Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 359: Got caught

Ye Qingyi looked at the people in front of him seriously, and knew in his heart that these people were ready. They would not give up if they didn't catch themselves. Many of the weapons these people used were unseen by them. Moreover, the moves are all my favorite, but now I can't accompany them to play, if I play, I will delay the early time.

Ye Qingyi jumped up at once, like a gesture. People who followed Ye Qingyi fought bravely like chicken blood. People sent by the queen queen did not resist for a while, but At this time, those people are going to run away. The queen mother immediately feels bad at first glance: "No, don't let them all run away! Fast! Surround them, you can't let them run away!"

But now it's too late. How could these people be simple characters? If they could be caught by others, Ye Qingyi wouldn't let Pei Ziyu take these people to himself. After all, he just wanted to Sending myself to the queen queen has nothing to do with those people. Even if the queen queen is looking for those people, it will not be so easy to find. After all, those people are carefully prepared.

I have made a lot of masks, which are thin on the faces of those people, but they can change the original appearance of those people. Otherwise, Ye Qingyi would not be so relieved. After all, they are all people in the rivers and lakes. If others know that the people in the rivers and lakes are involved in the imperial court, those people will be chased by others when they return to the rivers and lakes. It is the rule of the rivers and lakes that the people in the rivers and lakes are not allowed to smash the things in the court.

Even if I am a victim, I will not harm those in the rivers and lakes. All of them are moral people. If I have the opportunity, I really want to make friends with those in the rivers and lakes. Those people are better than those on the court. Those people are much better. They do n’t have so many twists and turns. They just like them. Speaking is simple, you don't have to think about so many things at all, and you feel comfortable speaking it.

The queen mother saw those people running away, and had some bad feelings in her heart, everything seemed to be carefully prepared, but she couldn't feel that there was something wrong, after all, she couldn't find any flaws. And the queen queen named to grab Ye Qingyi, but said nothing to others, but it is more beneficial to the queen queen. Now those people have ran away, and all of them have done meritorious work. So simple.

But those people are not important, as long as Ye Qingyi is there, the queen mother wants Ye Qingyi, and you can make a deal by catching Ye Qingyi by yourself, but Ye Qingyi ca n’t understand it at all, Although he has a lot of people, he still has to be careful. Ye Qingyi can still learn other people's kung fu at any time. No matter how he thinks, he feels a pity in his heart.

"Oh, are you prepared to deceive more?" Ye Qingyi looked at the people who had stopped, listening to the sound of footsteps outside, and his heart was solid, those people would not be caught. As long as those people are not caught, they can deal with them well, but they still have to act. After all, they are going to the palace. If they are not caught, there will be no later things. The method continues.

"The lord, now you are alone. Those people have fled. They are people who are greedy for life and fear death. Does the lord want to help them revive the former dynasty? Will you really follow the county master? "The leader looked at Ye Qingyi and felt regretful. It would be nice if he encountered this Ye Qingyi earlier. After all, it is such a good seed. He is really pretty. like.

"Everything that the emperor got, I believe that each of you knows clearly, why the emperor can do this, and I Ye Qingyi can't do it? You have a lot of people, but I may not be afraid of you and can catch you. Let me count your ability, if you ca n’t catch it, you have no evidence! ”Ye Qingyi said in a righteous manner, the people in front of him were angry, and a little girl was so arrogant that she really felt invincible!

"Offended!" The man shouted, and everyone turned around Ye Qingyi, and from time to time, some people tried to deal with Ye Qingyi. At first Ye Qingyi dealt with it was simple, but it took a long time Ye Qingyi's physical strength is also not good, and slowly he can't help it anymore. Human sea tactics is a good way, but I do n’t have time to spend it. It seems that I have to show myself.

Ye Qingyi deliberately revealed a flaw. As one saw the flaw in Ye Qingyi, he immediately destroyed the soft sword in Ye Qingyi's hand. Ye Qingyi's hand was free of weapons and weapons. With the strength to be able to compete with them, all of a sudden, everyone aimed their weapons at Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingyi smiled weakly, huh, after all, it's time to wait. It's really not easy for me to wait for such a long time. I don't know what the queen and emperor will look like when they arrive in the palace a while. If dad sees himself like this now, he will feel very uncomfortable. His distressed daughter has become so embarrassed.

"Oh, there is more to win than less. Even then, even if you say it, it will not be a glorious thing for you, let alone Ye Qingyi is still a girl, and the seniors really took great pains." Ye Qingyi laughed. Now, these people were originally very high-spirited people, but now they say that, the faces of several people have become hard to read, and they seem to be provoked by their words.

"No!" The leader stopped them. I looked at Ye Qingyi: "The county master, we are better than you. I have n’t seen the county master's skills, but we have gained a lot of insights. Today I am considered to have been taught. We also recognize it. After all, the county master ’s work is above me. If it is not the case, I ca n’t catch the county master at all, and the county master understands it. ”

The man's face didn't have many expressions, and he had covered half of his face. It was normal to see nothing, and his eyes were stunned. Ye Qingyi looked at this man, but he did not expect that there were still such open-looking people. He thought he would be anxious if he was excited a lot. Yes, the quality of this person's heart is good, himself Appreciate this person's psychological qualities.

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