Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 251: Emperor has a mind

However, now this matter can be considered as a perfect solution. The thoughts of Su Yixia and Mu Lengqiu are as much as they like. They don't care about them. I said this today, my relationship with Huangfu Yide will become more different, I do not know if my father will be angry.

Today ’s trouble, I ’m afraid Dad knows that by then, the marriage contract must be made up, but will Dad be unhappy, and he is so foolish, what should he do if his father is angry? After all, it wasn't long before he was dismissed from one prince's marriage contract, and another prince made a marriage contract, and his father didn't know it at all.

It does n’t matter how others think of themselves. What ’s important is dad. As long as the dad wo n’t be sad, then you can rest assured. After all, you ca n’t help each step now, and you will lose your life if you do n’t care. Huang Fuyi will never leak it out, she can still rest assured,

It ’s just that if my father knows it, I do n’t know what kind of reaction it will be. He cares most about the person, that is, this father, except for the father, who is his own. No matter what happens, he will not Let these people be implicated.

Mu Lengqiu still wanted to say something, but when thinking of the words that the emperor said above, he could only swallow the flowers in his heart, which was a dumb loss for himself. However, I have not lost anything at all, and it ca n’t be considered a loss, but I only have one person who can help myself. Perhaps such a thing is a loss for Mu Lengqiu.

Several people chatted again on the promenade, and Mu Lengqiu was unwilling to ask Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi about him. Speaking of Huang Qingyi's gentle expression, he really made Mu Lengqiu suffer. hurt. Ye Qingyi has never had such a gentle look, only when talking about Huang Fuyi.

That kind of truthfulness doesn't seem to be pretending. If you pretending, the eyes will not look like that. From time to time, two people look at each other. Huang Fuyi's eyes also looked at Ye Qingyi tenderly. Is this the case? It's really not Ye Qingyi used to fool himself, but two people have really settled for life.

Although Mu Lengqiu repeatedly tried to find out the problem between the two people, Ye Qingyi's tenderness was like water and Huang Fuyi's pampering was inexhaustible. Mu Lengqiu had to give up. Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi were as if No one can organize the same, two eyes can communicate with one eye. If it's acting, it can only be said that both of them have great acting skills.

After a good chat, someone came to report to the emperor and left, leaving Ye Qingyi and others sitting in the gallery. Without these people, Ye Qingyi felt that he would enjoy some more, and now four people are watching with open eyes. It feels like I'm a monster, but I'm really uncomfortable.

Huang Fuyi looked at Ye Qingyi's eyes and wanted to tie Ye Qingyi together. This time the emperor walked, Huang Fuyi had to take a step forward. I can't believe how Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi could have achieved this result. They knew Ye Qingyi first, why did the two of them come together again.

However, even if the two of them are together, they will have a way to dismantle them. Ye Qingyi is his own. No matter when, Ye Qingyi is his own person. Others do not want to grab Ye Qingyi from his own hands. . Ye Qingyi is his own person, no matter what happens.

Looking at the appearance of Huang Fuyi, Su Yixia seemed to understand something in her mind. She had heard about it before. Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi had a marriage contract long ago, but Huang Fuyi did not like Ye Qingyi. And, Ye Qingyi was an ugly woman with blushes, but this look has only recently changed.

Ye Qingyi's personality has changed greatly. She was just a young lady who was nostalgic, but now she is so exquisite. It is estimated that the emperor's heart is regretful, but there is no way out. Since Ye Qingyi does not want people, naturally No longer thinking about going back, even if his Emperor Huangfu is capable, Ye Qingyi will not look back.

And I have heard for a long time that His Royal Highness Emperor Huangfu of Donglai Kingdom is only a profit-seeking person who often hangs in the flower streets. The women's relatives in the government can't be counted. Ye Qingyi knows his heart very well. It is impossible for her husband, her husband, to have a second woman. At this point, he has no chance.

Although her mother-in-law is also a bed for Seco, she has never moved. Those women who do not know who they are, if they move by themselves, do not know what the consequences will be. Moreover, if you move one, you will move the other. If not, you will be said to be the only one, colluding with the woman's family.

Not too bothersome, it ’s better not to move at all. They think what they love. They just need to be relaxed and comfortable. So many women are not afraid of their bodies. But looking at this Emperor Fu, it should be Die on a woman? I'm not afraid of getting sick.

Huang Fuyi's heart is very happy. No matter what, Ye Qingyi ’s statement today is clearly false, and he is still very happy. So, Ye Qingyi ’s heart is very trusting, only to be shy when communicating with himself I want to hold her tightly in my arms, just like last night.

Although this paper engagement is just a cover for me, but there is such a period of contentment in my heart, as long as I can protect her and not be dominated by other tasks in her life is enough. What she can do for her now is nothing more than the ones she did for herself.

Regardless of the fact that the father emperor can help Ye Qingyi, he did not think of it. It seems that the father emperor and Ye Qingyi go through it. The tacit understanding between the two people is scary, but the father emperor Ye Qingyi has never seen it privately On the other hand, it is impossible to collude with money. If so, how can the two of them have such a tacit understanding?

Could it be that the Emperor of the Father had other views on Ye Qingyi, not just treating Ye Qingyi as the county owner, but wanting to marry Ye Qingyi? The emperor can't say such things directly, but can only find and use himself, and then marry Ye Qingyi to the palace and become the mother? If this is the case, absolutely not, the palace is not suitable for Ye Qingyi.

However, now guessing by myself is useless. I can only wait until I ask Ye Qingyi. If the father has such a thought, it will be over.

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