Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 317: Keep you safe

"His Royal Highness is fine, as long as His Royal Highness pays attention to rest, there is no problem, but don't be too hard, as long as you don't overwork, Your Highness's current body is fine." Ye Qing Yi finally opened his eyes.

Huang Fuyi's body has nothing left. As long as there is no problem now, after this period of time, there will be no problem in helping him to take good care of himself. Huang Fuyi's physical foundation is still very good. Even after being tortured by cold poison for so many years, there are not many problems. He is confident that he can fully recover.

"Thank you, then, for the county master. When everything is settled down, the king will definitely guarantee the safety of the general house of the county master and will never break his word." Huang Fuyi looked at Ye Qingyi seriously, no matter what happened Whatever happens, this thing will work hard to ensure Ye Qingyi's safety. Apart from this, I don't know what else I can do for Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingyi looked at Huang Fuyi's seriousness, and couldn't help but feel a little flustered. He hurriedly retracted his hand and looked at Huang Fuyi in front of him. "His Royal Highness would have broken his light clothes, light clothes should be."

Ye Qingyi looked at Huang Fuyi's face. For a moment, he was at a loss and didn't know what to say. Huang Fuyi's eyes were too hot. There was no way to ignore it, even if he wanted to ignore it. Can't do it, Huang Fuyi looked at himself that way, making his heart all up.

But on the surface, light clothes still hold back. Otherwise, I will be even more at a loss when I look at myself. Although I am a person I trust, I do n’t want to be seen by others. What's in my mind, or else everything will be seen through by others.

I do n’t like it. I would rather no one understand everything I do, and I do n’t want to be seen through the thoughts of others. This will undoubtedly expose myself in front of everyone. I have no grasp of success myself.

In this life, no matter what happened, you are not allowed to fail. No matter how difficult things are, Ye Qingyi is thinking of making everything the best. He can't let all people look down on himself, and he doesn't want to be looked down upon by others.

Now Huang Fuyi looks at herself this way, as if she wants to see herself through, and she is very uncomfortable. If she was not standing with Huang Fuyi now, she might make Huang Fuyi's death unsightly. Although I don't know how much worse I am with Huang Fuyi, I am still very confident in my light work.

Looking at Ye Qingyi, Huang Fuyi smiled lightly, probably thinking about how Ye Qingyi was thinking about himself, but it doesn't matter. This person is Ye Qingyi. If others, I'm afraid that I haven't Much patience and others so tossing themselves. Only Ye Qingyi, the little girl, was really eaten by her.

The turmoil in Ye Qingyi's heart stopped, looking at Huang Fuyi and then looking at Ye Bing. The faces of the two were a little strange. It was not malicious, but it was a bit uncomfortable to look at it this way. If it weren't for the person in front of him who he trusted, he would have left him long ago.

"His Royal Highness has nothing to do now, but he needs to cultivate well. When things are over, I will help His Highness to recuperate. His Highness still has some unsuitable places. It is better to recuperate earlier. If it takes a long time Then I will have no choice. "

Ye Qingyi rubbed his nose, concealing the discomfort in his heart, and it wasn't too early outside. If he would never go again, Dad would worry about himself. Dad wants to go home earlier today, no I knew there was something to tell me, if I went back late, I was afraid that my dad would rest.

"Well, the king remembered, he would pay attention, the county owner should also be careful of his body." Huang Fuyi always smiled and looked at Ye Qingyi, no matter what time, Ye Qingyi is his main force, if there is no Ye In light clothes, I would n’t have what I am today. I can return to the way I am today because of Ye Qingyi. I do n’t know how to thank this girl. I can only say something like this to express my gratitude. And protect her.

Ye Qingyi understood Huang Fuyi's meaning: "Well, Qingyi will pay attention to it. It ’s not too early to go back to Qingyi. Dad is still waiting for Qingyi to go back at home. Ye Bingruo will go back earlier if he has nothing to do. Well, after all, there is something to do tomorrow. Ye Bing has to rest well. I do n’t know what His Royal Highness will do tomorrow. Ye Bing ’s safety will be handed to His Royal Highness Yi. You two must be tomorrow. Be careful not to let His Royal Highness capture what is not, otherwise it would not be so simple. "

Ye Bing and Huang Fuyi nodded at the same time. Huang Fuyi's heart didn't know what it was like. Looking at Ye Qingyi's attention to the safety of others, his heart was really sour, but this person was Ye Bing, and he did n’t even have to. After all, Ye Bing is also his own person. He is the one who helps Huang Fufu with himself.

Ye Qingyi got up and left, and the carriage outside was waiting. Ye Qingyi got on the carriage and walked to General Mansion. There are still a lot of people on the street. The hawks of hawkers on the street, listening to Ye Qingyi's heart is a bit chaotic, but a little envious. These people are all for their livelihood, but that's not that many things, what I think now Too much, or else I want it.

If this is the case, I am afraid that I will not have so many ambitions, then Ye Qingyi will not be the case. Ye Qingyi is destined not to be an ordinary person. Ye Qingyi has many things to do. It is not as simple as others see. If he is not Ye Qingyi, he really wants to be a simple person. Three meals of coarse tea and light rice a day, a faint little day is enough.

After thinking about things all the way, he finally arrived at the General's Mansion. Ye Qingyi did not have time to rest, and went directly to Ye Zuohou's yard. At this time, Ye Zuohou was waiting for her in the yard and saw Ye Qingyi coming. The whole person was nervous.

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