Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 237: Things revealed

Everyone's heart was a little scared, but with a veil on their faces, they still could n’t see the true face of the person, but looking at those eyes, many people ’s hearts had a bad feeling. This person ’s The eyes are so familiar, I do n’t know who it will be. Is it such a sharp look?

Thinking of this, everyone really can't calm down. Even a fool knows that this person is not someone else, it is the real Shangshu master. Those sharp eyes, who can be except him. Except for Shang Shang, no one has such stern and stubborn eyes.

However, many people still can't believe it, and keep praying in their hearts. It's just that a monk is very similar, not an adult. If not, everything that they have done before is in vain.

Huang Fuxian's face was even more ugly. How could people who have been killed clearly appear here? Is it because they did not obey their orders and left the life of Master Shang Shu without authorization to threaten themselves later? Really a group of stupid people. If people had been killed long ago, how could there be such things as today.

The "Shangshu Master" standing among the hundred officials is still standing upright. Looking at it, he still wants to continue the disguise, but it doesn't matter. Wait for a while to let him be fully exposed. Could he still stand like that?

"Take off the veil from your face." The emperor's faint words raised everyone's heart. What the emperor said, whoever rushed to block it, whoever dared to block it, said that they were dead, but not to block , His life will be gone.

Master Shang Shu slowly put his hand on the rope behind the veil, and gently pulled it, and the veil fell down. A familiar face appeared to everyone, everyone felt that Your breath is going to freeze.

That's not the face of Master Shang Shu, but that face is enough to surprise everyone. That face is the original face of the fake Shang Shu. Doesn't this mean that Ye Qingyi really has Knowing everything, otherwise, how could I see this face.

"The county lord, who is this person?" The emperor asked casually. At this moment, every time the emperor said a word, everyone's heart would follow.

The emperor may not know this person, but the people around Huang Fuyi know this person. This person is the most worried person in everyone's heart, but did not expect that Ye Qingyi actually found all the information of this person. And I know what this person looks like.

She, how did she do it? It is such a leak-proof thing that she could find it in such a few days. Such a tight matter, let alone a powerful person, even an emperor, it is necessary to check it. It took time to find out, and she found out everything in just a few days.

"Return to the emperor, this person, but many people are familiar with it. Perhaps, among so many adults, there will be another person who is exactly the same as this person, but I don't know which one it will be."

Ye Qingyi smiled softly, and the hearts of the people gave up completely. She knew that she knew everything. She planned such a thorough thing, so she knew it, and did not know how the emperor would punish herself. It is a black hat, and it is very likely that you will lose your life.

If I had known this situation, I should really have listened to Huang Fu's words and killed the adult Shang Shu directly. If it was killed directly, how could she find so many things. However, it is too late to regret it now, and everything has been revealed.

"Oh, are you? Ai Qing, who knows this person? Um?" The emperor's performance was really good. Ye Qingyi lamented the emperor's acting skills in his heart. If he didn't sing the opera, it would really be a bit It's a pity that this affectionate, but coaxed others into a slap.

No one dared to speak, stood there motionless, and did not dare to wipe even the sweat on his face. The emperor would point himself out for fear of any action, which was really difficult.

"It seems that no one knows, county lord, how do you explain this?" The emperor looked at Ye Qingyi and wanted to know what the girl would say. This was really interesting, and she thought she would. It is the look of an adult Shang Shu. I did not expect Ye Qingyi to change his look, but looking at everyone's reactions, this little girl really has some means.

"So, it seems that Qingyi thinks wrong, Master Shang Shu? I don't know if you know this person?" Ye Qingyi chuckled and taunted himself, but everyone's heart was terrifying.

"Return to the lord of the county, the old minister does not know!" The fake Shang Shang is still pretending, and things have come to this point. This person is still alive, it seems that he really can't fall off the coffin and cry , Really for his own life at all costs.

Ye Qingyi looked at the fake Shang Shang, and stepped forward. The person standing in front of Shang Shang didn't know what to do, and he automatically let go. Ye Qingyi stood in front of that person, and stretched out his hand to touch Shang Shang. The face of the adult, the facial expression of the adult Shang Shu instantly stiffened there.

"Master Shang Shu's leather is really loose. How can Master Shang Shu not take care of his face? Could it be that in the past few days, Lord Shang Shu has no time to take care of his body?" Ye Qingyi Looking at the person with a smile, the action in his hand was extremely provocative, but the people around him didn't have any thoughts. The whole person was shaking, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

"Master Shang Shu ca n’t do this. If that is the case, it will probably take a long time for the corpse to cross the street, huh, huh.” Those people, listening to the chuckles like Ye Qingyi, such soft laughter, listened to their ears Like the devil's laughter, tearing everyone's last consciousness.

As soon as Ye Qingyi's hand was moved, a complete mask fell off the person's face, and the so-called Master Shang Shu could become another look, and look exactly like the person who just came in. Suddenly, the air in the entire hall was frozen, and the last line of defense in everyone's heart finally collapsed.

The emperor sat on it and looked at the following things with interest, this play was really interesting.

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