Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 381: Mo Impulse

Now the other people in the small courtyard are busy. After all, the people in the small courtyard are doing things. They are not idle people, but everyone understands that only Qingye can be rescued. This small courtyard will continue better, otherwise, I do n’t know what it will look like.

Now for everyone, the most important thing is to maintain physical strength and keep one's head calm. All of them must be done well. Otherwise, Ye Qingyi's situation will be even more threatening. Everyone understands that if they were impulsive, the emperor would find the charges of Ye Qingyi and what kind of person Ye Qingyi looks like, everyone's mind is clear, otherwise it would not be possible to come to the small courtyard and tell them Those words.

These people were originally impulsive people. Now that they have Ye Qingyi, they naturally calm down a lot. They know what to do to ensure Ye Qingyi's safety. They will never do anything without strategy. Otherwise, the future will be difficult to say.

What the emperor is thinking now, except Ye Qingyi, no one will know. After all, the emperor's mind cannot be guessed by anyone. If anyone can think of it, how can the emperor be a good emperor? The reason why the emperor is the emperor is because the emperor's mind will not be guessed by others. Ye Qingyi can guess, because Ye Qingyi knows too much about a man who is an emperor, otherwise, Ye Qingyi wouldn't know it, and the emperor wouldn't say so much to Ye Qingyi.

The emperor likes Ye Qingyi because he is not so tired when talking to Ye Qingyi. No matter what he does, he will not worry. After all, Ye Qingyi understands the mind of an emperor, even if there is something difficult to say In Ye Qingyi, it has become a simple matter. The emperor just likes this kind of person, so he will be so good to Ye Qingyi. If others can also do this, the emperor will not find it strange.

For Ye Qingyi, what the emperor thinks is not important, what is important is what he wants to do, and what he has to do well, no matter who is the empress or the empress in front, he cannot prevent himself from doing Otherwise, how could this Ye Qingyi be called Ye Qingyi?

Huang Fuyi knew in his heart what Ye Qingyi was like. It was too clear. I know Ye Qingyi better than others, no matter what other people think, in fact, Ye Qingyi is still a child. Although she is so smart, she is also in need of others Caring person.

Everyone knows about this. If Ye Qingyi is gone, everyone will feel very uncomfortable, but there will be others who feel very relieved. Those people just can't get used to Ye Qingyi. People.

Looking at Ye Qingyi's so powerful look, their hearts are upset, they also want it, but they have no way, they are not as smart as Ye Qingyi, they do n’t have Ye Qingyi ’s mind, but they want Ye Qingyi Similarly, with the favor of the emperor, jealousy makes people look like this.

They want Ye Qingyi to die, they want Ye Qingyi to never appear in their sight again, but it is not so easy, unless it is Ye Qingyi who thinks, if others, Ye Qingyi will not be hurt by a trace In the least, so many people around me don't believe anyone can make Ye Qingyi hurt.

After all, for Ye Qingyi, some things are very simple, but for others, it is very difficult. Ye Qingyi's mind is not as flexible as a child. He is only a teenager With this kind of mind, I believe that if you grow up, it will become more terrible. I believe that not only anyone will think so, after all, sometimes people are afraid of people who are better than themselves.

Huang Fuyi thought he was going back. If he stayed for a long time, I don't know what would happen. Although it is safe to leave things cold, but not all people are the same as the queen mother. They will definitely do something in the dark and in the dark. For the safety of Ye Qingyi, you must be careful. Ye Qingyi is in any danger.

If Ye Qingyi had any further accidents, he would n’t know what to do. Now it ’s just something on the Queen Mother ’s side, but I believe all of them are true, but what ’s the matter in the middle, I still don't know, I have to figure out these things, otherwise, I will do nothing for nothing.

Moreover, there are more things waiting to be done by myself. I have to go to the jail to see how Ye Qingyi is doing. I am most worried about the safety of Ye Qingyi. If Ye Qingyi is fine, If you can find other things with peace of mind, if there is something wrong with Ye Qingyi, you can think of a way now. Otherwise, if something really happens, then something bigger will happen. Okay.

Looking at the sky outside, when Huang Fuyi was preparing to leave, he noticed that someone behind him followed someone. Although he was very light, Huang Fuyi felt it. If it was not for Huang Fuyi's good work, I am afraid Without realizing it, this person's Kung Fu is not light, after all, it is Ye Qingyi's men. If there is no little Kung Fu on the body, it is dangerous.

Huang Fuyi noticed the carefulness of the people behind her, and she couldn't help but want to laugh. It seems that the people behind should be a little afraid of herself, but the mask on her face may really scare others. After all, this mask is the original one. I asked someone to do it, and I did it intentionally to scare others. I did not expect that today's Ye Qingyi was scared. It seems that I have to change it.

Turning around, the people behind him didn't move, Huang Fuyi couldn't help but smile at himself. It seems that when he comes, he can consider taking off the mask and come back again. Well, after all, Ye Qingyi is the one who doesn't want to scare her.

But now it looks a bit subtle. If that person doesn't come out again, he will have to leave. Seeing that person has been looking at himself in the dark all the time. He can't help seeing the person there. I was a little surprised, but I didn't expect that this man would hide even if he couldn't find it. It was really rare.

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