Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 301: Things getting clearer

Ye Qingyi is planning how to find out the later things in his Lan Cui Pavilion. Now many of the ones Ye Bing said have been found out, only a few more serious ones have not been found out yet. When I went to Yongding Mansion, Huangfu stubbornly robbed his daughter and killed his 70-year-old father. This matter has taken a long time. I'm afraid it's not that simple to check. After all, it happened three or four years ago. Those who know this are either powerful people or victims.

How could those powerful people betray Huang Fuluo, even if not for his own sake, but for his family, if he betrayed Huangfuluo, how could he have a good end, Huangfulu's method is not so simple, he can reach Today, it also shows that Huang Fuxuan's heart is fierce, otherwise it is not enough to stand for so long.

The other person who knows this is the victim, but the victim is afraid that he doesn't know where to go now. If those people are really attentive, it is afraid that the victims and insiders are dead. Only the dead can't speak, but the same reason, only the dead can't lie. I don't know if I can find the victim. If the bones of a person can be found, they can be autopsied.

It seems that Huang Fuyi has to investigate this matter, but I do n’t have that much time to investigate it. Now there are seven or eight things that I have no clue in, and some of Ye Bing ’s side have only found out a little. My son, I have to discuss with Ye Bing about the problems in it. If it wasn't for Huang Fuyi, I really didn't want to care about it.

It seems that this identity is really a good thing, so many things have been done, and no one has said anything, and no one has come to complain. However, according to my own opinion, it is not that you do not come to sue Yuzhang, but I am afraid that they will be known by these people on the way to sue Yuzhang, and then they will be killed. Well, in this way, Huang Fuyi really has countless lives in his hands. Is he really not afraid of retribution?

But think again, how could such a cruel man be afraid of such things, and if he was afraid of retribution, how could he have the courage to do these things. And Huang Fuyi ’s identity is here. Even if someone wants to treat him, he will think about whether this person can fight against himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingyi couldn't help but stagger, these people are really influential people. For the sake of their own rights, they can ignore the lives of these poor people. Their own lives are life. Are these people's lives worthless? Because those people are ordinary people, who have no money and no power, can they just do whatever they want?

Ye Qingyi couldn't help but be angry, these people should kill all of them, even if all of them were killed, they could not resolve the anger in their hearts. Such a desolate thing, thanks to what they did, one by one wearing hypocrisy, but doing such dirty things. All of this is because Huang Fuyi, if it were not for him, these people would not be like this. But these people don't want to run away, they all have their share.

Ye Qingyi rarely felt so angry. Ye Qingyi felt that his temper would not be like this, but this time he really couldn't help it. Fortunately, I am in the General's Mansion. If I am in another house, I am afraid that I am not so good. When I think of this, I ca n’t help but want to go straight to Huang Fuyu.

Ye Qingyi did not know at this time, his identity was already known by Ye Hongyi and Huang Fuyi, and Huang Fuyi still supported himself in this way. If he knew it, he would be afraid of something different to Huang Fuyi. Opinion, but it is not enough to erase these things that Huang Fuyi did.

Piece by piece, Ye Qingyi looked at his heart dripping with blood. How did Huang Fuyu do it? This simple thing is a life, it ’s a human being, not a beast. Even beasts shouldn't be like this. As a doctor, healer's parents, who knows Ye Qingyi's mood at this time.

Ye Qingyi did not know how he read the information in front of him. These were collected and sorted out by Ye Bing. Anything in it, the emperor would be furious when he knew it, and he wanted to directly kill Huang Fuyu. . His own son was so contaminated with the lives of so many people in his hands. How could he be right with his people in his heart and always support his people?

Ye Qingyi looked at these shocking, I do n’t know if these things really need to be handed over to the emperor. If the emperor knew it, he would feel very sad. Although the emperor ’s heart did not like Huang Fuyi very much, he was his son Ah, how can his own son feel comfortable doing so many things that are devastating?

But if you really want to punish yourself, I'm afraid the emperor will not let go. Everything is a death sentence. Even if the emperor is sad again, he can't bear to kill his own son himself. Those who have died explain that since ancient times, the emperor has committed crimes and acquitted the people, but who knows the pain of the emperor? How could his own son commit crimes?

Alas, this is probably the sorrow of the emperor's life. The woman she loves is destined to fail, her son makes a mistake, and he has to kill his own son by himself. Otherwise, he cannot explain to the people who support him. No matter who it is, it will be very embarrassed.

It's just that this must be chosen. It is better to lose one person than the trust of the people in the world. The emperor is like this. He must take care of the feelings of the people and stop himself slowly with the wound. The Emperor did not want to see all this. Why is Huang Fuyi such a person? If not, even if this throne was given to him, Huang Fuyi would not have any opinion in his heart.

A person who truly loves people like a child is eligible to sit in that position. Is he an emperor? Everything he has done before is enough to condemn him to death. All this depends on how the emperor decides.

Now Huang Fuyi also found that someone was investigating him. Ye Bing is not so easy to investigate now. There are not many things left, but they are the most troublesome things. At this time, I am really confused. This matter Do you really want to keep looking? This is enough to convict Huang Fuyi's death.

But Ye Bing intervened, this matter will definitely be checked, otherwise Ye Bing will not let go.

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