Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 598: Ye Qingyi persuaded Huang Fuyi

"What do you want to do in light clothes? I firmly don't allow you to be so nonsense, and I can't agree to this matter."

Huang Fuyi said with a look of difficulty, leading soldiers is definitely not something a girl can do.

Ye Qingyi watched Huang Fuyi firmly. He didn't expect his movement so fast. She hadn't said anything yet. He had already come.

His news was quite fast. I didn't know who told him. She lowered her head for a little thought, and she knew who it was, but she didn't say it.

"Huang Fuyi, I thought you would come to me tomorrow, but didn't expect it to move so quickly. What do you want to say? Just be direct!"

Ye Qingyi doesn't need to guess, what does Huang Fuyi say to himself? But she couldn't help but want to know, what excuse would he use to convince himself?

Huang Fuyi looked at the smile on Ye Qingyi's face, and she disagreed. Since she knew that she would come, why should she do it?

"Light clothes, do you know that I will come to you? Then you should know what I think! In any matter. I can look back on you without any principles, but in this matter, I firmly oppose . "

Huang Fuyi's attitude is very resolute. He would never agree, and let Ye Qingyi do such a dangerous thing.

"Want to hear my opinion, and it's not too late to talk to me about this."

Ye Qingyi said lightly, she felt that she was fully qualified, and there was no problem at all!

But after seeing Huang Fuyi's excitement, she faintly smiled at the corners of her lips. She is not a woman raised in a deep boudoir. She is not so weak, so she doesn't need to worry about her so much.

"Huang Fuyi, I'm different from ordinary deep-daughter girls. I hope you can understand me. Ye Qingyi doesn't need anyone's protection, and I'm not a woman hiding in a boudoir needs a man to protect. If I were like that Woman, you ca n’t treat me differently. So this time, I hope you do n’t stop me. ”

Ye Qingyi said seriously, she knew what she was doing.

Huang Fuyi looked at Ye Qingyi's heart. If he wanted to be comforted, he came to his mouth and swallowed it, but he still disapproved.

Where he is, she doesn't need to be so strong. As long as she is willing, he will always be behind him.

"Light clothes, you are a girl. I don't want you to suffer. That's not where girls should stay. You can't stand it."

Huang Fuyi said with a frown and couldn't help but said that he was really worried about her and could not bear the pain of running around. Even if she could tolerate it, it would be impossible to stay, and the most important thing was her identity Women were not allowed in the army, how could she go.

This was what he was most worried about, and he really didn't want her to suffer.

Ye Qingyi insisted with a look on her face. She could understand the anxiety and anxiety in Huang Fuyi's eyes and knew what to do.

"I don't need anyone's protection. I'm not as weak as you think. Don't worry, you know me instead. Once I make a decision. No one can change."

Ye Qingyi's face was firm, and she would definitely go this time.

"Light clothes, I know you're great, but I don't want you to be caught in such a thing, you don't need to do it."

Huang Fuyi looked at Ye Qingyi. Speak out your concerns.

"Huang Fuyi, I have made this decision. No matter what you say, I can't change my decision."

Huang Fuyi was really annoyed by Ye Qingyi at this moment, no matter what he said.

Qingyi never changes his mind. Is he really angry and helpless?

"Light clothes, I can indulge you in everything, but in this matter, I don't agree with it at all! I don't care whether you agree or disagree. I said something that is not allowed, then absolutely not. "

Huang Fuyi was completely angry now. If Qingyi persists so much, he doesn't know if he can bear it, so he can't clean up Ye Qingyi.

Her behavior really made him so angry. How can I persuade me not to listen? Is it really necessary to be angry?

Ye Qingyi was also completely angry at the moment. She said so much, she dared not to hear the words of others, it was really annoying to her.

"Huang Fuyi, don't go too far, I have already said so much, and you are still so stunned, I tell you, as long as it is what Ye Qingyi wants to do, nothing can be done. "

Ye Qingyi didn't want to talk to Huang Fuyi well anyway, no matter how she emphasized that she couldn't be in Huang Fuyi's eyes. Since he had already defined himself in his heart, why did she say it?

"You are simply unreasonable. If there is no excuse for persuading me, I will never agree."

Whatever she could be, no matter how powerful she was, he couldn't really take care of her on the battlefield.

Ye Qingyi raised an eyebrow and smiled attentively, she was waiting for the words of Huang Fuyi.

"Huang Fuyi, a gentleman is like a thousand dollars, and what he said has to be counted, and he must not regret it."

"I will never regret it. As long as you can find a reason to convince me, I will promise you, otherwise I will not agree."

Huang Fuyi was somewhat dizzy by Ye Qingyi, and did not feel the fault in it.

Ye Qingyi thought about it, and it was really the easiest thing to persuade Huang Fuyi.

After looking down for a moment, she said seriously, "There are many people around me, although they may not be of much use, but I think it should still be useful, not to mention one enemy, one hundred or seventy people. It ’s okay! Their martial arts are not weak, and they will not affect you. When necessary, they can also play a lot of roles. Does His Royal Highness think I can do this? "

After Huang Fuyi heard Ye Qingyi's words, he couldn't help but pull straight. Why did he forget?

Which of these people around Qingyi can be underestimated? And they are all very simple. Saying this makes me hard to say anything that can be refuted.

"As long as we don't add chaos on the battlefield, I have no other opinion."

Huang Fuyi reluctantly left such a sentence, and said nothing in anger.

Ye Qingyi nodded earnestly. She made up her mind and said so. Huang Fuyi would definitely promise himself.

Sure enough, her method is quite good. The people around her are not dry rice, not only very capable, but most importantly, these people are trustworthy. There is no problem. She believes in Huang Fuyi. This has also been considered.

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