Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 320: Panic

Ye Qingyi finally understood, and his thoughts were a little certain, but the people in the small courtyard have to clarify some things themselves. Otherwise, there is no way to deal with these things. These people If the management is not good, there is no way to continue your own business, even because those people have lost their lives, they are accidentally inadvertent, and they lose by accident.

Looking at Ye Zuohou's worried look, there is nothing he can do, but what he can do now is only like this. If he tells things and Ye Zuohou, he is afraid that Ye Zuohou will be more worried. Ye Zuohou can't be confused now, only by reassuring Ye Zuohou can he investigate this matter well.

Ye Qingyi's mind had already thought about who this person was. After he was a queen mother, I'm afraid that no one has such ability. Knowing his identity, Ye Hongyi must have said it. That day, I felt that there was something wrong with the government. It seemed that Ye Hongzhen was really back, but I didn't know what she was going to do, but now I shouldn't care about leaving it.

Now Ye Hongchen must have told the queen mother about this, so those people will investigate their identities. Otherwise, those people would not have investigated themselves this way. But now the queen queen does not dare to determine her identity blindly. The queen queen is also worried about all these things, but she wants to know her true identity. If she really knows her identity, she will definitely not hesitate. Tell the emperor about this.

It seems that she is right. The queen queen's mind is really not that simple, and the queen queen does not dare to make arbitrary decisions, so when the investigation comes out, she will not have a good life. Ye Hongchen was really good. She was defenseless, but she forgot to guard this woman. I didn't expect that she happened that day, so why did she come back? This thing is really not a good thing.

Ye Qingyi knew in his heart that if this matter was not reassuring to the queen mother, I was afraid that she was really in danger, so what she had to do now was to investigate carefully who the queen mother was, the people in the small courtyard. I have to go and say it well, no matter what the wind and the grass are blowing, those people will not be able to come out. If it comes out, things will get worse, but I ca n’t control those people, and I can only speak to Pei Ziyu.

Tomorrow I will take Pei Ziyu to a small courtyard. I have not been there for a while. I hope that Ye Bing and Huang Fuyi will have no accidents tomorrow. If there is any accident between the two of them, they will It's going to be a mess. No matter what happens, you can't mess around first, this is to give others a chance to grasp their own handles.

Ye Qingyi didn't sleep well all night. He hurried up early the next morning. He didn't eat any food. He went directly to Pei Ziyi. Last time, Pei Ziyi left his address to Ye Qingyi. Ye Qingyi slightly After inquiring, I knew where this place was, and went straight without hesitation.

When he arrived at Pei's house, although Ye Qingyi thought about it, he was still scared. Pei's house was really big, and he didn't know how much it was larger than General's House. It seems that Pei Ziyu has not made less money for so many years. He can learn how to make money with him. Although he is rich now, he still hopes that he has more money in his hands so that he can feel at ease.

At the door, I went in with my name on it. It seems that Pei Zhe already knew that he would come back one day. The guards at the door had already said hello. It seems that Pei Zhe ’s mind is really more than he thought. Delicate, such a person is actually a person from the previous dynasty, and he really can't imagine it.

As soon as I entered, I saw Pei Ziyi's figure. Pei Ziyi stood up and walked forward when he saw Ye Qingyi. I didn't know what Ye Qingyi came to do for himself, but his solemn look should be a serious matter, otherwise he would not be so anxious Come to yourself, is it because her identity has been leaked?

"Miss, don't know what happened? So serious?" Pei Ziyi looked at Ye Qingyi, Ye Qingyi didn't speak, and looked around. Pei Ziyi understood what Ye Qingyi meant. "Miss, please come with me. "Pei Ziyi led the way, Ye Qingyi followed Pei Ziyi to the backyard."

"Do all those people want to revive the former dynasty?" Ye Qingyi looked at Pei Ziyi and asked, "I know this thing myself, but I still have to ask clearly, if it is really the same as what I think, then not only It's Ye Hongchen's relationship. If you really have a relationship with those people, it will be even more difficult for you.

"Yes, but last time when the young lady said those words, many people have given up. After all, those young lady words are really something we did not expect, so many people choose to respect the young lady. But Some people do n’t understand, so they left. They are not in Beijing now, and it may take some time to figure out. Did the lady ask what happened? ”

Looking at Ye Qingyi, Pei Zixi was worried. Is it really that the identity of the princess has been leaked? But those people will not say it, even if they are not satisfied with the princess's revival of the previous dynasty, they will not do anything to reveal the identity of the princess. I won't keep them for so many years.

"Well, there is no more thing. Today you go there with me. I have something to tell them. It is a very serious matter. I can't delay it now. Go with me." Ye Qingyigang Sit down and pulled Pei Ziyu away. Seeing Ye Qingyi's anxiety, Pei Zixi didn't dare to delay anything, and went out with Ye Qingyi directly.

Ye Qingyi was so anxious to find himself, but also to go to the small yard there. It seems that there is a leak in the identity issue, but those people will not do such things. I do n’t know who took Ye Qing Yi's identity was leaked. It seems that Ye Qingyi is very dangerous now, otherwise it is impossible to put on makeup. This is obviously for the purpose of covering people's eyes. If they are found, I am afraid that after some time, someone will come to find themselves. It ’s just that I do n’t know much about it, except for those people who are Ye Qingyi and Ye Zuohou, who knows? Pei Ziyi's heart was also chaotic and panicked.

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