Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 353: Ye Qingyi worried

But there are more things later. I can't be so anxious now. If anyone really comes out to make trouble at this time, I really can't say it. So now I just need to watch the show well. For other things, I don't have to worry too much about it. Yueying should think that all this is done by herself, but Huayue will not understand it, so I have to Make it clear to Huayue that this is why he let Huayue go out today.

Because I know that if Huayue knew about this, it must be the one who couldn't sit still. After all, this girl was the girl who followed her longest, and she was also the one who was most worried about her. Although Yueying is also worried about their own hearts, there is still a certain gap compared to Huayue. After all, they followed their girl in the morning. Although they are not Ye Qingyi, they still look like that. , Silly, but a rare and loyal person is also the one who is most uneasy about himself.

Listening to the meaning of Ye Qingyi, Huayue didn't understand something in her heart. I didn't know what this lady meant. She pretended to be ignorant, or pretended to be false? What and what are these? Why can't I understand what the lady said? Looking at the lady's appearance, it seems that there is nothing. I know that all the rumors are rumors outside, but I still worry about listening to those words, if I really know what others are saying, miss But what should I do? The news of this incident is the crime of beheading.

"You, what is the slow response, you can go and talk to Yueying and you will know what I said to you, you will only be more confused, this person who is looking at such a spirit, why is it here? Did n’t the reaction come? ”Ye Qingyi smiled. The little girl Huayue really broke her heart, but she did n’t know when Huayue would be the same as Yueying, but if she was the same as Yueying, It's not Huayue, and that's why I like it.

It is because of Huayue's temperament that she likes her so much, not only because of her loyalty to herself, but also because she is by her side, she can experience more things, and she has never been more before The thing that I do n’t know is precisely because of this. I like Huayue this little girl beside her. In fact, when I look at her silly look, I still have a feeling of unspeakable satisfaction.

When I saw this little girl, I felt very comfortable in my heart. In fact, I didn't know what kind of feeling it was. It was probably the only feeling left by Ye Qingyi before, except for Ye Zuo. Hou Wai, the best person to yourself is the little girl Huayue. Even if anyone will be right with herself, this little girl will not be right with herself. As long as Huayue is by her side, There will be an indescribable feeling.

After all, it is her own girl. Even if there is anything, I believe that she puts herself first in her heart. In her heart, she is the most important person. I believe no one can make herself like this. I remember, if I could, I really wanted this little girl to know nothing. In this case, this little girl would not have so much trouble.

It ’s just that some things are not what she wants. If she does n’t know anything, she should be more sad and worried about this little girl. A girl who doesn't know anything, if she is deceived by others, she really doesn't know what it feels like.

She is also a very contradictory person, and wants her to be as simple as before, knowing nothing, but she is constantly teaching her everything to let her know how these things are now dark. She just thought that things in this general's mansion were already very dangerous, but what she had to do was still more dangerous than the things in the general's mansion. This was also something she would not do. Tell her why, if she knew, she would be in a panic.

For people who know this, apart from Lao Jin, Ye Zuohou is foggy. I believe that the people in the small courtyard will not have any movements, but they will have to sacrifice their own courtyard, and their hearts are really reluctant to live in that other courtyard. After all, it was the first yard I bought, but because of this, for the queen mother, the credibility will be higher, and there will be no doubt.

In fact, I do n’t know what I ’m going to do, but I just know that I have to do this thing. If I do n’t, I have to involve a lot of people. This is the last thing I want to see. If that's the case, wouldn't everything I've done here be in vain? After working so hard for a long time, I can't make a wedding dress for someone, so my hard work is in vain.

In the eyes of others, everything is so smooth, but only if I know how difficult it is, and everything must be weighed again and again before I decide whether to go It seems so simple to do, but there are many things involved in it. If you are not careful, you will not be able to get to where you are today, just like your own business now.

The queen queen is investigating herself. She knows that the queen queen can't find out anything, but she can't let the queen queen do the same. The more so, the queen queen feels that her problems are heavier. The Queen Mother has always been in trouble for herself. After all, her identity will be a shame in the heart of the Queen Mother. If the Queen Mother does not unlock it, it will certainly not be easy to let go of herself, nor will she let General House.

It's better to let the queen mother talk nonsense than to tell the queen mother a little bit, so as to avoid so much trouble. The queen queen wants to know her identity, then she will tell the queen herself, let the queen queen know a little bit, and believe that the queen queen's response will not disappoint herself, but she just does not know what the emperor will look like, and she still I really want to know what the emperor's attitude is. After all, the emperor so pampers himself. If the emperor knows his identity, what does the emperor look like? Wouldn't it be shocking, or anxious to kill myself.

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