Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 267: Empress Dowager pressure

The queen mother also looked at Ye Qingyi, but she was a little shocked. This face was a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it, she was inexplicably upset, and Ye Qingyi didn't feel panic when she saw her. As a princess, she is better than Ling Yue.

However, Ling Yue is a person who feels pain in her heart. How can Ling Yue be a concubine? Even if she is going to marry Huang Fuyi, it is also Ye Qingyi who is a concubine. However, she cannot bear Ling Yue's grievances. . If this Ye Qingyi is sensible, follow what he said, and he will go with them.

This situation, even if Ye Qingyi is stupid, I understand. It seems that this queen mother loves Lingyue County Lord and found the emperor, but she did n’t make sense, she wanted to start from herself, but she said it herself No, Huang Fuyi nodded. The queen mother really found the wrong person.

"Listen to the emperor that you and Huang Fuyi have settled for life, but there is such a thing?" There is no doubt about the words of the queen queen. Regardless of Ye Qingyi's confession, the queen mother already had an idea in her heart. The queen mother wouldn't believe it. Since it was already so, why should she ask for it?

"This is the case for the Queen Mother, but there are not many people who know it. I did not expect to disturb the Queen Mother, but it was the daughter-in-law's fault. I asked the Queen Mother to forgive me." Ye Qingyi knew that the rules could not be confused, after all, this person was The queen mother, even if the emperor wants to give face, she is only a county lord.

Seeing Ye Qingyi directly admit it, the queen mother's face is not ugly at all, but it is a person who dares to bear it. It seems that Huang Fuyi's vision is really good: "Since the family already knows this, the family will be responsible for handling it. According to In principle, His Royal Highness and Lingyue County Lord are young children, and Lingyue County Lord has long belonged to His Royal Highness. If you and His Royal Highness really mean it, the family will not mind His Royal Highness Yi to marry you. Concubine, it ’s up to you to decide the big and small things in Fufu. The character of Lingyue County Master is not suitable for managing things in Fuzhong. What do you think? ”

Although the Queen Mother ’s words were asking, she did not give Ye Qingyi a chance to choose. This Queen Mother made it clear that she would protect the Lingyue County Lord and be a concubine herself. She seemed to be asking her opinion. However, the queen mother decided so long ago. If she did not agree, I am afraid that the queen mother would have thought about what kind of crimes she should be charged.

Really, they are soft persimmons, you can let them pinch them casually, they really think that they have a high weight, you can do not put others in the eyes, do not know whether to say that they are confident or that they look down on others It's really funny.

"The queen mother, the sons and daughters cannot be the masters. If the sons and daughters agree, it is against the will of the emperor, and even against the original vows of the servants and His Royal Highness. It is logical that this matter is not a courtier. If the queen mother can say the words of the emperor Tong and His Royal Highness, the prince will naturally have no opinion. If not, even if the prince agrees, she will bear a great disrespect. This prince will bear Not great. "

Ye Qingyi sneered, pushing things to himself, and really dared to buckle his hat, but sorry, this thing will not be memorized. Since you dare to buckle your hat, don't blame yourself for going back This is the ring-to-body body of the other way.

The queen queen heard Ye Qingyi's words, and almost didn't come up. Ye Qingyi's courage actually buckled this big hat for herself, even saying that she had fallen into an injustice. Okay. Ah, such a sharp girl, no wonder she came to herself so sad that crying that time. It seems that he really underestimated this Ye Qingyi, and he really has some skills.

"Then you mean disagree?" The queen mother's voice became serious.

Ye Qingyi heard that the queen mother had said so, and she knew that the queen mother was already angry, but this was not what she wanted to do. Can someone else throw her own shells? I don't want to die, even if the person who threw back is the queen mother, I can still gamble, betting that I have the ability to win the queen mother.

Moreover, I believe that it will not be done by myself and my queen mother. I believe that there will be someone behind you. The eyeliner in this palace is not as simple as others think. Otherwise, how can the queen mother know that she is in the palace? It was only the emperor who came to the palace by himself.

"After returning to the queen mother, the court lady did not agree to disagree, but this matter always asked the emperor and His Royal Highness, the court lady alone could not decide. If the Emperor and His Royal Highness did not agree, the court lady would have no choice. She also asked the queen mother to forgive her, but the court daughter and daughter are just ordinary people. "

Ye Qingyi is not afraid. No matter if it is the queen queen or emperor, as long as it is something that he does not want to do, no one can let himself do it. It seems that the Lingyue County Master is also capable of this, and it is only a pity to find the backing behind her, but it will be useful if it is for others, but the person she will deal with is herself.

"You! You! You are toasting, not eating and drinking! Come!" Tai Houqi's face turned red, and he shivered and pointed at Ye Qingyi kneeling in front of him, speechless.

"The emperor is here!" The eunuch's voice sounded outside, Ye Qingyi smiled softly, and he knew that he was not gambling wrong. The emperor would know for sure. After all, he is still very important to the emperor, and he can trust the emperor. There are not many people. Because of this, the emperor will not let him leave it alone.

I believe the emperor has been watching the show outside for a while, and then came in. It is really in a hurry. It is estimated that the emperor should also see what he will say. It seems that the response of the queen queen is the same as what the emperor thought. Already.

"What's wrong with my mother being so angry? Why is the county owner still kneeling and getting up quickly, be careful." The emperor walked into the room like she didn't know anything, so the heart of Cotyleda Qingyi was a little angry, this emperor knew Why is it still pretending to be here and see what he says for a while.

"The emperor! The emperor committed this crime! There are no rules! It seems that the emperor needs to remove her name. Otherwise, if there is no such rule in the presence of others, wouldn't my royal people want the audience Laughed? ”The queen mother saw the emperor come over, and quickly said that Ye Qingyi wasn't. She wanted the emperor to take advantage of Ye Qingyi's crime, but the abacus was really wrong.

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