Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 625: Revive the army

Huang Fuyi's side finally rushed back to the camp. Huang Fuyi did not rush to heal the wound, but let them help his brothers heal first. His wound was bleeding and his armor was red.

"King Yi, heal yourself first, don't blame yourself ..." Sun Yi saw Huang Fuyi's look, knowing that Huang Fuyi must be upset. He knew that Huang Fuyi was thinking that not only did he use them, but he still could not bear it. Huang Fuyi was thinking that they had hurt themselves. Huang Fuyi was wondering why she was so impulsive.

"King Yi, don't blame yourself and hurry up to heal yourself!" All the brothers watched Huang Fuyi's wounds bleed all the time, and Huang Fuyi said to them, "Hurry up and rest, the next battle Arrived, it should be soon. "After speaking, Huang Fuyi turned and walked to the camp.

"Hey! I won't go out, can you tell me how the outcome of this battle is!" Ye Qingyi shouted in the camp, she tried to break out, but couldn't get out!

"Girl Ye, don't worry about it, King Yi has already returned, but they are defeated. They all seem to be injured."

"Hey! What does it sound like! Can't you go and see it? Really? You can let me out, I'll see it!"

"Girl Ye, it's not that we don't want to see it. His Royal Highness wants us to be there for you all the time, and if we let you out, His Royal Highness will be even more angry."

When Ye Qingyi heard these words, he cursed secretly, then frowned, worried about Huang Fuyi and the soldiers, but he couldn't get out again.

Huang Fuyi was sitting in a chair and removing his helmet in another camp, and the soldiers were all wounded outside, but only he had not yet healed him. Huang Fuyi was not in the mood to heal at all now. He took the map and sighed. The newly recovered site is now occupied by the enemy.

Huang Fuyi frowned, wanting to have the next victory, there must be an in-depth review of this defeat, Huang Fuyi was reviewing in his heart. This time he was negligent, unconcerned, and arrogant, which led to this defeat. Huang Fuyi rubbed his temples. At this moment, a person walked in with his rice in his hand.

"Sun Yi? Why are you here, don't you let you take a good rest?" Huang Fuyi frowned, her eyes worried.

Sun Yi watched the anxiety of His Royal Highness King Yi, who was always cold and cold, warmed up, and said with a smile, "I'm here to bring you food, and hurry up to heal the wound. Be careful and I will take the doctor Also pulled in. "

"Well, tell your brothers to eat more." Huang Fuyi picked up the map and carefully planned the next battle, only to notice that the blood on his hand was stained with the map.

"King Yi, if you fall at this time, the entire team will be distracted. If you are depressed at this time, the entire team will become unhappy, if you do n’t go to this time, do n’t know the people in the team Someone said nothing and told them that our team is still very strong. I think the whole team should become more morale. Now that we are defeated, the most important thing is how to say to our peers and work together. I think you still owe They talked one by one. "Sun Yi put the rice on the table and said to Huang Fuyi.

Huang Fuyi still held the map, but his hands clenched suddenly.

He didn't say anything, he just went out to heal himself. Sun Yi smiled, and it seemed that what he said worked. The wound was bandaged, and there was a mark of blood on the armor. This was the mark of his failure, and it would be the prelude to his next victory.

Huang Fuyi's heart began to be full of confidence again. He asked Sun Yi to tell the soldiers that he was fine. Don't worry. The battle must be won!

Huang Fuyi went to the camp where Ye Qingyi was located and said to a row of people outside, "Well, you should go to eat."

"Yes!" They didn't dare to ask more about the defeat, but it seemed that King Yi's appearance was still so confident that it should not be too much of a problem.

"Huang Fuyi! How is it!" Ye Qingyi rushed to Huang Fuyi's side and asked him how he was doing.

"It's okay, it's just that the place just taken back has been robbed again." Ye Qingyi heard this and frowned. But she didn't feel anything in her heart, after all, she believed that she and Huang Fuyi's ability would definitely be recaptured.

"It's okay! We can take it back again!" Ye Qingyi constantly encouraged herself and Huang Fuyi. She knew this

Huang Fuyi's defeat was uncomfortable, but she had this confidence. Huang Fuyi also said: "And Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia moved to rescue the soldiers. There should be thousands of people. There may be as many as 10,000 people. I don't know about this, but today they brought more than a thousand people. They should be in military camp There are many more people. "

Ye Qingyi screamed secretly in his heart. They moved in to rescue the soldiers, and it was even more difficult to win the battle altogether. Ye Qingyi sighed, but Huang Fuyi then said, "Not only did I bring in a rescuer, but I used them on the mountain and I failed."

"What ?!" Ye Qingyi frowned, his heart became more complicated. This defeat seemed not as simple as he thought. Not only did they move in to rescue the soldiers, but Huang Fuyi had already used the people on the mountain. It seems that the situation has worsened.

"But I think it's okay to win." Although Huang Fuyi's self-confidence was good, Ye Qingyi also had her concerns, but now these are useless. The most important thing now is to stabilize the army and discuss the strategy.

Huang Fuyi called in Sun Yi and asked him to notify the soldiers of each camp to come out. He had something to say, and Ye Qingyi was with him. He stood in front of the soldiers and said to them, "We are heroes who defend our country with blood, we cannot fall, for our homeland and lovers! Although we defeated this time, this is not the final result. We You can win it back! Because we have strength and we are united! "The fighters underneath were indeed very confident. Their previous fears were all dispelled, because their King Yi was very good, confident, and former King Yi.

"All you have to do now is to build up your energy and wait for the next war and victory!" After that, he asked the soldiers to go to rest quickly. He and Ye Qingyi went to the camp to discuss the next plan. What to do next and how they will attack Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia, Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi who have moved to rescue the soldiers are not afraid, because they know that their hope and strength are great. And their soldiers are also very confident. They are united. From this defeat, we can see that everyone has not been defeated. They can see the dawn of hope.

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