mansion again, and brought an amazing news. After Ye Qingyi heard it, his face suddenly showed the spirit of killing, and the atmosphere of Lan Cui Pavilion became full. It's different.

"Is this true?" Ye Qingyi was very excited, but he knew very well that if he was not sure, there would be variables later, and then someone would overturn those he said at any time, which would give more to others Chance, you absolutely do not allow such things to happen, all you have to do is to kill a blow, do not give them any chance to refute, so that they will have a 100% chance of victory.

"Returning to the Lord is true. We have taken the person back to the other hospital. He was seriously injured. It is estimated that he will be raised for a while. Those people are vicious but have not played a fatal position. Otherwise, people would have died. Ye Qingyi nodded after listening. It seems that these people still know the priority. If someone is dead, then things will not be easy. It seems that they are trying to detain people until everything is unchanged. , Killing a person again, now just to torture this person for the sake of his own heart.

"Okay, I know." Ye Qingyi responded and instructed Huayue to bring a pen and paper, and the pen was written on the paper, and then handed it to Gu Cai. "Take the medicine according to this prescription, twice a day, once in the morning and evening, and I'll go over the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, Master, then we go back first." Ye Qingyi waved his hands without a reply, and Gu Cai and Rocky left. Ye Qingyi sat in his seat, watching the dark ink in the ring, and couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Is the throne really so good? Now they are thinking so, what kind of thoughts will they have when they actually take the throne? Would it be the same as the current emperor, thinking about leaving the throne in an uncomfortable and hungry position? Maybe so.

A person like Huang Fuyu will never become a great climate in the future. Even if there are many people helping him, he is not a fight. As long as someone releases him, he will fall fiercely. There is no way to move it, let alone the future of the entire Donglai country.

Now that I have mastered a lot of things in my own hands, the rest is to figure out who the person who is disguised as an adult Shangshu is, and more importantly, who this person is, if it can be proved This person is Huang Fuyi's person, then Huang Fuyi really is completely finished.

However, it is not certain that this person is Huang Fuyi's person. According to Huang Fuyi's mind, he can't find such a person to do things for him. There should be others who do all this silently behind his back, only However, Huang Fuyi agreed with such an opinion. Without Huang Fuyi's approval, these people would not have enough heads.

It seems that these people have great hopes for Huang Fuyi, but they don't know if they will put everything in front of them, will they still be as confident as before and will they be so convinced? Alas.

In the interests of people, people will only think for their own interests, choose a person who is good for themselves, but they forget that a person who has an advantage over their own interests will not guarantee their own safety. I can definitely conclude that if things are revealed, Huang Fuyi will shirk all responsibilities.

The throne is important, and his life is even more important. If there is no life, what capital does he have to compete with others for the throne? Even if it is obtained, it will be of no use, but it will become a corpse, a cold and unemotional, There was no way to move the body.

All these things illustrate one thing. People's pursuit of desire is endless. Some people feel that they will be satisfied without worrying about food and clothing, but when they have nothing to worry about, they will feel that they should be more. Some savings so that you wo n’t be embarrassed when things happen.

But when they have some savings, they will feel that they should be better and better. In this way, they can let those people see that their former appearance is now someone that others desire and cannot reach, and , I will never look down on myself like those people.

But if they really become entangled people, they will become the kind of people they hated before, disdain those who are the same as themselves before, squander everything from their hands until everything returns to the original, and then again Sorry, if you give yourself another chance, this will never happen.

Such people, even if they are given hundreds of opportunities, they will look like this. Once or twice, they can already see through the essence of a person. Huang Fuzheng is such a person. He does n’t know how to bear his own mind. When the strong wind blows the grass, it will become hesitant.

How can such a person accomplish a great cause, not to mention that Donglai country can also be regarded as a big country, and thus giving a country to someone like Huang Fuyu, I am afraid that the people will only have a harder time in the future.

Ye Qingyi rubbed his aching head, and he really had a lot of things to think about, and his brain was a little uncomfortable. If this was the case every day, he would really be unbearable. Although my body has improved a lot, I can't stand being so tired all the time.

Huayue said that he was still right. When he thought of something, he could n’t help thinking about it. If he did n’t want to come up with something, he would feel uncomfortable, but now he ’s okay. Solved, I just hope that Gu Cai and Rocky will be able to find out the people behind them as soon as possible. As long as they are found out, they won't have to be so uncomfortable.

Ye Qingyi lifted his head and looked at the moon in the sky, and it has almost become a complete circle, so it seems to be about fifteen, the month of fifteen is not so round, but it will be at sixteen. It is a most complete circle, which is really strange.

However, many people are unable to explain this situation, but it is quite interesting to say so. Five days, there are at most five days left. I must completely resolve this matter within five days. Otherwise, Huang Fuyi will definitely do something in the cell.

You must protect Huang Fuyi's safety. The less time you spend, the safer Huang Fuyi will be. You must ensure Huang Fuyi's safety.

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