Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 608: plan

At the outermost edge of the barracks, two slender figures were stretched by the sun, taking steps one by one, and the steps of steady construction were orderly.

Perhaps it was dusk, and I saw a dense crowd of spots flying in the distance, too far to see what it was.

The clumps in the sky are crowded into a ball, flying from one side to the other, and from the other side, like a circus in the air, performing their favorite shows with great interest.

The two figures embraced together and stopped at the periphery of the barracks. They were dressed in gray linen and wearing a simple rough texture on the body. They were Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi after disguise.

Ye Qingyi was sitting above a pile of loess, with his head resting on Huang Fuyi's shoulders. The two snuggled, staring purely at the sky, the beautiful sunset with a stunning time.

In this state, they have forgotten when they were so close together last time. Ye Qingyi secretly felt guilty, and his own self-blame and guilt some time ago had actually scratched Huang Fuyi.

"The sky is already dark." Ye Qingyi turned his head, his eyes firm, a pair of clear black and white eyes, as if able to speak.

"We still have to do something." Ye Qingyi's mouth squeezed a smile and continued to add.

Huang Fuyi raised a corner of her mouth and smiled, and reached out to hold Ye Qingyi in her arms tighter, calmly. "Everything is up to the wife, and the villain is afraid to give pointers."

If someone said this, it would be a statement of fact, but from Huang Fuyi's mouth, she was joking about Ye Qingyi.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyi leaned his body backwards, and the two were more tightly attached, angrily. "You're ridiculing me again."

Ye Qingyi was shocked in his head. As if thinking of something important, he got up and walked into the depths of the barracks. There was something to explain at this moment, and Huang Fuyi behind him followed.

There was a noise at the center of the barracks.

"Miss, everything is ready to go, it's all on the instructions of the lady." A man in a black night clothes, don't write a short knife around his waist, giving a dangerous, inaccessible atmosphere, cold and without a trace of emotion The voice sounded.

Behind the man, there were five or six men in the same clothes, except that a dagger emerged from their waist, and a small, humble gourd holding a large palm.

"Remember, everything went according to plan. The success or failure of this war in our country will be in your hands from now on. Remember, this operation should not allow any glitches." Ye Qingyi stood in the cold armor on the table. Before, holding a bowl of scented Tibetan wine with his fingers, he raised his head over his head, and raised his chest to cheer for them.

"You are the best of our country, and a master of one hundred miles. I hope that you will return home tomorrow. I think we will be home soon when we leave home." Huang Fuyi stood beside Ye Qingyi, a tent. At the midpoint, a strong voice spit out of his mouth, arousing the high waves in the hearts of the strong men.

"Drink!" Huang Fuyi's sharp and sharp eyes swept across the crowd, and he sang loudly in the crowd.

There was a shout of reprimand inside the tent, followed by the crisp sound of smashing porcelain bowls one after another.

"Subordinates wait, retreat, Your Highness Takes Care!" The black clothes headed by the second son of "Take Care" stretched the accent, seeming a bit reluctant, but rushed to the battlefield with their determination to die, belonging to their battlefield tonight.

Several black figures quickly disappeared in Ye Qingyi's eyes, and inside this quiet and unusual tent.

"Finally, they are going to leave." Ye Qingyi fell down and sat on the ground, her voice revealing her weakness, and her strong support, there was a faint relief, but some of them could not let go of them.

Everything about Ye Qingyi was captured by Huang Fuyi. They got along with each other day and night, seeing her like this. His heart was as if he was being torn by something unknown, and the pain was unbearable.

Huang Fuyi's angular face, thin lips raised slightly, pretending to be relaxed. "What are you thinking, how so amazing?"

Ye Qingyi lifted her eyes, and her eyes were on Huang Fuyi's tender black and white eyes. She lifted the corner of her mouth to reveal a nice smile, and then swiped without letting anyone catch it. "You said, will they succeed? I'm vaguely worried."

Huang Fuyi heard that, with his big fist clenched, a thick forefinger was drawn, the bones were clear, and the fair skin was like curd, which was a little better than a woman's hand.

He glanced at Ye Qingyi, raised his prepared finger, and gently tapped her head. "Fool, what are you talking about?"

Yeah, Ye Qingyi froze for a second, immediately pulled away from the confused thoughts, and frowned and said worried. "If they fail, we should ..."

She hadn't finished speaking, but felt that her lips were blocked by a white finger, so she couldn't let her continue, Ye Qingyi raised her eyes aggressively, and saw Huang Fuyi holding her tightly and making a snoring noise. Actions.

He didn't want me to say it? Like him, was he secretly worried?

Ye Qingyi asked in his heart, wondering about Huang Fuyi's move, but curious. He counseled Huang Fuyi's shoulders, pretending to be a gesture of indifference, and did not express the doubt in his heart.

"I believe they will come back!" Huang Fuyi picked up Ye Qingyi in her arms and walked directly towards the gate of the barracks.

In the dark sky, through a high pile of flames, illuminated the way forward for them, and walked to the entrance of the barracks, Huang Fuyi immediately put her down and showed her a nice and satisfied smile. , Reached Ye Qingyi's ear, said softly. "Nice to have you."

"Today, we are here, waiting for them to return safely and smoothly." Huang Fuyi held her hand tighter and raised the corner of his mouth, hesitated, and raised the loudness of his voice. He wanted to give Ye Qingyi more A sense of security, a sense of stability.

However, right now he knows he can't answer it, but he can give him a little peace of mind and he will certainly do it.

Understanding Huang Fuyi's mind, Ye Qingyi turned his head, looked at Huang Fuyi in front of him, and opened his brows to stretch out. The two looked at each other and smiled, but indifferently, she leaned slowly and slowly against Huang Fuyi's. On the shoulder.

Time passed in the dark, and black shadows passed in the distance. They ran fast horses towards this side, Ye Qingyi jumped up excitedly. The crowd of fast horses was exactly what they sent to execute Missionary.

Ye Qingyi glanced up at the sky, only to see the moon at this time, and illuminated the way for them.

"It's been two days, everyone is safe and sound," Ye Qingyi thought of something, adding immediately. "Everyone go back to rest!"

The elite sent to see this, all kneeled in front of Huang Fuyi and Ye Qingyi with a smile, returned to the tent after a big gift.

The next day's spy with joy, rushed into Huang Fuyi's presence, and brought the news of the enemy's collapsed image. Ye Qingyi roared in his heart, saying only a "good" word!

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