Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 344: Death by man

"But, sister, what are you doing here today?" Lao Jin looked at Ye Qingyi. Ye Qingyi is a very busy person on weekdays. He won't come out and hang out. Ye Qingyi is out this time. What's the matter? Want to come out and relax and relieve your anxiety? However, I don't know what kind of things can make Ye Qingyi difficult, and it can't be trivial to make Ye Qingyi difficult.

After hearing that, Ye Qingyi paused and looked at the old brocade in front of him. I thought I was hiding well enough, but I didn't expect to be seen by Brother Jin, but I was a little careless, but I never covered up my thoughts in front of these people, because I knew that these people were It wo n’t hurt themselves, let alone have anything to hide from them, but some things are not only about their lives, but also about their lives. You are not afraid of dying, but you ca n’t let them what's the matter.

If it ’s really because they let them do something, they are unhappy in their hearts. After all, there are some things that they can't do. They can only solve it by themselves. If they intervene, it will definitely cause more things to come out. I can't just let more people follow myself and be in danger for the sake of a moment of selfish desire. Ye Hongyi will, but I definitely can't.

But since Brother Jin has seen that he has something to do, if he hides it, I'm afraid Brother Jin will think more. The words that Brother Jin just said are to prevent himself from being burdened. After all, his identity Specially, even if the man in the General's Mansion is the county chief handed in by the emperor, no matter what, he can solve it. However, Brother Jin could not imagine that his identity was far from simple, and there was the former princess, but he could not let him know.

"People in the hospital had spies, and they were just resolved yesterday, but I was disposed of those originally in the house. Now I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. After all, I have been in General's house for so many years. It really feels a little uncomfortable to change it. "Ye Qingyi casually involved a reason, which really made himself uncomfortable, but not those people who were reluctant, but the people who thought of raising them, were people who worked for others. The chill was so severe that General's Mansion became a place where others could control it at will.

Dare to break ground on their own heads, I do n’t know what they think, but they really do n’t take themselves seriously. This time, this lesson is enough for everyone to understand. Not everyone can think about it, and Generals, not even anyone can come in. Although he has left a burning girl now, there is still a reason in his heart. After all, Ye Hongchen still needs someone to give She relayed the news of the General ’s Mansion. The little girl ’s eyes were clear and clear. If she did n’t have a handle in her hand, she really did n’t dare to pinch Ye Hongyu, let alone Lao Jin went to peace with her today. Ye Hongyi met, I believe Lao Jin will make these things clear to Ye Hongyi.

The fate of that little girl depends on her own good fortune. If she keeps her for a while, she ca n’t keep her for a lifetime. Even if she does n’t do it, Ye Hongyi will do it. Ye Hongyi will definitely not. Will allow others to betray themselves, if anyone betrayed her, how could she leave that person.

What I said before was just to find out whether Ye Hongzhen was really a general general. It seems that I have to talk to my father. This general general has lost something. Ye Hongyi was the princess of Puppet, and beside her was Huang Fuxu, naturally she had to think about Huang Fuxu. And Dad holds the military power. If Huang Fuyi wants to move any idea here, he really wants to remind Dad to be more careful.

"Hey, what do you feel uncomfortable about this girl? This is a common thing. This person is fortune and death. If you do n’t want to make more money, you have more money in your hands, you will have more security. Otherwise, why do so many people want money? Not to mention anything else, even my brother and I look like this. I have a lot of money in my hand, and I feel special in my heart. Real sister, if you do n’t With money, what else can this man do? "

Lao Jin sighed, although he did n’t want to admit it, but he could n’t help it. He is such a person now. For himself, he has enough money, and he feels more secure, whether it is someone else. Say what you like, you just like money, and no one can do without money. Otherwise, are the old children waiting for the family to starve to death? This is impossible.

When I heard Lao Jin say this, Ye Qingyi stopped his hands. Brother Jin said yes, everyone needs money, just like himself. If he does n’t have money, how can he let him Are these people staying beside themselves, are they going to follow their own meals? This is impossible. You also need money, and you still need a lot of money, but these are all earned a little bit by yourself.

Those people also know that they have no ideas or ideas. As long as they have the money and can ensure the safety of their own family, they will not care about so many things. As long as they can make their lives worry-free, Who cares about so many things? Isn't this how corrupt officials come? There is also no way for these people. If there is a way, no one will do such a thing.

Obviously dangerous, but there is no way. For these people, they are just a tool that allows them to make money. They look at themselves and tell their actions, even though they do n’t know. What do people do to themselves, but as long as they simply tell others about it, they can get a sum of money. Who doesn't like to do such a simple thing?

Ye Qingyi's original mood suddenly became a bit heavy, not to mourn for those people, but to mourn more people. The ruling class here has monopolized all people, even if the people yell injustice, who Can you hear it again? It is because of this that these people dare to abandon their own masters and even sell their own masters. These things, they are afraid that they don't want them, but there is no way they can only do so to ensure their lives.

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